 * The runtime module exposes information specific to the D runtime code.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Sean Kelly.  All rights reserved.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Author:    Sean Kelly
module tango.core.Runtime;

debug(TangoRuntime) private extern(C) int printf(char*,...);

    alias bool function() ModuleUnitTester;
    alias bool function(Object) CollectHandler;
    alias Exception.TraceInfo function( void* ptr = null ) TraceHandler;

    extern (C) void rt_setCollectHandler( CollectHandler h );
    extern (C) void rt_setTraceHandler( TraceHandler h );

    alias void delegate( Exception ) ExceptionHandler;
    extern (C) bool rt_init( ExceptionHandler dg = null );
    extern (C) bool rt_term( ExceptionHandler dg = null );

    extern(C) void consoleInteger (ulong i);
    extern(C) void consoleString  (in char[] str);

// Runtime

 * This struct encapsulates all functionality related to the underlying runtime
 * module for the calling context.
struct Runtime
    struct Console
        alias stderr opCall;

        Console stderr (in char[] s)
            consoleString (s);
            return this;

        Console stderr (ulong i)
            consoleInteger (i);
            return this;

    @property static Console console()
        Console c;
        return c;

     * Initializes the runtime.  This call is to be used in instances where the
     * standard program initialization process is not executed.  This is most
     * often in shared libraries or in libraries linked to a C program.
     * Params:
     *  dg = A delegate which will receive any exception thrown during the
     *       initialization process or null if such exceptions should be
     *       discarded.
     * Returns:
     *  true if initialization succeeds and false if initialization fails.
    static bool initialize( void delegate( Exception ) dg = null )
        return rt_init( dg );

     * Terminates the runtime.  This call is to be used in instances where the
     * standard program termination process will not be not executed.  This is
     * most often in shared libraries or in libraries linked to a C program.
     * Params:
     *  dg = A delegate which will receive any exception thrown during the
     *       termination process or null if such exceptions should be
     *       discarded.
     * Returns:
     *  true if termination succeeds and false if termination fails.
    static bool terminate( void delegate( Exception ) dg = null )
        return rt_term( dg );

     * Overrides the default trace mechanism with s user-supplied version.  A
     * trace represents the context from which an exception was thrown, and the
     * trace handler will be called when this occurs.  The pointer supplied to
     * this routine indicates the base address from which tracing should occur.
     * If the supplied pointer is null then the trace routine should determine
     * an appropriate calling context from which to begin the trace.
     * Params:
     *  h = The new trace handler.  Set to null to use the default handler.
    @property static void traceHandler( TraceHandler h )
        rt_setTraceHandler( h );

     * Overrides the default collect hander with a user-supplied version.  This
     * routine will be called for each resource object that is finalized in a
     * non-deterministic manner--typically during a garbage collection cycle.
     * If the supplied routine returns true then the object's dtor will called
     * as normal, but if the routine returns false than the dtor will not be
     * called.  The default behavior is for all object dtors to be called.
     * Params:
     *  h = The new collect handler.  Set to null to use the default handler.
    @property static void collectHandler( CollectHandler h )
        rt_setCollectHandler( h );

     * Overrides the default module unit tester with a user-supplied version.
     * This routine will be called once on program initialization.  The return
     * value of this routine indicates to the runtime whether the body of the
     * program will be executed.
     * Params:
     *  h = The new unit tester.  Set to null to use the default unit tester.
    @property static void moduleUnitTester( ModuleUnitTester h )
        sm_moduleUnitTester = h;

    static ModuleUnitTester sm_moduleUnitTester = null;

// Overridable Callbacks

 * This routine is called by the runtime to run module unit tests on startup.
 * The user-supplied unit tester will be called if one has been supplied,
 * otherwise all unit tests will be run in sequence.
 * Returns:
 *  true if execution should continue after testing is complete and false if
 *  not.  Default behavior is to return true.
extern (C) bool runModuleUnitTests()
    if( Runtime.sm_moduleUnitTester is null )
        debug(TangoRuntime) printf("unittest start\n");
        foreach( m; ModuleInfo )
            if( m.unitTest ) {
                const(char)[] name=m.name~"\n\0";
                debug(TangoRuntime) printf(name.ptr);
        debug(TangoRuntime) printf("unittest end\n");
        return true;
    return Runtime.sm_moduleUnitTester();