 * The traits module defines tools useful for obtaining detailed compile-time
 * information about a type.  Please note that the mixed naming scheme used in
 * this module is intentional.  Templates which evaluate to a type follow the
 * naming convention used for types, and templates which evaluate to a value
 * follow the naming convention used for functions.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Sean Kelly.  All rights reserved.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly, Fawzi Mohamed, Abscissa
module tango.core.Traits;

 * Strips the qualifiers from a type

template BaseTypeOf( T )
    static if (is(T S : shared(S)))
        alias S BaseTypeOf;
    else static if (is(T S : shared(const(S))))
        alias S BaseTypeOf;
    else static if (is(T S : const(S)))
        alias S BaseTypeOf;
        alias T BaseTypeOf;

 * Computes the effective type that inout would have if you have it two parameters of difference constness

template InoutTypeOf(T, M)
    static assert(is(BaseTypeOf!(T) == BaseTypeOf!(M)));
    static if (is(immutable(BaseTypeOf!(T)) == T) && is(immutable(BaseTypeOf!(T)) == M))
        alias immutable(BaseTypeOf!(T)) InoutTypeOf;
    else static if ((is(BaseTypeOf!(T) == T) && is(BaseTypeOf!(T) == M)))
        alias BaseTypeOf!(T) InoutTypeOf;
        alias const(BaseTypeOf!(T)) InoutTypeOf;

 * Evaluates to true if T is char[], wchar[], or dchar[].
template isStringType( T )
    const bool isStringType = is( T : const(char)[] )  ||
                              is( T : const(wchar)[] ) ||
                              is( T : const(dchar)[] );

 * Evaluates to true if T is char, wchar, or dchar.
template isCharType( T )
    const bool isCharType = is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == char )  ||
                            is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == wchar ) ||
                            is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == dchar );

 * Evaluates to true if T is a signed integer type.
template isSignedIntegerType( T )
    const bool isSignedIntegerType = is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == byte )  ||
                                     is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == short ) ||
                                     is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == int )   ||
                                     is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == long )/+||
                                     is( T == cent  )+/;

 * Evaluates to true if T is an unsigned integer type.
template isUnsignedIntegerType( T )
    const bool isUnsignedIntegerType = is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == ubyte )  ||
                                       is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == ushort ) ||
                                       is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == uint )   ||
                                       is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == ulong )/+||
                                       is( T == ucent  )+/;

 * Evaluates to true if T is a signed or unsigned integer type.
template isIntegerType( T )
    const bool isIntegerType = isSignedIntegerType!(T) ||

 * Evaluates to true if T is a real floating-point type.
template isRealType( T )
    const bool isRealType = is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == float )  ||
                            is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == double ) ||
                            is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == real );

 * Evaluates to true if T is a complex floating-point type.
template isComplexType( T )
    const bool isComplexType = is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == cfloat )  ||
                               is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == cdouble ) ||
                               is( BaseTypeOf!(T) == creal );

 * Evaluates to true if T is an imaginary floating-point type.
template isImaginaryType( T )
    const bool isImaginaryType = is( T == ifloat )  ||
                                 is( T == idouble ) ||
                                 is( T == ireal );

 * Evaluates to true if T is any floating-point type: real, complex, or
 * imaginary.
template isFloatingPointType( T )
    const bool isFloatingPointType = isRealType!(T)    ||
                                     isComplexType!(T) ||

/// true if T is an atomic type
template isAtomicType(T)
    static if( is( T == bool )
            || is( T == char )
            || is( T == wchar )
            || is( T == dchar )
            || is( T == byte )
            || is( T == short )
            || is( T == int )
            || is( T == long )
            || is( T == ubyte )
            || is( T == ushort )
            || is( T == uint )
            || is( T == ulong )
            || is( T == float )
            || is( T == double )
            || is( T == real )
            || is( T == ifloat )
            || is( T == idouble )
            || is( T == ireal ) )
        const isAtomicType = true;
        const isAtomicType = false;

 * complex type for the given type
template ComplexTypeOf(T){
    static if(is(T==float)||is(T==ifloat)||is(T==cfloat)){
        alias cfloat ComplexTypeOf;
    } else static if(is(T==double)|| is(T==idouble)|| is(T==cdouble)){
        alias cdouble ComplexTypeOf;
    } else static if(is(T==real)|| is(T==ireal)|| is(T==creal)){
        alias creal ComplexTypeOf;
    } else static assert(0,"unsupported type in ComplexTypeOf "~T.stringof);

 * real type for the given type
template RealTypeOf(T){
    static if(is(T==float)|| is(T==ifloat)|| is(T==cfloat)){
        alias float RealTypeOf;
    } else static if(is(T==double)|| is(T==idouble)|| is(T==cdouble)){
        alias double RealTypeOf;
    } else static if(is(T==real)|| is(T==ireal)|| is(T==creal)){
        alias real RealTypeOf;
    } else static assert(0,"unsupported type in RealTypeOf "~T.stringof);

 * imaginary type for the given type
template ImaginaryTypeOf(T){
    static if(is(T==float)|| is(T==ifloat)|| is(T==cfloat)){
        alias ifloat ImaginaryTypeOf;
    } else static if(is(T==double)|| is(T==idouble)|| is(T==cdouble)){
        alias idouble ImaginaryTypeOf;
    } else static if(is(T==real)|| is(T==ireal)|| is(T==creal)){
        alias ireal ImaginaryTypeOf;
    } else static assert(0,"unsupported type in ImaginaryTypeOf "~T.stringof);

/// type with maximum precision
template MaxPrecTypeOf(T){
    static if (isComplexType!(T)){
        alias creal MaxPrecTypeOf;
    } else static if (isImaginaryType!(T)){
        alias ireal MaxPrecTypeOf;
    } else {
        alias real MaxPrecTypeOf;

 * Evaluates to true if T is a pointer type.
template isPointerType(T)
        const isPointerType = false;

template isPointerType(T : T*)
        const isPointerType = true;

debug( UnitTest )
        static assert( is(BaseTypeOf!(const(int))==int) );
        static assert( is(BaseTypeOf!(immutable(int))==int) );
        static assert( is(BaseTypeOf!(shared(int))==int) );
        static assert( is(BaseTypeOf!(inout(int))==int) );
        static assert( isPointerType!(void*) );
        static assert( !isPointerType!(char[]) );
        static assert( isPointerType!(char[]*) );
        static assert( !isPointerType!(char*[]) );
        static assert( isPointerType!(real*) );
        static assert( !isPointerType!(uint) );
        static assert( is(MaxPrecTypeOf!(float)==real));
        static assert( is(MaxPrecTypeOf!(cfloat)==creal));
        static assert( is(MaxPrecTypeOf!(ifloat)==ireal));

        class Ham
            void* a;

        static assert( !isPointerType!(Ham) );

        union Eggs
            void* a;
            uint  b;

        static assert( !isPointerType!(Eggs) );
        static assert( isPointerType!(Eggs*) );

        struct Bacon {}

        static assert( !isPointerType!(Bacon) );


 * Evaluates to true if T is a a pointer, class, interface, or delegate.
template isReferenceType( T )

    const bool isReferenceType = isPointerType!(T)  ||
                               is( T == class )     ||
                               is( T == interface ) ||
                               is( T == delegate );

 * Evaulates to true if T is a dynamic array type.
template isDynamicArrayType( T )
    const bool isDynamicArrayType = is( typeof(T.init[0])[] == T );

 * Evaluates to true if T is a static array type.
template isStaticArrayType( T : T[U], size_t U )
    const bool isStaticArrayType = true;

template isStaticArrayType( T )
    const bool isStaticArrayType = false;

/// true for array types
template isArrayType(T)
    static if (is( T U : U[] ))
        const bool isArrayType=true;
        const bool isArrayType=false;

debug( UnitTest )
        static assert( isStaticArrayType!(char[5][2]) );
        static assert( !isDynamicArrayType!(char[5][2]) );
        static assert( isArrayType!(char[5][2]) );

        static assert( isStaticArrayType!(char[15]) );
        static assert( !isStaticArrayType!(char[]) );

        static assert( isDynamicArrayType!(char[]) );
        static assert( !isDynamicArrayType!(char[15]) );

        static assert( isArrayType!(char[15]) );
        static assert( isArrayType!(char[]) );
        static assert( !isArrayType!(char) );

 * Evaluates to true if T is an associative array type.
template isAssocArrayType( T )
    const bool isAssocArrayType = is( typeof(T.init.values[0])[typeof(T.init.keys[0])] == T );

 * Evaluates to true if T is a function, function pointer, delegate, or
 * callable object.
template isCallableType( T )
    const bool isCallableType = is( T == function )             ||
                                is( typeof(*T) == function )    ||
                                is( T == delegate )             ||
                                is( typeof(T.opCall) == function );

 * Evaluates to the return type of Fn.  Fn is required to be a callable type.
template ReturnTypeOf( Fn )
    static if( is( Fn Ret == return ) )
        alias Ret ReturnTypeOf;
        static assert( false, "Argument has no return type." );

 * Returns the type that a T would evaluate to in an expression.
 * Expr is not required to be a callable type
template ExprTypeOf( Expr )
    static if(isCallableType!( Expr ))
        alias ReturnTypeOf!( Expr ) ExprTypeOf;
        alias Expr ExprTypeOf;

 * Evaluates to the return type of fn.  fn is required to be callable.
template ReturnTypeOf( alias fn )
//    static if( is( typeof(fn) Base == typedef ) )
//        alias ReturnTypeOf!(Base) ReturnTypeOf;
//    else
        alias ReturnTypeOf!(typeof(fn)) ReturnTypeOf;

 * Evaluates to a tuple representing the parameters of Fn.  Fn is required to
 * be a callable type.
template ParameterTupleOf( Fn )
    static if( is( Fn Params == function ) )
        alias Params ParameterTupleOf;
    else static if( is( Fn Params == delegate ) )
        alias ParameterTupleOf!(Params) ParameterTupleOf;
    else static if( is( Fn Params == Params* ) )
        alias ParameterTupleOf!(Params) ParameterTupleOf;
        static assert( false, "Argument has no parameters." );

 * Evaluates to a tuple representing the parameters of fn.  n is required to
 * be callable.
template ParameterTupleOf( alias fn )
//    static if( is( typeof(fn) Base == typedef ) )
//        alias ParameterTupleOf!(Base) ParameterTupleOf;
//    else
        alias ParameterTupleOf!(typeof(fn)) ParameterTupleOf;

 * Evaluates to a tuple representing the ancestors of T.  T is required to be
 * a class or interface type.
template BaseTypeTupleOf( T )
    static if( is( T Base == super ) )
        alias Base BaseTypeTupleOf;
        static assert( false, "Argument is not a class or interface." );

 * Strips the []'s off of a type.
template BaseTypeOfArrays(T)
    static if( is( T S : S[]) ) {
        alias BaseTypeOfArrays!(S)  BaseTypeOfArrays;
    else {
        alias T BaseTypeOfArrays;

 * strips one [] off a type
template ElementTypeOfArray(T:T[])
    alias T ElementTypeOfArray;

 * Count the []'s on an array type
template rankOfArray(T) {
    static if(is(T S : S[])) {
        const uint rankOfArray = 1 + rankOfArray!(S);
    } else {
        const uint rankOfArray = 0;

/// type of the keys of an AA
template KeyTypeOfAA(T){
    alias typeof(T.init.keys[0]) KeyTypeOfAA;

/// type of the values of an AA
template ValTypeOfAA(T){
    alias typeof(T.init.values[0]) ValTypeOfAA;

/// returns the size of a static array
template staticArraySize(T)
    static assert(isStaticArrayType!(T),"staticArraySize needs a static array as type");
    static assert(rankOfArray!(T)==1,"implemented only for 1d arrays...");
    const size_t staticArraySize=(T).sizeof / typeof(*T.ptr).sizeof;

/// is T is static array returns a dynamic array, otherwise returns T
template DynamicArrayType(T)
    static if( isStaticArrayType!(T) )
        alias typeof(T.dup) DynamicArrayType;
        alias T DynamicArrayType;

debug( UnitTest )
    static assert( is(BaseTypeOfArrays!(real[][])==real) );
    static assert( is(BaseTypeOfArrays!(real[2][3])==real) );
    static assert( is(ElementTypeOfArray!(real[])==real) );
    static assert( is(ElementTypeOfArray!(real[][])==real[]) );
    static assert( is(ElementTypeOfArray!(real[2][])==real[2]) );
    static assert( is(ElementTypeOfArray!(real[2][2])==real[2]) );
    static assert( rankOfArray!(real[][])==2 );
    static assert( rankOfArray!(real[2][])==2 );
    static assert( is(ValTypeOfAA!(char[int])==char));
    static assert( is(KeyTypeOfAA!(char[int])==int));
    static assert( is(ValTypeOfAA!(char[][int])==char[]));
    static assert( is(KeyTypeOfAA!(char[][int[]])==const(int)[]));
    static assert( isAssocArrayType!(char[][int[]]));
    static assert( !isAssocArrayType!(char[]));
    static assert( is(DynamicArrayType!(char[2])==DynamicArrayType!(char[])));
    static assert( is(DynamicArrayType!(char[2])==char[]));
    static assert( staticArraySize!(char[2])==2);

// ------- CTFE -------

/// compile time integer to string
char [] ctfe_i2a(int i){
    char[] digit="0123456789".dup;
    char[] res="".dup;
    if (i==0){
        return "0".dup;
    bool neg=false;
    if (i<0){
    while (i>0) {
    if (neg)
        return '-'~res;
        return res;
/// ditto
char [] ctfe_i2a(long i){
    char[] digit="0123456789".dup;
    char[] res="".dup;
    if (i==0){
        return "0".dup;
    bool neg=false;
    if (i<0){
    while (i>0) {
    if (neg)
        return '-'~res;
        return res;
/// ditto
char [] ctfe_i2a(uint i){
    const(char)[] digit="0123456789";
    char[] res;
    if (i==0){
        return "0".dup;
    bool neg=false;
    while (i>0) {
    return res;
/// ditto
char [] ctfe_i2a(ulong i){
    const(char)[] digit="0123456789";
    char[] res;
    if (i==0){
        return "0".dup;
    bool neg=false;
    while (i>0) {
    return res;

debug( UnitTest )
    unittest {
    static assert( ctfe_i2a(31)=="31" );
    static assert( ctfe_i2a(-31)=="-31" );
    static assert( ctfe_i2a(14u)=="14" );
    static assert( ctfe_i2a(14L)=="14" );
    static assert( ctfe_i2a(14UL)=="14" );