 * Elementary Mathematical Functions
 * Copyright: Portions Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Digital Mars.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE), Digital Mars.
 * Authors:   Walter Bright, Don Clugston, Sean Kelly
/* Portions of this code were taken from Phobos std.math, which has the following
 * copyright notice:
 * Author:
 *  Walter Bright
 * Copyright:
 *  Copyright (c) 2001-2005 by Digital Mars,
 *  All Rights Reserved,
 *  www.digitalmars.com
 * License:
 *  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 *  warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
 *  arising from the use of this software.
 *  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 *  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 *  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 *  <ul>
 *  <li> The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 *       claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
 *       in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
 *       appreciated but is not required.
 *  </li>
 *  <li> Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
 *       be misrepresented as being the original software.
 *  </li>
 *  <li> This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
 *       distribution.
 *  </li>
 *  </ul>

 * Macros:
 *  NAN = $(RED NAN)
 *  TEXTNAN = $(RED NAN:$1 )
 *  SUP = <span style="vertical-align:super;font-size:smaller">$0</span>
 *  GAMMA =  &#915;
 *  INTEGRAL = &#8747;
 *  INTEGRATE = $(BIG &#8747;<sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub><sup>$2</sup>)
 *  POWER = $1<sup>$2</sup>
 *  BIGSUM = $(BIG &Sigma; <sup>$2</sup><sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub>)
 *  CHOOSE = $(BIG &#40;) <sup>$(SMALL $1)</sup><sub>$(SMALL $2)</sub> $(BIG &#41;)
 *  PLUSMN = &plusmn;
 *  INFIN = &infin;
 *  PLUSMNINF = &plusmn;&infin;
 *  PI = &pi;
 *  LT = &lt;
 *  GT = &gt;
 *  SQRT = &radix;
 *  HALF = &frac12;
 *  TABLE_SV = <table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
 *      <caption>Special Values</caption>
 *      $0</table>
 *  SVH = $(TR $(TH $1) $(TH $2))
 *  SV  = $(TR $(TD $1) $(TD $2))
 *  TABLE_DOMRG = <table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>$0</table>
 *  DOMAIN = $(TR $(TD Domain) $(TD $0))
 *  RANGE  = $(TR $(TD Range) $(TD $0))

module tango.math.Math;

static import tango.stdc.math;
private import tango.math.IEEE;

    // GDC is a filthy liar. It can't actually do inline asm.
} else version(TangoNoAsm) {

} else version(D_InlineAsm_X86) {
    version = Naked_D_InlineAsm_X86;
    import ldc.intrinsics;

 * Constants

enum real E =          2.7182818284590452354L;  /** e */ // 3.32193 fldl2t 0x1.5BF0A8B1_45769535_5FF5p+1L
enum real LOG2T =      0x1.a934f0979a3715fcp+1; /** $(SUB log, 2)10 */ // 1.4427 fldl2e
enum real LOG2E =      0x1.71547652b82fe178p+0; /** $(SUB log, 2)e */ // 0.30103 fldlg2
enum real LOG2 =       0x1.34413509f79fef32p-2; /** $(SUB log, 10)2 */
enum real LOG10E =     0.43429448190325182765;  /** $(SUB log, 10)e */
enum real LN2 =        0x1.62e42fefa39ef358p-1; /** ln 2 */  // 0.693147 fldln2
enum real LN10 =       2.30258509299404568402;  /** ln 10 */
enum real PI =         0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+1; /** $(_PI) */ // 3.14159 fldpi
enum real PI_2 =       1.57079632679489661923;  /** $(PI) / 2 */
enum real PI_4 =       0.78539816339744830962;  /** $(PI) / 4 */
enum real M_1_PI =     0.31830988618379067154;  /** 1 / $(PI) */
enum real M_2_PI =     0.63661977236758134308;  /** 2 / $(PI) */
enum real M_2_SQRTPI = 1.12837916709551257390;  /** 2 / $(SQRT)$(PI) */
enum real SQRT2 =      1.41421356237309504880;  /** $(SQRT)2 */
enum real SQRT1_2 =    0.70710678118654752440;  /** $(SQRT)$(HALF) */

//enum real SQRTPI  = 1.77245385090551602729816748334114518279754945612238L; /** &radic;&pi; */
//enum real SQRT2PI = 2.50662827463100050242E0L; /** &radic;(2 &pi;) */
//enum real SQRTE   = 1.64872127070012814684865078781416357L; /** &radic;(e) */

enum real MAXLOG = 0x1.62e42fefa39ef358p+13L;  /** log(real.max) */
enum real MINLOG = -0x1.6436716d5406e6d8p+13L; /** log(real.min*real.epsilon) */
enum real EULERGAMMA = 0.57721_56649_01532_86060_65120_90082_40243_10421_59335_93992L; /** Euler-Mascheroni enumant 0.57721566.. */

 * Primitives

 * Calculates the absolute value
 * For complex numbers, abs(z) = sqrt( $(POWER z.re, 2) + $(POWER z.im, 2) )
 * = hypot(z.re, z.im).
real abs(real x)
    return tango.math.IEEE.fabs(x);

/** ditto */
long abs(long x)
    return x>=0 ? x : -x;

/** ditto */
int abs(int x)
    return x>=0 ? x : -x;

/** ditto */
real abs(creal z)
    return hypot(z.re, z.im);

/** ditto */
real abs(ireal y)
    return tango.math.IEEE.fabs(y.im);

debug(UnitTest) {
    assert(abs(-real.infinity) == real.infinity);
    assert(abs(-3.2Li) == 3.2L);
    assert(abs(71.6Li) == 71.6L);
    assert(abs(-56) == 56);
    assert(abs(2321312L)  == 2321312L);
    assert(abs(-1.0L+1.0Li) == sqrt(2.0L));

 * Complex conjugate
 *  conj(x + iy) = x - iy
 * Note that z * conj(z) = $(POWER z.re, 2) + $(POWER z.im, 2)
 * is always a real number
creal conj(creal z)
    return z.re - z.im*1i;

/** ditto */
ireal conj(ireal y)
    return -y;

debug(UnitTest) {
    assert(conj(7 + 3i) == 7-3i);
    ireal z = -3.2Li;
    assert(conj(z) == -z);

private {
    // Return the type which would be returned by a max or min operation
template minmaxtype(T...){
    static if(T.length == 1) alias T[0] minmaxtype;
    else static if(T.length > 2)
        alias minmaxtype!(minmaxtype!(T[0..2]), T[2..$]) minmaxtype;
    else alias typeof (T[1].init > T[0].init ? T[1].init : T[0].init) minmaxtype;

/** Return the minimum of the supplied arguments.
 * Note: If the arguments are floating-point numbers, and at least one is a NaN,
 * the result is undefined.
minmaxtype!(T) min(T...)(T arg){
    static if(arg.length == 1) return arg[0];
    else static if(arg.length == 2) return arg[1] < arg[0] ? arg[1] : arg[0];
    static if(arg.length > 2) return min(arg[1] < arg[0] ? arg[1] : arg[0], arg[2..$]);

/** Return the maximum of the supplied arguments.
 * Note: If the arguments are floating-point numbers, and at least one is a NaN,
 * the result is undefined.
minmaxtype!(T) max(T...)(T arg){
    static if(arg.length == 1) return arg[0];
    else static if(arg.length == 2) return arg[1] > arg[0] ? arg[1] : arg[0];
    static if(arg.length > 2) return max(arg[1] > arg[0] ? arg[1] : arg[0], arg[2..$]);
debug(UnitTest) {
    assert(max('e', 'f')=='f');
    assert(min(3.5, 3.8)==3.5);
    // check implicit conversion to integer.
    assert(min(3.5, 18)==3.5);


/** Returns the minimum number of x and y, favouring numbers over NaNs.
 * If both x and y are numbers, the minimum is returned.
 * If both parameters are NaN, either will be returned.
 * If one parameter is a NaN and the other is a number, the number is
 * returned (this behaviour is mandated by IEEE 754R, and is useful
 * for determining the range of a function).
real minNum(real x, real y) {
    if (x<=y || isNaN(y)) return x; else return y;

/** Returns the maximum number of x and y, favouring numbers over NaNs.
 * If both x and y are numbers, the maximum is returned.
 * If both parameters are NaN, either will be returned.
 * If one parameter is a NaN and the other is a number, the number is
 * returned (this behaviour is mandated by IEEE 754-2008, and is useful
 * for determining the range of a function).
real maxNum(real x, real y) {
    if (x>=y || isNaN(y)) return x; else return y;

/** Returns the minimum of x and y, favouring NaNs over numbers
 * If both x and y are numbers, the minimum is returned.
 * If both parameters are NaN, either will be returned.
 * If one parameter is a NaN and the other is a number, the NaN is returned.
real minNaN(real x, real y) {
    return (x<=y || isNaN(x))? x : y;

/** Returns the maximum of x and y, favouring NaNs over numbers
 * If both x and y are numbers, the maximum is returned.
 * If both parameters are NaN, either will be returned.
 * If one parameter is a NaN and the other is a number, the NaN is returned.
real maxNaN(real x, real y) {
    return (x>=y || isNaN(x))? x : y;

debug(UnitTest) {
    assert(maxNum(NaN(0xABC), 56.1L)== 56.1L);
    assert(isIdentical(maxNaN(NaN(1389), 56.1L), NaN(1389)));
    assert(maxNum(28.0, NaN(0xABC))== 28.0);
    assert(minNum(1e12, NaN(0xABC))== 1e12);
    assert(isIdentical(minNaN(1e12, NaN(23454)), NaN(23454)));
    assert(isIdentical(minNum(NaN(489), NaN(23)), NaN(489)));

 * Trig Functions

 * Returns cosine of x. x is in radians.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH cos(x)) $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes)     )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes)     )
 *      )
 * Bugs:
 *      Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).

real cos(real x) /* intrinsic */
        return llvm_cos(x);
    else version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
            fld x;
        return tango.stdc.math.cosl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(cos(NaN(314)), NaN(314)));

 * Returns sine of x. x is in radians.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)               $(TH sin(x))      $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))          $(TD $(NAN))      $(TD yes))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)    $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMNINF))    $(TD $(NAN))      $(TD yes))
 *      )
 * Bugs:
 *      Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).
real sin(real x) /* intrinsic */
        return llvm_sin(x);
    else version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
            fld x;
        return tango.stdc.math.sinl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(sin(NaN(314)), NaN(314)));

version (GNU) {
    extern (C) real tanl(real);

 * Returns tangent of x. x is in radians.
 *	$(TR $(TH x)               $(TH tan(x))       $(TH invalid?))
 *	$(TR $(TD $(NAN))          $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
 *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)    $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
 *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN))     $(TD yes))
 *	)
real tan(real x)
    version (GNU) {
        return tanl(x);
    else version(LDC) {
        return tango.stdc.math.tanl(x);
    else {
        fld x[EBP]      ; // load theta
        fxam            ; // test for oddball values
        fstsw   AX      ;
        sahf            ;
        jc  trigerr     ; // x is NAN, infinity, or empty
                              // 387's can handle denormals
SC18:   fptan           ;
        fstp    ST(0)   ; // dump X, which is always 1
        fstsw   AX      ;
        sahf            ;
        jnp Lret        ; // C2 = 1 (x is out of range)

        // Do argument reduction to bring x into range
        fldpi           ;
        fxch            ;
SC17:   fprem1          ;
        fstsw   AX      ;
        sahf            ;
        jp  SC17        ;
        fstp    ST(1)   ; // remove pi from stack
        jmp SC18        ;

        jnp Lret        ; // if x is NaN, return x.
        fstp    ST(0)   ; // dump x, which will be infinity

debug(UnitTest) {
        static real vals[][2] =     // angle,tan
                [   0,   0],
                [   .5,  .5463024898],
                [   1,   1.557407725],
                [   1.5, 14.10141995],
                [   2,  -2.185039863],
                [   2.5,-.7470222972],
                [   3,  -.1425465431],
                [   3.5, .3745856402],
                [   4,   1.157821282],
                [   4.5, 4.637332055],
                [   5,  -3.380515006],
                [   5.5,-.9955840522],
                [   6,  -.2910061914],
                [   6.5, .2202772003],
                [   10,  .6483608275],

                // special angles
                [   PI_4,   1],
                //[   PI_2,   real.infinity], // PI_2 is not _exactly_ pi/2.
                [   3*PI_4, -1],
                [   PI,     0],
                [   5*PI_4, 1],
                //[   3*PI_2, -real.infinity],
                [   7*PI_4, -1],
                [   2*PI,   0],
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
            real x = vals[i][0];
            real r = vals[i][1];
            real t = tan(x);

            //printf("tan(%Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", x, t, r);
            if (!isIdentical(r, t)) assert(fabs(r-t) <= .0000001);

            x = -x;
            r = -r;
            t = tan(x);
            //printf("tan(%Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", x, t, r);
            if (!isIdentical(r, t) && !(r!<>=0 && t!<>=0)) assert(fabs(r-t) <= .0000001);
        // overflow
        // NaN propagation
        assert(isIdentical( tan(NaN(0x0123L)), NaN(0x0123L) ));

 * Sine, cosine, and arctangent of multiple of &pi;
 * Accuracy is preserved for large values of x.
real cosPi(real x)
    return cos((x%2.0)*PI);

/** ditto */
real sinPi(real x)
    return sin((x%2.0)*PI);

/** ditto */
real atanPi(real x)
    return PI * atan(x); // BUG: Fix this.

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    assert(isIdentical(sinPi(0.0), 0.0));
    assert(isIdentical(sinPi(-0.0), -0.0));
    assert(isIdentical(atanPi(0.0), 0.0));
    assert(isIdentical(atanPi(-0.0), -0.0));

 *  sine, complex and imaginary
 *  sin(z) = sin(z.re)*cosh(z.im) + cos(z.re)*sinh(z.im)i
 * If both sin(&theta;) and cos(&theta;) are required,
 * it is most efficient to use expi(&theta).
creal sin(creal z)
  creal cs = expi(z.re);
  return cs.im * cosh(z.im) + cs.re * sinh(z.im) * 1i;

/** ditto */
ireal sin(ireal y)
  return cosh(y.im)*1i;

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
  assert(sin(0.0+0.0i) == 0.0);
  assert(sin(2.0+0.0i) == sin(2.0L) );

 *  cosine, complex and imaginary
 *  cos(z) = cos(z.re)*cosh(z.im) + sin(z.re)*sinh(z.im)i
creal cos(creal z)
  creal cs = expi(z.re);
  return cs.re * cosh(z.im) - cs.im * sinh(z.im) * 1i;

/** ditto */
real cos(ireal y)
  return cosh(y.im);

debug(UnitTest) {
  assert(cos(5.2Li)== cosh(5.2L));

 * Calculates the arc cosine of x,
 * returning a value ranging from 0 to $(PI).
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)         $(TH acos(x)) $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(GT)1.0)  $(TD $(NAN))  $(TD yes))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(LT)-1.0) $(TD $(NAN))  $(TD yes))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD $(NAN))  $(TD yes))
 *      )
real acos(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.acosl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    else {
        assert(isIdentical(acos(NaN(254)), NaN(254)));

 * Calculates the arc sine of x,
 * returning a value ranging from -$(PI)/2 to $(PI)/2.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)            $(TH asin(x))      $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(GT)1.0)     $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(LT)-1.0)    $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
 *      )
real asin(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.asinl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
        assert(isIdentical(asin(NaN(7249)), NaN(7249)));

 * Calculates the arc tangent of x,
 * returning a value ranging from -$(PI)/2 to $(PI)/2.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH atan(x))      $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
 *      )
real atan(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.atanl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(atan(NaN(9876)), NaN(9876)));

 * Calculates the arc tangent of y / x,
 * returning a value ranging from -$(PI) to $(PI).
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH y)                 $(TH x)            $(TH atan(y, x)))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD anything)     $(TD $(NAN)) )
 *      $(TR $(TD anything)          $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD $(NAN)) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(GT)0.0)     $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD +0.0)         $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(LT)0.0)     $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD -0.0)         $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(GT)0.0)          $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PI)/2) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)          $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD -$(PI)/2) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(GT)0.0)          $(TD $(INFIN))     $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD anything)     $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)/2))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(GT)0.0)          $(TD -$(INFIN))    $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(INFIN))     $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)/4))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD -$(INFIN))    $(TD $(PLUSMN)3$(PI)/4))
 *      )
real atan2(real y, real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.atan2l(y,x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(atan2(5.3, NaN(9876)), NaN(9876)));
    assert(isIdentical(atan2(NaN(9876), 2.18), NaN(9876)));

 * Complex inverse sine
 * asin(z) = -i log( sqrt(1-$(POWER z, 2)) + iz)
 * where both log and sqrt are complex.
creal asin(creal z)
    return -log(sqrt(1-z*z) + z*1i)*1i;

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
   assert(asin(sin(0+0i)) == 0 + 0i);

 * Complex inverse cosine
 * acos(z) = $(PI)/2 - asin(z)
creal acos(creal z)
    return PI_2 - asin(z);

 * Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of x.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH cosh(x))      $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no) )
 *      )
real cosh(real x)
    //  cosh = (exp(x)+exp(-x))/2.
    // The naive implementation works correctly. 
    real y = exp(x);
    return (y + 1.0/y) * 0.5;

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(cosh(NaN(432)), NaN(432)));

 * Calculates the hyperbolic sine of x.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH sinh(x))           $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD no))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD no))
 *      )
real sinh(real x)
    //  sinh(x) =  (exp(x)-exp(-x))/2;    
    // Very large arguments could cause an overflow, but
    // the maximum value of x for which exp(x) + exp(-x)) != exp(x)
    // is x = 0.5 * (real.mant_dig) * LN2. // = 22.1807 for real80.
    if (fabs(x) > real.mant_dig * LN2) {
        return copysign(0.5*exp(fabs(x)), x);
    real y = expm1(x);
    return 0.5 * y / (y+1) * (y+2);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(sinh(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of x.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH tanh(x))      $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)1.0) $(TD no))
 *      )
real tanh(real x)
    //  tanh(x) = (exp(x) - exp(-x))/(exp(x)+exp(-x))
    if (fabs(x)> real.mant_dig * LN2){
        return copysign(1, x);        
    real y = expm1(2*x);
    return y/(y + 2);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(tanh(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 *  hyperbolic sine, complex and imaginary
 *  sinh(z) = cos(z.im)*sinh(z.re) + sin(z.im)*cosh(z.re)i
creal sinh(creal z)
  creal cs = expi(z.im);
  return cs.re * sinh(z.re) + cs.im * cosh(z.re) * 1i;

/** ditto */
ireal sinh(ireal y)
  return sin(y.im)*1i;

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
  assert(sinh(4.2L + 0i)==sinh(4.2L));

 *  hyperbolic cosine, complex and imaginary
 *  cosh(z) = cos(z.im)*cosh(z.re) + sin(z.im)*sinh(z.re)i
creal cosh(creal z)
  creal cs = expi(z.im);
  return cs.re * cosh(z.re) + cs.im * sinh(z.re) * 1i;

/** ditto */
real cosh(ireal y)
  return cos(y.im);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
  assert(cosh(8.3L + 0i)==cosh(8.3L));

 * Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
 *  Mathematically, acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt( x*x - 1))
 *    $(TABLE_SV
 *    $(SVH  x,     acosh(x) )
 *    $(SV  $(NAN), $(NAN) )
 *    $(SV  $(LT)1,     $(NAN) )
 *    $(SV  1,      0       )
 *    $(SV  +$(INFIN),+$(INFIN))
 *  )
real acosh(real x)
    if (x > 1/real.epsilon)
    return LN2 + log(x);
    return log(x + sqrt(x*x - 1));

debug(UnitTest) {
    assert(acosh(real.infinity) == real.infinity);
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(acosh(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
 *  Mathematically,
 *  ---------------
 *  asinh(x) =  log( x + sqrt( x*x + 1 )) // if x >= +0
 *  asinh(x) = -log(-x + sqrt( x*x + 1 )) // if x <= -0
 *  -------------
 *    $(TABLE_SV
 *    $(SVH x,                asinh(x)       )
 *    $(SV  $(NAN),           $(NAN)         )
 *    $(SV  $(PLUSMN)0,       $(PLUSMN)0      )
 *    $(SV  $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN),$(PLUSMN)$(INFIN))
 *    )
real asinh(real x)
    if (tango.math.IEEE.fabs(x) > 1 / real.epsilon) // beyond this point, x*x + 1 == x*x
    return tango.math.IEEE.copysign(LN2 + log(tango.math.IEEE.fabs(x)), x);
    // sqrt(x*x + 1) ==  1 + x * x / ( 1 + sqrt(x*x + 1) )
    return tango.math.IEEE.copysign(log1p(tango.math.IEEE.fabs(x) + x*x / (1 + sqrt(x*x + 1)) ), x);

debug(UnitTest) {
    assert(asinh(real.infinity) == real.infinity);
    assert(asinh(-real.infinity) == -real.infinity);
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(asinh(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x,
 * returning a value from ranging from -1 to 1.
 * Mathematically, atanh(x) = log( (1+x)/(1-x) ) / 2
 *    $(TABLE_SV
 *    $(SVH  x,     acosh(x) )
 *    $(SV  $(NAN), $(NAN) )
 *    $(SV  $(PLUSMN)0, $(PLUSMN)0)
 *    $(SV  -$(INFIN), -0)
 *    )
real atanh(real x)
    // log( (1+x)/(1-x) ) == log ( 1 + (2*x)/(1-x) )
    return  0.5 * log1p( 2 * x / (1 - x) );

debug(UnitTest) {
    assert(isIdentical(0.0L, atanh(0.0)));
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(atanh(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

/** ditto */
creal atanh(ireal y)
    // Not optimised for accuracy or speed
    return 0.5*(log(1+y) - log(1-y));

/** ditto */
creal atanh(creal z)
    // Not optimised for accuracy or speed
    return 0.5 * (log(1 + z) - log(1-z));

 * Powers and Roots

 * Compute square root of x.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)         $(TH sqrt(x))   $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD -0.0)      $(TD -0.0)      $(TD no))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)  $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD yes))
 *      $(TR $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no))
 *      )
float sqrt(float x) /* intrinsic */
        return llvm_sqrt(x);
    else version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
            fld x;
        return tango.stdc.math.sqrtf(x);

double sqrt(double x) /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
        return llvm_sqrt(x);
    else version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
            fld x;
        return tango.stdc.math.sqrt(x);

real sqrt(real x) /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
        return llvm_sqrt(x);
    else version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
            fld x;
        return tango.stdc.math.sqrtl(x);

/** ditto */
creal sqrt(creal z)

    if (z == 0.0) return z;
    real x,y,w,r;
    creal c;

    x = tango.math.IEEE.fabs(z.re);
    y = tango.math.IEEE.fabs(z.im);
    if (x >= y) {
        r = y / x;
        w = sqrt(x) * sqrt(0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + r * r)));
    } else  {
        r = x / y;
        w = sqrt(y) * sqrt(0.5 * (r + sqrt(1 + r * r)));

    if (z.re >= 0) {
        c = w + (z.im / (w + w)) * 1.0i;
    } else {
        if (z.im < 0)  w = -w;
        c = z.im / (w + w) + w * 1.0i;
    return c;

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(sqrt(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));
    assert(sqrt(-1+0i) == 1i);
    assert(isIdentical(sqrt(0-0i), 0-0i));
    assert(cfeqrel(sqrt(4+16i)*sqrt(4+16i), 4+16i)>=real.mant_dig-2);

 * Calculates the cube root of x.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH $(I x))            $(TH cbrt(x))           $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD no) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD yes) )
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD no) )
 *      )
real cbrt(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.cbrtl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(cbrt(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));


 * Calculates e$(SUP x).
 *  $(TABLE_SV
 *    $(TR $(TH x)             $(TH e$(SUP x)) )
 *    $(TD +$(INFIN))          $(TD +$(INFIN)) )
 *    $(TD -$(INFIN))          $(TD +0.0)      )
 *    $(TR $(TD $(NAN))        $(TD $(NAN))    )
 *  )
real exp(real x) {
    version(Naked_D_InlineAsm_X86) {
   //  e^x = 2^(LOG2E*x)
   // (This is valid because the overflow & underflow limits for exp
   // and exp2 are so similar).
    return exp2(LOG2E*x);
    } else {
        return tango.stdc.math.expl(x);        

 * Calculates the value of the natural logarithm base (e)
 * raised to the power of x, minus 1.
 * For very small x, expm1(x) is more accurate
 * than exp(x)-1.
 *  $(TABLE_SV
 *    $(TR $(TH x)             $(TH e$(SUP x)-1)  )
 *    $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)  $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
 *    $(TD +$(INFIN))          $(TD +$(INFIN))    )
 *    $(TD -$(INFIN))          $(TD -1.0)         )
 *    $(TR $(TD $(NAN))        $(TD $(NAN))       )
 *  )
real expm1(real x) 
    version(Naked_D_InlineAsm_X86) {
      enum { PARAMSIZE = (real.sizeof+3)&(0xFFFF_FFFC) } // always a multiple of 4
      asm {
        /*  expm1() for x87 80-bit reals, IEEE754-2008 conformant.
         * Author: Don Clugston.
         *    expm1(x) = 2^(rndint(y))* 2^(y-rndint(y)) - 1 where y = LN2*x.
         *    = 2rndy * 2ym1 + 2rndy - 1, where 2rndy = 2^(rndint(y))
         *     and 2ym1 = (2^(y-rndint(y))-1).
         *    If 2rndy  < 0.5*real.epsilon, result is -1.
         *    Implementation is otherwise the same as for exp2()
        fld real ptr [ESP+4] ; // x
        mov AX, [ESP+4+8]; // AX = exponent and sign
        sub ESP, 12+8; // Create scratch space on the stack 
        // [ESP,ESP+2] = scratchint
        // [ESP+4..+6, +8..+10, +10] = scratchreal
        // set scratchreal mantissa = 1.0
        mov dword ptr [ESP+8], 0;
        mov dword ptr [ESP+8+4], 0x80000000;
        and AX, 0x7FFF; // drop sign bit
        cmp AX, 0x401D; // avoid InvalidException in fist
        jae L_extreme;
        fmul ; // y = x*log2(e)       
        fist dword ptr [ESP]; // scratchint = rndint(y)
        fisub dword ptr [ESP]; // y - rndint(y)
        // and now set scratchreal exponent
        mov EAX, [ESP];
        add EAX, 0x3fff;
        jle short L_largenegative;
        cmp EAX,0x8000;
        jge short L_largepositive;
        mov [ESP+8+8],AX;        
        f2xm1; // 2^(y-rndint(y)) -1 
        fld real ptr [ESP+8] ; // 2^rndint(y)
        fmul ST(1), ST;
        fsubp ST(1), ST;
        add ESP,12+8;        
        ret PARAMSIZE;
L_extreme: // Extreme exponent. X is very large positive, very
        // large negative, infinity, or NaN.
        fstsw AX;
        test AX, 0x0400; // NaN_or_zero, but we already know x!=0 
        jz L_was_nan;  // if x is NaN, returns x
        test AX, 0x0200;
        jnz L_largenegative;
        // Set scratchreal = real.max. 
        // squaring it will create infinity, and set overflow flag.
        mov word  ptr [ESP+8+8], 0x7FFE;
        fstp ST(0);//, ST;
        fld real ptr [ESP+8];  // load scratchreal
        fmul ST(0), ST;        // square it, to create havoc!
        add ESP,12+8;
        ret PARAMSIZE;
        fstp ST(0);//, ST;
        fchs; // return -1. Underflow flag is not set.
        add ESP,12+8;
        ret PARAMSIZE;
    } else {
        return tango.stdc.math.expm1l(x);                

 * Calculates 2$(SUP x).
 *  $(TABLE_SV
 *    $(TR $(TH x)             $(TH exp2(x)    )
 *    $(TD +$(INFIN))          $(TD +$(INFIN)) )
 *    $(TD -$(INFIN))          $(TD +0.0)      )
 *    $(TR $(TD $(NAN))        $(TD $(NAN))    )
 *  )
real exp2(real x) 
    version(Naked_D_InlineAsm_X86) {
      enum { PARAMSIZE = (real.sizeof+3)&(0xFFFF_FFFC) } // always a multiple of 4
      asm {
        /*  exp2() for x87 80-bit reals, IEEE754-2008 conformant.
         * Author: Don Clugston.
         * exp2(x) = 2^(rndint(x))* 2^(y-rndint(x))
         * The trick for high performance is to avoid the fscale(28cycles on core2),
         * frndint(19 cycles), leaving f2xm1(19 cycles) as the only slow instruction.
         * We can do frndint by using fist. BUT we can't use it for huge numbers,
         * because it will set the Invalid Operation flag is overflow or NaN occurs.
         * Fortunately, whenever this happens the result would be zero or infinity.
         * We can perform fscale by directly poking into the exponent. BUT this doesn't
         * work for the (very rare) cases where the result is subnormal. So we fall back
         * to the slow method in that case.
        fld real ptr [ESP+4] ; // x
        mov AX, [ESP+4+8]; // AX = exponent and sign
        sub ESP, 12+8; // Create scratch space on the stack 
        // [ESP,ESP+2] = scratchint
        // [ESP+4..+6, +8..+10, +10] = scratchreal
        // set scratchreal mantissa = 1.0
        mov dword ptr [ESP+8], 0;
        mov dword ptr [ESP+8+4], 0x80000000;
        and AX, 0x7FFF; // drop sign bit
        cmp AX, 0x401D; // avoid InvalidException in fist
        jae L_extreme;
        fist dword ptr [ESP]; // scratchint = rndint(x)
        fisub dword ptr [ESP]; // x - rndint(x)
        // and now set scratchreal exponent
        mov EAX, [ESP];
        add EAX, 0x3fff;
        jle short L_subnormal;
        cmp EAX,0x8000;
        jge short L_overflow;
        mov [ESP+8+8],AX;        
        fadd; // 2^(x-rndint(x))
        fld real ptr [ESP+8] ; // 2^rndint(x)
        add ESP,12+8;        
        fmulp ST(1), ST;
        ret PARAMSIZE;

        // Result will be subnormal.
        // In this rare case, the simple poking method doesn't work. 
        // The speed doesn't matter, so use the slow fscale method.
        fild dword ptr [ESP];  // scratchint
        fstp real ptr [ESP+8]; // scratchreal = 2^scratchint
        fstp ST(0);//,ST;         // drop scratchint        
        jmp L_normal;
L_extreme: // Extreme exponent. X is very large positive, very
        // large negative, infinity, or NaN.
        fstsw AX;
        test AX, 0x0400; // NaN_or_zero, but we already know x!=0 
        jz L_was_nan;  // if x is NaN, returns x
        // set scratchreal = real.min
        // squaring it will return 0, setting underflow flag
        mov word  ptr [ESP+8+8], 1;
        test AX, 0x0200;
        jnz L_waslargenegative;
        // Set scratchreal = real.max.
        // squaring it will create infinity, and set overflow flag.
        mov word  ptr [ESP+8+8], 0x7FFE;
        fstp ST(0);//, ST;
        fld real ptr [ESP+8];  // load scratchreal
        fmul ST(0), ST;        // square it, to create havoc!
        add ESP,12+8;
        ret PARAMSIZE;
    } else {
        return tango.stdc.math.exp2l(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(exp(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(expm1(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(exp2(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Powers and Roots

 * Calculate the natural logarithm of x.
 *    $(TABLE_SV
 *    $(TR $(TH x)            $(TH log(x))    $(TH divide by 0?) $(TH invalid?))
 *    $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD yes)          $(TD no))
 *    $(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)     $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD no)           $(TD yes))
 *    $(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))    $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no)           $(TD no))
 *    )
real log(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.logl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(log(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 *      Calculates the natural logarithm of 1 + x.
 *      For very small x, log1p(x) will be more accurate than
 *      log(1 + x).
 *  $(TABLE_SV
 *  $(TR $(TH x)            $(TH log1p(x))     $(TH divide by 0?) $(TH invalid?))
 *  $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no)           $(TD no))
 *  $(TR $(TD -1.0)         $(TD -$(INFIN))    $(TD yes)          $(TD no))
 *  $(TR $(TD $(LT)-1.0)    $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD no)           $(TD yes))
 *  $(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))    $(TD -$(INFIN))    $(TD no)           $(TD no))
 *  )
real log1p(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.log1pl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(log1p(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Calculates the base-2 logarithm of x:
 * $(SUB log, 2)x
 *  $(TABLE_SV
 *  $(TR $(TH x)            $(TH log2(x))   $(TH divide by 0?) $(TH invalid?))
 *  $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD yes)          $(TD no) )
 *  $(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)     $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD no)           $(TD yes) )
 *  $(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))    $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no)           $(TD no) )
 *  )
real log2(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.log2l(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(log2(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Calculate the base-10 logarithm of x.
 *      $(TABLE_SV
 *      $(TR $(TH x)            $(TH log10(x))  $(TH divide by 0?) $(TH invalid?))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD yes)          $(TD no))
 *      $(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)     $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD no)           $(TD yes))
 *      $(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))    $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no)           $(TD no))
 *      )
real log10(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.log10l(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(log10(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Exponential, complex and imaginary
 * For complex numbers, the exponential function is defined as
 *  exp(z) = exp(z.re)cos(z.im) + exp(z.re)sin(z.im)i.
 *  For a pure imaginary argument,
 *  exp(&theta;i)  = cos(&theta;) + sin(&theta;)i.
creal exp(ireal y)
   return expi(y.im);

/** ditto */
creal exp(creal z)
  return expi(z.im) * exp(z.re);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    assert(exp(7.2 + 0.0i) == exp(7.2L));
    creal c = exp(ireal.nan);
    assert(isNaN(c.re) && isNaN(c.im));
    c = exp(ireal.infinity);
    assert(isNaN(c.re) && isNaN(c.im));

 *  Natural logarithm, complex
 * Returns complex logarithm to the base e (2.718...) of
 * the complex argument x.
 * If z = x + iy, then
 *       log(z) = log(abs(z)) + i arctan(y/x).
 * The arctangent ranges from -PI to +PI.
 * There are branch cuts along both the negative real and negative
 * imaginary axes. For pure imaginary arguments, use one of the
 * following forms, depending on which branch is required.
 * ------------
 *    log( 0.0 + yi) = log(-y) + PI_2i  // y<=-0.0
 *    log(-0.0 + yi) = log(-y) - PI_2i  // y<=-0.0
 * ------------
creal log(creal z)
  return log(abs(z)) + atan2(z.im, z.re)*1i;

debug(UnitTest) {
private {    
 * feqrel for complex numbers. Returns the worst relative
 * equality of the two components.
int cfeqrel(creal a, creal b)
    int intmin(int a, int b) { return a<b? a: b; }
    return intmin(feqrel(a.re, b.re), feqrel(a.im, b.im));
unittest {

  assert(log(3.0L +0i) == log(3.0L)+0i);
  assert(cfeqrel(log(0.0L-2i),( log(2.0L)-PI_2*1i)) >= real.mant_dig-10);
  assert(cfeqrel(log(0.0L+2i),( log(2.0L)+PI_2*1i)) >= real.mant_dig-10);

 * Fast integral powers.
real pow(real x, uint n)
    real p;

    switch (n)
    case 0:
        p = 1.0;

    case 1:
        p = x;

    case 2:
        p = x * x;

        p = 1.0;
        while (1){
            if (n & 1)
                p *= x;
            n >>= 1;
            if (!n)
            x *= x;
    return p;

/** ditto */
real pow(real x, int n)
    if (n < 0) return pow(x, cast(real)n);
    else return pow(x, cast(uint)n);

 * Calculates x$(SUP y).
 * $(TR $(TH x) $(TH y) $(TH pow(x, y))
 *      $(TH div 0) $(TH invalid?))
 * $(TR $(TD anything)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)                $(TD 1.0)
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD |x| $(GT) 1)    $(TD +$(INFIN))                  $(TD +$(INFIN))
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD |x| $(LT) 1)    $(TD +$(INFIN))                  $(TD +0.0)
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD |x| $(GT) 1)    $(TD -$(INFIN))                  $(TD +0.0)
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD |x| $(LT) 1)    $(TD -$(INFIN))                  $(TD +$(INFIN))
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))      $(TD $(GT) 0.0)                  $(TD +$(INFIN))
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))      $(TD $(LT) 0.0)                  $(TD +0.0)
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD -$(INFIN))      $(TD odd integer $(GT) 0.0)      $(TD -$(INFIN))
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD -$(INFIN))      $(TD $(GT) 0.0, not odd integer) $(TD +$(INFIN))
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no))
 * $(TR $(TD -$(INFIN))      $(TD odd integer $(LT) 0.0)      $(TD -0.0)
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD -$(INFIN))      $(TD $(LT) 0.0, not odd integer) $(TD +0.0)
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)1.0)   $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN))          $(TD $(NAN))
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD yes) )
 * $(TR $(TD $(LT) 0.0)      $(TD finite, nonintegral)        $(TD $(NAN))
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD yes))
 * $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)   $(TD odd integer $(LT) 0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMNINF))
 *      $(TD yes)       $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)   $(TD $(LT) 0.0, not odd integer) $(TD +$(INFIN))
 *      $(TD yes)       $(TD no))
 * $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)   $(TD odd integer $(GT) 0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)   $(TD $(GT) 0.0, not odd integer) $(TD +0.0)
 *      $(TD no)        $(TD no) )
 * )
real pow(real x, real y)
    version (linux) // C pow() often does not handle special values correctly
    if (isNaN(y))
        return y;

    if (y == 0)
        return 1;       // even if x is $(NAN)
    if (isNaN(x) && y != 0)
        return x;
    if (isInfinity(y))
        if (tango.math.IEEE.fabs(x) > 1)
            if (signbit(y))
                return +0.0;
                return real.infinity;
        else if (tango.math.IEEE.fabs(x) == 1)
            return NaN(TANGO_NAN.POW_DOMAIN);
        else // < 1
            if (signbit(y))
                return real.infinity;
                return +0.0;
    if (isInfinity(x))
        if (signbit(x))
            long i;
            i = cast(long)y;
            if (y > 0)
                if (i == y && i & 1)
                return -real.infinity;
                return real.infinity;
            else if (y < 0)
                if (i == y && i & 1)
                return -0.0;
                return +0.0;
            if (y > 0)
                return real.infinity;
            else if (y < 0)
                return +0.0;

    if (x == 0.0)
        if (signbit(x))
            long i;

            i = cast(long)y;
            if (y > 0)
                if (i == y && i & 1)
                return -0.0;
                return +0.0;
            else if (y < 0)
                if (i == y && i & 1)
                return -real.infinity;
                return real.infinity;
            if (y > 0)
                return +0.0;
            else if (y < 0)
                return real.infinity;
        return llvm_pow(x, y);
        return tango.stdc.math.powl(x, y);

debug(UnitTest) {
    real x = 46;

    assert(pow(x,0) == 1.0);
    assert(pow(x,1) == x);
    assert(pow(x,2) == x * x);
    assert(pow(x,3) == x * x * x);
    assert(pow(x,8) == (x * x) * (x * x) * (x * x) * (x * x));
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(pow(NaN(0xABC), 19), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Calculates the length of the
 * hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle with sides of length x and y.
 * The hypotenuse is the value of the square root of
 * the sums of the squares of x and y:
 *      sqrt($(POW x, 2) + $(POW y, 2))
 * Note that hypot(x, y), hypot(y, x) and
 * hypot(x, -y) are equivalent.
 *  $(TABLE_SV
 *  $(TR $(TH x)            $(TH y)            $(TH hypot(x, y)) $(TH invalid?))
 *  $(TR $(TD x)            $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD |x|)         $(TD no))
 *  $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMNINF)) $(TD y)            $(TD +$(INFIN))   $(TD no))
 *  $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMNINF)) $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD +$(INFIN))   $(TD no))
 *  )
real hypot(real x, real y)
     * This is based on code from:
     * Cephes Math Library Release 2.1:  January, 1989
     * Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989 by Stephen L. Moshier
     * Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140

    enum int PRECL = real.mant_dig/2; // = 32

    real xx, yy, b, re, im;
    int ex, ey, e;

    // Note, hypot(INFINITY, NAN) = INFINITY.
    if (tango.math.IEEE.isInfinity(x) || tango.math.IEEE.isInfinity(y))
        return real.infinity;

    if (tango.math.IEEE.isNaN(x))
        return x;
    if (tango.math.IEEE.isNaN(y))
        return y;

    re = tango.math.IEEE.fabs(x);
    im = tango.math.IEEE.fabs(y);

    if (re == 0.0)
        return im;
    if (im == 0.0)
        return re;

    // Get the exponents of the numbers
    xx = tango.math.IEEE.frexp(re, ex);
    yy = tango.math.IEEE.frexp(im, ey);

    // Check if one number is tiny compared to the other
    e = ex - ey;
    if (e > PRECL)
        return re;
    if (e < -PRECL)
        return im;

    // Find approximate exponent e of the geometric mean.
    e = (ex + ey) >> 1;

    // Rescale so mean is about 1
    xx = tango.math.IEEE.ldexp(re, -e);
    yy = tango.math.IEEE.ldexp(im, -e);

    // Hypotenuse of the right triangle
    b = sqrt(xx * xx  +  yy * yy);

    // Compute the exponent of the answer.
    yy = tango.math.IEEE.frexp(b, ey);
    ey = e + ey;

    // Check it for overflow and underflow.
    if (ey > real.max_exp + 2) {
        return real.infinity;
    if (ey < real.min_exp - 2)
        return 0.0;

    // Undo the scaling
    b = tango.math.IEEE.ldexp(b, e);
    return b;

debug(UnitTest) {
    static real vals[][3] = // x,y,hypot
        [   0,  0,  0],
        [   0,  -0, 0],
        [   3,  4,  5],
        [   -300,   -400,   500],
        [   real.min, real.min,  0x1.6a09e667f3bcc908p-16382L],
        [   real.max/2, real.max/2, 0x1.6a09e667f3bcc908p+16383L /*8.41267e+4931L*/],
        [   real.max, 1, real.max],
        [   real.infinity, real.nan, real.infinity],
        [   real.nan, real.nan, real.nan],

    for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
        real x = vals[i][0];
        real y = vals[i][1];
        real z = vals[i][2];
        real h = hypot(x, y);

        assert(isIdentical(z, h));
    // NaN payloads
    assert(isIdentical(hypot(NaN(0xABC), 3.14), NaN(0xABC)));
    assert(isIdentical(hypot(7.6e39, NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Evaluate polynomial A(x) = $(SUB a, 0) + $(SUB a, 1)x + $(SUB a, 2)$(POWER x,2)
 *                          + $(SUB a,3)$(POWER x,3); ...
 * Uses Horner's rule A(x) = $(SUB a, 0) + x($(SUB a, 1) + x($(SUB a, 2) 
 *                         + x($(SUB a, 3) + ...)))
 * Params:
 *      A =     array of coefficients $(SUB a, 0), $(SUB a, 1), etc.
T poly(T)(T x, const(T[]) A)
    assert(A.length > 0);
  version (Naked_D_InlineAsm_X86) {
      enum bool Use_D_InlineAsm_X86 = true;
  } else enum bool Use_D_InlineAsm_X86 = false;
  // BUG (Inherited from Phobos): This code assumes a frame pointer in EBP.
  // This is not in the spec.
  static if (Use_D_InlineAsm_X86 && is(T==real) && T.sizeof == 10) {
    asm // assembler by W. Bright
        // EDX = (A.length - 1) * real.sizeof
        mov     ECX,A[EBP]          ; // ECX = A.length
        dec     ECX                 ;
        lea     EDX,[ECX][ECX*8]    ;
        add     EDX,ECX             ;
        add     EDX,A+4[EBP]        ;
        fld     real ptr [EDX]      ; // ST0 = coeff[ECX]
        jecxz   return_ST           ;
        fld     x[EBP]              ; // ST0 = x
        fxch    ST(1)               ; // ST1 = x, ST0 = r
        align   4                   ;
    L2:  fmul    ST,ST(1)           ; // r *= x
        fld     real ptr -10[EDX]   ;
        sub     EDX,10              ; // deg--
        faddp   ST(1),ST            ;
        dec     ECX                 ;
        jne     L2                  ;
        fxch    ST(1)               ; // ST1 = r, ST0 = x
        fstp    ST(0)               ; // dump x
        align   4                   ;
    return_ST:                      ;
  } else static if ( Use_D_InlineAsm_X86 && is(T==real) && T.sizeof==12){
    asm // assembler by W. Bright
        // EDX = (A.length - 1) * real.sizeof
        mov     ECX,A[EBP]          ; // ECX = A.length
        dec     ECX                 ;
        lea     EDX,[ECX*8]         ;
        lea     EDX,[EDX][ECX*4]    ;
        add     EDX,A+4[EBP]        ;
        fld     real ptr [EDX]      ; // ST0 = coeff[ECX]
        jecxz   return_ST           ;
        fld     x                   ; // ST0 = x
        fxch    ST(1)               ; // ST1 = x, ST0 = r
        align   4                   ;
    L2: fmul    ST,ST(1)            ; // r *= x
        fld     real ptr -12[EDX]   ;
        sub     EDX,12              ; // deg--
        faddp   ST(1),ST            ;
        dec     ECX                 ;
        jne     L2                  ;
        fxch    ST(1)               ; // ST1 = r, ST0 = x
        fstp    ST(0)               ; // dump x
        align   4                   ;
    return_ST:                      ;
  } else {
        ptrdiff_t i = A.length - 1;
        real r = A[i];
        while (--i >= 0)
            r *= x;
            r += A[i];
        return r;

debug(UnitTest) {
    real x = 3.1;
    enum real pp[] = [56.1L, 32.7L, 6L];

    assert( poly(x, pp) == (56.1L + (32.7L + 6L * x) * x) );

    assert(isIdentical(poly(NaN(0xABC), pp), NaN(0xABC)));

package {
T rationalPoly(T)(T x, const(T []) numerator, const(T []) denominator)
    return poly(x, numerator)/poly(x, denominator);

deprecated {
private enum : int { MANTDIG_2 = real.mant_dig/2 } // Compiler workaround

/** Floating point "approximate equality".
 * Return true if x is equal to y, to within the specified precision
 * If roundoffbits is not specified, a reasonable default is used.
bool feq(int precision = MANTDIG_2, XReal=real, YReal=real)(XReal x, YReal y)
    static assert(is( XReal: real) && is(YReal : real));
    return tango.math.IEEE.feqrel(cast(real)x, cast(real)y) >= precision;

    real y = 58.0000000001;
    assert(feq!(20)(58, y));

 * Rounding (returning real)

 * Returns the value of x rounded downward to the next integer
 * (toward negative infinity).
real floor(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.floorl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    assert(isIdentical(floor(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Returns the value of x rounded upward to the next integer
 * (toward positive infinity).
real ceil(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.ceill(x);

unittest {
    assert(isIdentical(ceil(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Return the value of x rounded to the nearest integer.
 * If the fractional part of x is exactly 0.5, the return value is rounded to
 * the even integer.
real round(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.roundl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    assert(isIdentical(round(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 * Returns the integer portion of x, dropping the fractional portion.
 * This is also known as "chop" rounding.
real trunc(real x)
    return tango.stdc.math.truncl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    assert(isIdentical(trunc(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

* Rounds x to the nearest int or long.
* This is generally the fastest method to convert a floating-point number
* to an integer. Note that the results from this function
* depend on the rounding mode, if the fractional part of x is exactly 0.5.
* If using the default rounding mode (ties round to even integers)
* rndint(4.5) == 4, rndint(5.5)==6.
int rndint(real x)
        int n;
            fld x;
            fistp n;
        return n;
        return cast(int)tango.stdc.math.lrintl(x);

/** ditto */
long rndlong(real x)
        long n;
            fld x;
            fistp n;
        return n;
        return tango.stdc.math.llrintl(x);

debug(UnitTest) {
version(D_InlineAsm_X86) { // Won't work for anything else yet

unittest {

    int r = getIeeeRounding();
    real b = 5.5;
    int cnear = tango.math.Math.rndint(b);
    assert(cnear == 6);
    auto oldrounding = setIeeeRounding(RoundingMode.ROUNDDOWN);
    scope (exit) setIeeeRounding(oldrounding);


    int cdown = tango.math.Math.rndint(b);

unittest {
    // Check that the previous test correctly restored the rounding mode