module tango.net.device.Berkeley;

private import tango.sys.Common;

private import tango.core.Exception;

import  consts=tango.sys.consts.socket;

private import tango.stdc.string : strlen;
private import  tango.stdc.stringz;






enum SocketOption
        DEBUG        =   consts.SO_DEBUG     ,       /* turn on debugging info recording */
        BROADCAST    =   consts.SO_BROADCAST ,       /* permit sending of broadcast msgs */
        REUSEADDR    =   consts.SO_REUSEADDR ,       /* allow local address reuse */
        LINGER       =   consts.SO_LINGER    ,       /* linger on close if data present */
        DONTLINGER   = ~(consts.SO_LINGER),

        OOBINLINE    =   consts.SO_OOBINLINE ,       /* leave received OOB data in line */
        ACCEPTCONN   =   consts.SO_ACCEPTCONN,       /* socket has had listen() */
        KEEPALIVE    =   consts.SO_KEEPALIVE ,       /* keep connections alive */
        DONTROUTE    =   consts.SO_DONTROUTE ,       /* just use interface addresses */
        TYPE         =   consts.SO_TYPE      ,       /* get socket type */

         * Additional options, not kept in so_options.
        SNDBUF       = consts.SO_SNDBUF,               /* send buffer size */
        RCVBUF       = consts.SO_RCVBUF,               /* receive buffer size */
        ERROR        = consts.SO_ERROR ,               /* get error status and clear */

        // OptionLevel.IP settings
        MULTICAST_TTL   = consts.IP_MULTICAST_TTL  ,

        // OptionLevel.TCP settings
        TCP_NODELAY     = consts.TCP_NODELAY ,

        // Windows specifics
        WIN_CONNECT_TIME           = 0x700C,



enum SocketOptionLevel
        SOCKET = consts.SOL_SOCKET    ,
        IP     = consts.IPPROTO_IP    ,
        TCP    = consts.IPPROTO_TCP   ,
        UDP    = consts.IPPROTO_UDP   ,



enum SocketType
        STREAM    = consts.SOCK_STREAM   , /++ sequential, reliable +/
        DGRAM     = consts.SOCK_DGRAM    , /++ connectionless unreliable, max length +/
        SEQPACKET = consts.SOCK_SEQPACKET, /++ sequential, reliable, max length +/



enum ProtocolType
        IP   = consts.IPPROTO_IP   ,     /// default internet protocol (probably 4 for compatibility)
        IPV4 = consts.IPPROTO_IP   ,     /// internet protocol version 4
        IPV6 = consts.IPPROTO_IPV6 ,     /// internet protocol version 6
        ICMP = consts.IPPROTO_ICMP ,     /// internet control message protocol
        IGMP = consts.IPPROTO_IGMP ,     /// internet group management protocol
        TCP  = consts.IPPROTO_TCP  ,     /// transmission control protocol
        PUP  = consts.IPPROTO_PUP  ,     /// PARC universal packet protocol
        UDP  = consts.IPPROTO_UDP  ,     /// user datagram protocol
        IDP  = consts.IPPROTO_IDP  ,     /// Xerox NS protocol



enum AddressFamily
        UNSPEC    = consts.AF_UNSPEC   ,
        UNIX      = consts.AF_UNIX     ,
        INET      = consts.AF_INET     ,
        IPX       = consts.AF_IPX      ,
        APPLETALK = consts.AF_APPLETALK,
        INET6     = consts.AF_INET6    ,



enum SocketShutdown
        RECEIVE =  consts.SHUT_RD,
        SEND =     consts.SHUT_WR,
        BOTH =     consts.SHUT_RDWR,



enum SocketFlags
        NONE =           0,
        OOB =            consts.MSG_OOB,        /// out of band
        PEEK =           consts.MSG_PEEK,       /// only for receiving
        DONTROUTE =      consts.MSG_DONTROUTE,  /// only for sending
        NOSIGNAL =       0x4000,                /// inhibit signals

enum AIFlags: int
        PASSIVE = consts.AI_PASSIVE,            /// get address to use bind()
        CANONNAME = consts.AI_CANONNAME,        /// fill ai_canonname
        NUMERICHOST = consts.AI_NUMERICHOST,    /// prevent host name resolution
        NUMERICSERV = consts.AI_NUMERICSERV,    /// prevent service name resolution valid
                                                /// flags for addrinfo (not a standard def,
                                                /// apps should not use it)
        ALL = consts.AI_ALL,                    /// IPv6 and IPv4-mapped (with AI_V4MAPPED)
        ADDRCONFIG = consts.AI_ADDRCONFIG,      /// only if any address is assigned
        V4MAPPED = consts.AI_V4MAPPED,          /// accept IPv4-mapped IPv6 address special
                                                /// recommended flags for getipnodebyname
        MASK = consts.AI_MASK,
        DEFAULT = consts.AI_DEFAULT,

enum AIError
        BADFLAGS = consts.EAI_BADFLAGS,	        /// Invalid value for `ai_flags' field.
        NONAME = consts.EAI_NONAME,	        /// NAME or SERVICE is unknown.
        AGAIN = consts.EAI_AGAIN,	        /// Temporary failure in name resolution.
        FAIL = consts.EAI_FAIL,	                /// Non-recoverable failure in name res.
        NODATA = consts.EAI_NODATA,	        /// No address associated with NAME.
        FAMILY = consts.EAI_FAMILY,	        /// `ai_family' not supported.
        SOCKTYPE = consts.EAI_SOCKTYPE,	        /// `ai_socktype' not supported.
        SERVICE = consts.EAI_SERVICE,	        /// SERVICE not supported for `ai_socktype'.
        MEMORY = consts.EAI_MEMORY,	        /// Memory allocation failure.

enum NIFlags: int
        MAXHOST = consts.NI_MAXHOST,
        MAXSERV = consts.NI_MAXSERV,
        NUMERICHOST = consts.NI_NUMERICHOST,    /// Don't try to look up hostname.
        NUMERICSERV = consts.NI_NUMERICSERV,    /// Don't convert port number to name.
        NOFQDN = consts.NI_NOFQDN,              /// Only return nodename portion.
        NAMEREQD = consts.NI_NAMEREQD,          /// Don't return numeric addresses.
        DGRAM = consts.NI_DGRAM,                /// Look up UDP service rather than TCP.


        conversions for network byte-order


        private ushort htons (ushort x)
                return x;

        private uint htonl (uint x)
                return x;
        private import tango.core.BitManip;

        private ushort htons (ushort x)
                return cast(ushort) ((x >> 8) | (x << 8));

        private uint htonl (uint x)
                return bswap(x);



version (Win32)
        pragma (lib, "ws2_32.lib");
        private import tango.sys.win32.WsaSock;

        private enum socket_t: int
            init  = ~0

        package extern (Windows)
                alias closesocket close;

                socket_t socket(int af, int type, int protocol);
                int ioctlsocket(socket_t s, int cmd, uint* argp);
                uint inet_addr(const(char)* cp);
                int bind(socket_t s, Address.sockaddr* name, int namelen);
                int connect(socket_t s, Address.sockaddr* name, int namelen);
                int listen(socket_t s, int backlog);
                socket_t accept(socket_t s, Address.sockaddr* addr, int* addrlen);
                int closesocket(socket_t s);
                int shutdown(socket_t s, int how);
                int getpeername(socket_t s, Address.sockaddr* name, int* namelen);
                int getsockname(socket_t s, Address.sockaddr* name, int* namelen);
                int send(socket_t s, const(void)* buf, int len, int flags);
                int sendto(socket_t s, const(void)* buf, int len, int flags, Address.sockaddr* to, int tolen);
                int recv(socket_t s, void* buf, int len, int flags);
                int recvfrom(socket_t s, void* buf, int len, int flags, Address.sockaddr* from, int* fromlen);
                int select(int nfds, SocketSet.fd* readfds, SocketSet.fd* writefds, SocketSet.fd* errorfds, SocketSet.timeval* timeout);
                int getsockopt(socket_t s, int level, int optname, void* optval, int* optlen);
                int setsockopt(socket_t s, int level, int optname, const(void)* optval, int optlen);
                int gethostname(void* namebuffer, int buflen);
                char* inet_ntoa(uint ina);
                NetHost.hostent* gethostbyname(const(char)* name);
                NetHost.hostent* gethostbyaddr(const(void)* addr, int len, int type);
                The gai_strerror function translates error codes of getaddrinfo,
                freeaddrinfo and getnameinfo to a human readable string, suitable
                for error reporting. (C) MAN
                //char* gai_strerror(int errcode);

                Given node and service, which identify an Internet host and a service,
                getaddrinfo() returns one or more addrinfo structures, each of which
                contains an Internet address that can be specified in a call to bind
                or connect. The getaddrinfo() function combines the functionality
                provided by the getservbyname and getservbyport functions into a single
                interface, but unlike the latter functions, getaddrinfo() is reentrant
                and allows programs to eliminate IPv4-versus-IPv6 dependencies.(C) MAN
                int function(const(char)* node, const(char)* service, Address.addrinfo* hints, Address.addrinfo** res) getaddrinfo;

                The freeaddrinfo() function frees the memory that was allocated for the
                dynamically allocated linked list res.  (C) MAN
                void function(Address.addrinfo *res) freeaddrinfo;

                The getnameinfo() function is the inverse of getaddrinfo: it converts
                a socket address to a corresponding host and service, in a protocol-
                independent manner. It combines the functionality of gethostbyaddr and
                getservbyport, but unlike those functions, getaddrinfo is reentrant and
                allows programs to eliminate IPv4-versus-IPv6 dependencies. (C) MAN
                int function(Address.sockaddr* sa, int salen, char* host, int hostlen, char* serv, int servlen, int flags) getnameinfo;

                bool function (socket_t, uint, void*, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD*, OVERLAPPED*) AcceptEx;
                bool function (socket_t, HANDLE, DWORD, DWORD, OVERLAPPED*, void*, DWORD) TransmitFile;
                bool function (socket_t, void*, int, void*, DWORD, DWORD*, OVERLAPPED*) ConnectEx;

                //char* inet_ntop(int af, void *src, char *dst, int len);

        private __gshared HMODULE lib;

        shared static this()
                lib = LoadLibraryA ("Ws2_32.dll");
                getnameinfo = cast(typeof(getnameinfo)) GetProcAddress(lib, "getnameinfo");
                if (!getnameinfo)
                   FreeLibrary (lib);
                   lib = LoadLibraryA ("Wship6.dll");
                getnameinfo = cast(typeof(getnameinfo)) GetProcAddress(lib, "getnameinfo");
                getaddrinfo = cast(typeof(getaddrinfo)) GetProcAddress(lib, "getaddrinfo");
                freeaddrinfo = cast(typeof(freeaddrinfo)) GetProcAddress(lib, "freeaddrinfo");
                if (!getnameinfo)
                   FreeLibrary (lib);
                   lib = null;

                WSADATA wd = void;
                if (WSAStartup (0x0202, &wd))
                    throw new SocketException("version of socket library is too old");

                DWORD result;
                Guid acceptG   = {0xb5367df1, 0xcbac, 0x11cf, [0x95,0xca,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x48,0xa1,0x92]};
                Guid connectG  = {0x25a207b9, 0xddf3, 0x4660, [0x8e,0xe9,0x76,0xe5,0x8c,0x74,0x06,0x3e]};
                Guid transmitG = {0xb5367df0, 0xcbac, 0x11cf, [0x95,0xca,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x48,0xa1,0x92]};

                auto s = cast(HANDLE) socket (AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.STREAM, ProtocolType.TCP);
                assert (s != cast(HANDLE) -1);

                          &connectG, connectG.sizeof, &ConnectEx,
                          ConnectEx.sizeof, &result, null, null);

                          &acceptG, acceptG.sizeof, &AcceptEx,
                          AcceptEx.sizeof, &result, null, null);

                          &transmitG, transmitG.sizeof, &TransmitFile,
                          TransmitFile.sizeof, &result, null, null);
                closesocket (cast(socket_t)(cast(int)s));

        shared static ~this()
                if (lib)
                    FreeLibrary (lib);
        private import tango.stdc.errno;

        //private alias int socket_t = -1;
        private enum socket_t: int
            init  = -1

        package extern (C)
                socket_t socket(int af, int type, int protocol);
                int fcntl(socket_t s, int f, ...);
                uint inet_addr(const(char)* cp);
                int bind(socket_t s, const(Address.sockaddr)* name, int namelen);
                int connect(socket_t s, const(Address.sockaddr)* name, int namelen);
                int listen(socket_t s, int backlog);
                socket_t accept(socket_t s, Address.sockaddr* addr, int* addrlen);
                int close(socket_t s);
                int shutdown(socket_t s, int how);
                int getpeername(socket_t s, Address.sockaddr* name, int* namelen);
                int getsockname(socket_t s, Address.sockaddr* name, int* namelen);
                int send(socket_t s, const(void)* buf, size_t len, int flags);
                int sendto(socket_t s, const(void)* buf, size_t len, int flags, Address.sockaddr* to, int tolen);
                int recv(socket_t s, void* buf, size_t len, int flags);
                int recvfrom(socket_t s, void* buf, size_t len, int flags, Address.sockaddr* from, int* fromlen);
                int select(int nfds, SocketSet.fd* readfds, SocketSet.fd* writefds, SocketSet.fd* errorfds, SocketSet.timeval* timeout);
                int getsockopt(socket_t s, int level, int optname, void* optval, int* optlen);
                int setsockopt(socket_t s, int level, int optname, const(void)* optval, int optlen);
                int gethostname(void* namebuffer, int buflen);
                char* inet_ntoa(uint ina);
                NetHost.hostent* gethostbyname(const(char)* name);
                NetHost.hostent* gethostbyaddr(const(void)* addr, int len, int type);

                Given node and service, which identify an Internet host and a service,
                getaddrinfo() returns one or more addrinfo structures, each of which
                contains an Internet address that can be specified in a call to bind or
                connect. The getaddrinfo() function combines the functionality provided
                by the getservbyname and getservbyport functions into a single interface,
                but unlike the latter functions, getaddrinfo() is reentrant and allows
                programs to eliminate IPv4-versus-IPv6 dependencies. (C) MAN
                int getaddrinfo(const(char)* node, const(char)* service, Address.addrinfo* hints, Address.addrinfo** res);

                The freeaddrinfo() function frees the memory that was allocated for the
                dynamically allocated linked list res.  (C) MAN
                void freeaddrinfo(Address.addrinfo *res);

                The getnameinfo() function is the inverse of getaddrinfo: it converts a socket
                address to a corresponding host and service, in a protocol-independent manner.
                It combines the functionality of gethostbyaddr and getservbyport, but unlike
                those functions, getaddrinfo is reentrant and allows programs to eliminate
                IPv4-versus-IPv6 dependencies. (C) MAN
                int getnameinfo(Address.sockaddr* sa, int salen, char* host, int hostlen, char* serv, int servlen, int flags);

                The gai_strerror function translates error codes of getaddrinfo, freeaddrinfo
                and getnameinfo to a human readable string, suitable for error reporting. (C) MAN
                const(char)* gai_strerror(int errcode);

                const(char)* inet_ntop(int af, const(void) *src, char *dst, int len);



public struct Berkeley
        socket_t        sock;
        SocketType      type;
        AddressFamily   family;
        ProtocolType    protocol;
version (Windows)
         bool           synchronous;

        enum INVALID_SOCKET = socket_t.init;

                Error = -1

        alias Error        ERROR;               // backward compatibility
        alias noDelay      setNoDelay;          // backward compatibility
        alias addressReuse setAddressReuse;     // backward compatibility


                Configure this instance


        void open (AddressFamily family, SocketType type, ProtocolType protocol, bool create=true)
                this.type = type;
                this.family = family;
                this.protocol = protocol;
                if (create)


                Open/reopen a native socket for this instance


        void reopen (socket_t sock = sock.init)
                if (this.sock != sock.init)

                if (sock is sock.init)
                   sock = cast(socket_t) socket (family, type, protocol);
                   if (sock is sock.init)
                       exception ("Unable to create socket: ");

                this.sock = sock;


                calling shutdown() before this is recommended for connection-
                oriented sockets


        void detach ()
                if (sock != sock.init)
                    .close (sock);
                sock = sock.init;


                Return the underlying OS handle of this Conduit


        @property const socket_t handle ()
                return sock;


                Return socket error status


        @property const int error ()
                int errcode;
                getOption (SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.ERROR, (&errcode)[0..1]);
                return errcode;


                Return the last error


        @property static int lastError ()
                version (Win32)
                         return WSAGetLastError();
                      return errno;


                Is this socket still alive? A closed socket is considered to
                be dead, but a shutdown socket is still alive.


        @property const bool isAlive ()
                int type, typesize = type.sizeof;
                return getsockopt (sock, SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET,
                                   SocketOption.TYPE, cast(char*) &type,
                                   &typesize) != Error;



        @property AddressFamily addressFamily ()
                return family;



        Berkeley* bind (Address addr)
                if(Error == .bind (sock, addr.name, addr.nameLen))
                   exception ("Unable to bind socket: ");
                return &this;



        Berkeley* connect (Address to)
                if (Error == .connect (sock, to.name, to.nameLen))
                   if (! blocking)
                      auto err = lastError;
                      version (Windows)
                              if (err is WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
                                  return &this;
                              if (err is EINPROGRESS)
                                  return &this;
                   exception ("Unable to connect socket: ");
                return &this;


                need to bind() first


        Berkeley* listen (int backlog)
                if (Error == .listen (sock, backlog))
                    exception ("Unable to listen on socket: ");
                return &this;


                need to bind() first


        void accept (ref Berkeley target)
                auto newsock = .accept (sock, null, null);
                if (socket_t.init is newsock)
                    exception ("Unable to accept socket connection: ");

                target.reopen (newsock);
                target.protocol = protocol;            //same protocol
                target.family = family;                //same family
                target.type = type;                    //same type


                The shutdown function shuts down the connection of the socket.
                Depending on the argument value, it will:

                    -   stop receiving data for this socket. If further data
                        arrives, it is rejected.

                    -   stop trying to transmit data from this socket. Also
                        discards any data waiting to be sent. Stop looking for
                        acknowledgement of data already sent; don't retransmit
                        if any data is lost.


        Berkeley* shutdown (SocketShutdown how)
                .shutdown (sock, how);
                return &this;


                set linger timeout


        @property Berkeley* linger (int period)
                version (Win32)
                         alias ushort attr;
                       alias uint attr;

                union linger
                        struct {
                               attr l_onoff;            // option on/off
                               attr l_linger;           // linger time
                        attr[2] array;                  // combined

                linger l;
                l.l_onoff = 1;                          // option on/off
                l.l_linger = cast(ushort) period;       // linger time

                return setOption (SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.LINGER, l.array);


                enable/disable address reuse


        @property Berkeley* addressReuse (bool enabled)
                int[1] x = enabled;
                return setOption (SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.REUSEADDR, x);


                enable/disable noDelay option (nagle)


        @property Berkeley* noDelay (bool enabled)
                int[1] x = enabled;
                return setOption (SocketOptionLevel.TCP, SocketOption.TCP_NODELAY, x);


                Helper function to handle the adding and dropping of group


        void joinGroup (IPv4Address address, bool onOff)
                assert (address, "Socket.joinGroup :: invalid null address");

                struct ip_mreq
                uint  imr_multiaddr;  /* IP multicast address of group */
                uint  imr_interface;  /* local IP address of interface */

                ip_mreq mrq;

                auto option = (onOff) ? SocketOption.ADD_MEMBERSHIP : SocketOption.DROP_MEMBERSHIP;
                mrq.imr_interface = 0;
                mrq.imr_multiaddr = address.sin.sin_addr;

                if (.setsockopt(sock, SocketOptionLevel.IP, option, &mrq, mrq.sizeof) == Error)
                    exception ("Unable to perform multicast join: ");



        const Address newFamilyObject ()
                if (family is AddressFamily.INET)
                   return new IPv4Address;
                if (family is AddressFamily.INET6)
                   return new IPv6Address;
                return new UnknownAddress;


                return the hostname


        @property static char[] hostName ()
                char[64] name;

                if(Error == .gethostname (name.ptr, name.length))
                   exception ("Unable to obtain host name: ");
                return name [0 .. strlen(name.ptr)].dup;


                return the default host address (IPv4)


        @property static uint hostAddress ()
                auto ih = new NetHost;
                ih.getHostByName (hostName);
                assert (ih.addrList.length);
                return ih.addrList[0];


                return the remote address of the current connection (IPv4)


        @property const Address remoteAddress ()
                auto addr = newFamilyObject();
                auto nameLen = addr.nameLen;
                if(Error == .getpeername (sock, addr.name, &nameLen))
                   exception ("Unable to obtain remote socket address: ");
                assert (addr.addressFamily is family);
                return addr;


                return the local address of the current connection (IPv4)


        @property const Address localAddress ()
                auto addr = newFamilyObject();
                auto nameLen = addr.nameLen;
                if(Error == .getsockname (sock, addr.name, &nameLen))
                   exception ("Unable to obtain local socket address: ");
                assert (addr.addressFamily is family);
                return addr;


                Send data on the connection. Returns the number of bytes
                actually sent, or ERROR on failure. If the socket is blocking
                and there is no buffer space left, send waits.

                Returns number of bytes actually sent, or -1 on error


        const int send (const(void)[] buf, SocketFlags flags=SocketFlags.NONE)
                if (buf.length is 0)
                    return 0;

                version (Posix)
                        auto ret = .send (sock, buf.ptr, buf.length,
                                          SocketFlags.NOSIGNAL + cast(int) flags);
                        if (errno is EPIPE)
                            ret = -1;
                        return ret;
                        return .send (sock, buf.ptr, buf.length, cast(int) flags);


                Send data to a specific destination Address. If the
                destination address is not specified, a connection
                must have been made and that address is used. If the
                socket is blocking and there is no buffer space left,
                sendTo waits.


        const int sendTo (const(void)[] buf, SocketFlags flags, Address to)
                return sendTo (buf, cast(int) flags, to.name, to.nameLen);




        const int sendTo (const(void)[] buf, Address to)
                return sendTo (buf, SocketFlags.NONE, to);


                ditto - assumes you connect()ed


        const int sendTo (const(void)[] buf, SocketFlags flags=SocketFlags.NONE)
                return sendTo (buf, cast(int) flags, null, 0);


                Send data to a specific destination Address. If the
                destination address is not specified, a connection
                must have been made and that address is used. If the
                socket is blocking and there is no buffer space left,
                sendTo waits.


        private const int sendTo (const(void)[] buf, int flags, Address.sockaddr* to, int len)
                if (buf.length is 0)
                    return 0;

                version (Posix)
                        auto ret = .sendto (sock, buf.ptr, buf.length,
                                            flags | SocketFlags.NOSIGNAL, to, len);
                        if (errno is EPIPE)
                            ret = -1;
                        return ret;
                        return .sendto (sock, buf.ptr, buf.length, flags, to, len);

                Receive data on the connection. Returns the number of
                bytes actually received, 0 if the remote side has closed
                the connection, or ERROR on failure. If the socket is blocking,
                receive waits until there is data to be received.

                Returns number of bytes actually received, 0 on connection
                closure, or -1 on error


        const int receive (void[] buf, SocketFlags flags=SocketFlags.NONE)
                if (!buf.length)
                     badArg ("Socket.receive :: target buffer has 0 length");

                return .recv(sock, buf.ptr, buf.length, cast(int)flags);


                Receive data and get the remote endpoint Address. Returns
                the number of bytes actually received, 0 if the remote side
                has closed the connection, or ERROR on failure. If the socket
                is blocking, receiveFrom waits until there is data to be


        const int receiveFrom (void[] buf, SocketFlags flags, Address from)
                if (!buf.length)
                     badArg ("Socket.receiveFrom :: target buffer has 0 length");

                assert(from.addressFamily() == family);
                int nameLen = from.nameLen();
                return .recvfrom(sock, buf.ptr, buf.length, cast(int)flags, from.name(), &nameLen);




        const int receiveFrom (void[] buf, Address from)
                return receiveFrom(buf, SocketFlags.NONE, from);


                ditto - assumes you connect()ed


        const int receiveFrom (void[] buf, SocketFlags flags = SocketFlags.NONE)
                if (!buf.length)
                     badArg ("Socket.receiveFrom :: target buffer has 0 length");

                return .recvfrom(sock, buf.ptr, buf.length, cast(int)flags, null, null);


                returns the length, in bytes, of the actual result - very
                different from getsockopt()


        const int getOption (SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, void[] result)
                int len = cast(int) result.length;
                if(Error == .getsockopt (sock, cast(int)level, cast(int)option, result.ptr, &len))
                   exception ("Unable to get socket option: ");
                return len;



        Berkeley* setOption (SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, const(void)[] value)
                if(Error == .setsockopt (sock, cast(int)level, cast(int)option, value.ptr, cast(int) value.length))
                   exception ("Unable to set socket option: ");
                return &this;




        @property const bool blocking()
                version (Windows)
                         return synchronous;
                   return !(fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0) & O_NONBLOCK);




        @property void blocking(bool yes)
                version (Windows)
                        uint num = !yes;
                        if(ioctlsocket(sock, consts.FIONBIO, &num) is ERROR)
                           exception("Unable to set socket blocking: ");
                        synchronous = yes;
                        int x = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0);
                           x &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
                           x |= O_NONBLOCK;
                        if(fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, x) is ERROR)
                           exception("Unable to set socket blocking: ");



        static void exception (immutable(char)[] msg)
                throw new SocketException (msg ~ SysError.lookup(lastError).idup);



        protected static void badArg (immutable(char)[] msg)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException (msg);



public abstract class Address
        public struct sockaddr
                ushort   sa_family;
                char[14] sa_data = 0;

        struct addrinfo
                int       ai_flags;
                int       ai_family;
                int       ai_socktype;
                int       ai_protocol;
                uint      ai_addrlen;
                version (FreeBSD)
                        char*     ai_canonname;
                        sockaddr* ai_addr;
                        sockaddr* ai_addr;
                        char*     ai_canonname;
                addrinfo* ai_next;

        @property abstract sockaddr* name();
        @property abstract const int nameLen();


                Internal usage


        private static ushort ntohs (ushort x)
                return htons(x);


                Internal usage


        private static uint ntohl (uint x)
                return htonl(x);


                Internal usage


        private static char[] fromInt (char[] tmp, int i)
                size_t j = tmp.length;
                do {
                   tmp[--j] = cast(char)(i % 10 + '0');
                   } while (i /= 10);
                return tmp [j .. $];


                Internal usage


        private static int toInt (const(char)[] s)
                uint value;

                foreach (c; s)
                         if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
                             value = value * 10 + (c - '0');
                return value;


                Tango: added this common function


        static void exception (immutable(char)[] msg)
                throw new SocketException (msg);


                Address factory


        static Address create (sockaddr* sa)
                switch  (sa.sa_family)
                        case AddressFamily.INET:
                             return new IPv4Address(sa);
                        case AddressFamily.INET6:
                             return new IPv6Address(sa);
                             return null;



        static Address resolve (const(char)[] host, const(char)[] service = null,
                                AddressFamily af = AddressFamily.UNSPEC,
                                AIFlags flags = cast(AIFlags)0)
                return resolveAll (host, service, af, flags)[0];



        static Address resolve (const(char)[] host, ushort port,
                                AddressFamily af = AddressFamily.UNSPEC,
                                AIFlags flags = cast(AIFlags)0)
                return resolveAll (host, port, af, flags)[0];



        static Address[] resolveAll (const(char)[] host, const(char)[] service = null,
                                     AddressFamily af = AddressFamily.UNSPEC,
                                     AIFlags flags = cast(AIFlags)0)
                Address[] retVal;
                version (Win32)
                        if (!getaddrinfo)
                           { // *old* windows, let's fall back to NetHost
                           uint port = toInt(service);
                           if (flags & AIFlags.PASSIVE && host is null)
                               return [new IPv4Address(0, cast(ushort)port)];

                           auto nh = new NetHost;
                           if (!nh.getHostByName(host))
                                throw new AddressException("couldn't resolve " ~ host.idup);

                           retVal.length = nh.addrList.length;
                           foreach (i, addr; nh.addrList)
                                    retVal[i] = new IPv4Address(addr, cast(ushort)port);
                           return retVal;

                addrinfo* info;
                addrinfo hints;
                hints.ai_flags = flags;
                hints.ai_family = (flags & AIFlags.PASSIVE && af == AddressFamily.UNSPEC) ? AddressFamily.INET6 : af;
                hints.ai_socktype = SocketType.STREAM;
                int error = getaddrinfo(toStringz(host), service.length == 0 ? null : toStringz(service), &hints, &info);
                if (error != 0)
                    throw new AddressException("couldn't resolve " ~ host.idup);

                retVal.length = 16;
                retVal.length = 0;
                while (info)
                      if (auto addr = create(info.ai_addr))
                          retVal ~= addr;
                      info = info.ai_next;
                freeaddrinfo (info);
                return retVal;



        static Address[] resolveAll (const(char) host[], ushort port,
                                     AddressFamily af = AddressFamily.UNSPEC,
                                     AIFlags flags = cast(AIFlags)0)
                char[16] buf;
                return resolveAll (host, fromInt(buf, port), af, flags);



        static Address passive (const(char)[] service,
                                AddressFamily af = AddressFamily.UNSPEC,
                                AIFlags flags = cast(AIFlags)0)
                return resolve (null, service, af, flags | AIFlags.PASSIVE);



        static Address passive (ushort port, AddressFamily af = AddressFamily.UNSPEC,
                                AIFlags flags = cast(AIFlags)0)
                return resolve (null, port, af, flags | AIFlags.PASSIVE);



        @property char[] toAddrString()
                char[1025] host = void;
                // Getting name info. Don't look up hostname, returns
                // numeric name. (NIFlags.NUMERICHOST)
                getnameinfo (name, nameLen, host.ptr, host.length, null, 0, NIFlags.NUMERICHOST);
                return fromStringz (host.ptr).dup;



        @property char[] toPortString()
                char[32] service = void;
                // Getting name info. Returns port number, not
                // service name. (NIFlags.NUMERICSERV)
                getnameinfo (name, nameLen, null, 0, service.ptr, service.length, NIFlags.NUMERICSERV);
                foreach (i, c; service)
                         if (c == '\0')
                             return service[0..i].dup;
                return null;



        override string toString()
                return toAddrString.idup ~ ":" ~ toPortString.idup;



        @property AddressFamily addressFamily()
                return cast(AddressFamily)name.sa_family;



public class UnknownAddress : Address
        sockaddr sa;



        @property override sockaddr* name()
                return &sa;



        @property override const int nameLen()
                return sa.sizeof;



        @property override AddressFamily addressFamily()
                return cast(AddressFamily) sa.sa_family;



        override string toString()
                return "Unknown";



public class IPv4Address : Address


                ADDR_ANY = 0,
                ADDR_NONE = cast(uint)-1,
                PORT_ANY = 0



        struct sockaddr_in
                version (FreeBSD)
                        ubyte sin_len;
                        ubyte sinfamily  = AddressFamily.INET;
                        ushort sinfamily = AddressFamily.INET;
                ushort sin_port;
                uint sin_addr; //in_addr
                char[8] sin_zero = 0;

        static assert(sockaddr_in.sizeof is 16);

        private sockaddr_in sin;



        protected this ()



        this (ushort port)
                sin.sin_addr = 0; //any, ""
                sin.sin_port = htons(port);



        this (uint addr, ushort port)
                sin.sin_addr = htonl(addr);
                sin.sin_port = htons(port);


                -port- can be PORT_ANY
                -addr- is an IP address or host name


        this (const(char)[] addr, ushort port = PORT_ANY)
                uint uiaddr = parse(addr);
                if (ADDR_NONE == uiaddr)
                   auto ih = new NetHost;
                   if (!ih.getHostByName(addr))
                      char[16] tmp = void;
                      exception ("Unable to resolve "~addr.idup~":"~fromInt(tmp, port).idup);
                   uiaddr = ih.addrList[0];
                sin.sin_addr = htonl(uiaddr);
                sin.sin_port = htons(port);



        this (sockaddr* addr)
                sin = *(cast(sockaddr_in*)addr);



        @property override sockaddr* name()
                return cast(sockaddr*)&sin;



        @property override const int nameLen()
                return cast(int)sin.sizeof;



        @property override AddressFamily addressFamily()
                return AddressFamily.INET;



        @property const ushort port()
                return ntohs(sin.sin_port);



        @property const uint addr()
                return ntohl(sin.sin_addr);



        @property override const char[] toAddrString()
                char[16] buff = 0;
                version (Windows)
                         return fromStringz(inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr)).dup;
                   return fromStringz(inet_ntop(AddressFamily.INET, &sin.sin_addr, buff.ptr, 16)).dup;



        @property override const char[] toPortString()
                char[8] _port;
                return fromInt (_port, port()).dup;



        override string toString()
                return toAddrString().idup ~ ":" ~ toPortString().idup;


                -addr- is an IP address in the format "a.b.c.d"
                returns ADDR_NONE on failure


        static uint parse(const(char)[] addr)
                char[64] tmp;

                synchronized (IPv4Address.classinfo)
                              return ntohl(inet_addr(toStringz(addr, tmp)));



        IPv4Address ia = new IPv4Address("", 80);
        assert(ia.toString() == "");


        IPv6 is the next-generation Internet Protocol version
        designated as the successor to IPv4, the first
        implementation used in the Internet that is still in
        dominant use currently.

        More information: http://ipv6.com/

        IPv6 supports 128-bit address space as opposed to 32-bit
        address space of IPv4.

        IPv6 is written as 8 blocks of 4 octal digits (16 bit)
        separated by a colon (":"). Zero block can be replaced by "::".

        For example:
        is equal
        is equal
        is analogue IPv4

        is equal
        is analogue IPv4

        is equal

        IPv4 address can be submitted through IPv6 as ::ffff:xx.xx.xx.xx,
        where xx.xx.xx.xx 32-bit IPv4 addresses.

        is equal
        is analogue IPv4

        The URL for the IPv6 address will be of the form:

        If needed to specify a port, it will be listed after the
        closing square bracket followed by a colon.

        address: "2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652"
        port: 8080

        IPv6Address can be used as well as IPv4Address.

        scope addr = new IPv6Address(8080);
        address: "::"
        port: 8080

        scope addr_2 = new IPv6Address("::1", 8081);
        address: "::1"
        port: 8081

        scope addr_3 = new IPv6Address("::1");
        address: "::1"
        port: PORT_ANY

        Also in the IPv6Address constructor can specify the service name
        or port as string

        scope addr_3 = new IPv6Address("::", "ssh");
        address: "::"
        port: 22 (ssh service port)

        scope addr_4 = new IPv6Address("::", "8080");
        address: "::"
        port: 8080


class IPv6Address : Address


        struct sockaddr_in6
                ushort sin_family;
                ushort sin_port;

                uint sin6_flowinfo;
                ubyte[16] sin6_addr;
                uint sin6_scope_id;

        sockaddr_in6 sin;



        this ()



        this (sockaddr* sa)
                sin = *cast(sockaddr_in6*)sa;



        @property override sockaddr* name()
                return cast(sockaddr*)&sin;



        @property override const int nameLen()
                return cast(int)sin.sizeof;




       @property override AddressFamily addressFamily()
                return AddressFamily.INET6;

        enum ushort PORT_ANY = 0;



        @property const ushort port()
                return ntohs(sin.sin_port);


                Create IPv6Address with zero address


        this (int port)
          this ("::", port);


                -port- can be PORT_ANY
                -addr- is an IP address or host name


        this (const(char)[] addr, int port = PORT_ANY)
                version (Win32)
                        if (!getaddrinfo)
                             exception ("This platform does not support IPv6.");
                addrinfo* info;
                addrinfo hints;
                hints.ai_family = AddressFamily.INET6;
                int error = getaddrinfo((addr ~ '\0').ptr, null, &hints, &info);
                if (error != 0)
                    exception("failed to create IPv6Address: ");

                sin = *cast(sockaddr_in6*)(info.ai_addr);
                sin.sin_port = htons(cast(ushort) port);


                -service- can be a port number or service name
                -addr- is an IP address or host name


        this (const(char)[] addr, const(char)[] service)
                version (Win32)
                        if(! getaddrinfo)
                             exception ("This platform does not support IPv6.");
                addrinfo* info;
                addrinfo hints;
                hints.ai_family = AddressFamily.INET6;
                int error = getaddrinfo((addr ~ '\0').ptr, (service ~ '\0').ptr, &hints, &info);
                if (error != 0)
                    exception ("failed to create IPv6Address: ");
                sin = *cast(sockaddr_in6*)(info.ai_addr);



        @property ubyte[] addr()
                return sin.sin6_addr;



        version (Posix)
        @property override const char[] toAddrString()

                char[100] buff = 0;
                return fromStringz(inet_ntop(AddressFamily.INET6, &sin.sin6_addr, buff.ptr, 100)).dup;



        @property override const char[] toPortString()
                char[8] _port;
                return fromInt (_port, port()).dup;



        override string toString()
                return "[" ~ toAddrString.idup ~ "]:" ~ toPortString.idup;



        IPv6Address ia = new IPv6Address("7628:0d18:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d", 8080);
        assert(ia.toString() == "[7628:d18:11a3:9d7:1f34:8a2e:7a0:765d]:8080");
        //assert(ia.toString() == "[7628:0d18:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d]:8080");



public class NetHost
        const(char)[]          name;
        const(char)[][]        aliases;
        uint[]          addrList;



        struct hostent
                const(char)* h_name;
                const(char)** h_aliases;
                version (Win32)
                        short h_addrtype;
                        short h_length;
                        int h_addrtype;
                        int h_length;
                const(char)** h_addr_list;

                const(char)* h_addr()
                        return h_addr_list[0];



        protected void validHostent(hostent* he)
                if (he.h_addrtype != AddressFamily.INET || he.h_length != 4)
                    throw new SocketException("Address family mismatch.");



        void populate (hostent* he)
                int i;
                const(char)* p;

                name = fromStringz(he.h_name);

                for (i = 0;; i++)
                    p = he.h_aliases[i];

                if (i)
                   aliases = new const(char)[][i];
                   for (i = 0; i != aliases.length; i++)
                        aliases[i] = fromStringz(he.h_aliases[i]);
                   aliases = null;

                for (i = 0;; i++)
                    p = he.h_addr_list[i];

                if (i)
                   addrList = new uint[i];
                   for (i = 0; i != addrList.length; i++)
                        addrList[i] = Address.ntohl(*(cast(uint*)he.h_addr_list[i]));
                   addrList = null;



        bool getHostByName(const(char)[] name)
                char[1024] tmp;

                synchronized (NetHost.classinfo)
                             auto he = gethostbyname(toStringz(name, tmp));
                                return false;
                return true;



        bool getHostByAddr(uint addr)
                uint x = htonl(addr);
                synchronized (NetHost.classinfo)
                             auto he = gethostbyaddr(&x, 4, cast(int)AddressFamily.INET);
                                 return false;
                return true;



        bool getHostByAddr(const(char)[] addr)
                char[64] tmp;

                synchronized (NetHost.classinfo)
                             uint x = inet_addr(toStringz(addr, tmp));
                             auto he = gethostbyaddr(&x, 4, cast(int)AddressFamily.INET);
                                 return false;
                return true;



debug (UnitTest)
        import tango.io.Stdout;
        NetHost ih = new NetHost;
        assert(ih.addrList.length > 0);
        IPv4Address ia = new IPv4Address(ih.addrList[0], IPv4Address.PORT_ANY);
        Stdout.formatln("addrses: {} {}\n", ia.toAddrString, ih.name);
        Stdout.formatln("IP address = {}\nname = {}\n", ia.toAddrString(), ih.name);
        foreach(int i, const(char)[] s; ih.aliases)
                Stdout.formatln("aliases[%d] = {}\n", i, s);


        Stdout.formatln("name = {}\n", ih.name);
        foreach(int i, const(char)[] s; ih.aliases)
                Stdout.formatln("aliases[{}] = {}\n", i, s);


        a set of sockets for Berkeley.select()


public class SocketSet
        import tango.stdc.config;

        struct timeval
                c_long  seconds, microseconds;

        private size_t  nbytes; //Win32: excludes uint.size "count"
        private byte* buf;

        struct fd {}

                @property uint count()
                        return *(cast(uint*)buf);

                @property void count(int setter)
                        *(cast(uint*)buf) = setter;

                @property socket_t* first()
                        return cast(socket_t*)(buf + uint.sizeof);
        else version (Posix)
                import tango.core.BitManip;

                size_t nfdbits;
                socket_t _maxfd = cast(socket_t)0;

                const uint fdelt(socket_t s)
                        return cast(uint)(s / nfdbits);

                const uint fdmask(socket_t s)
                        return 1 << cast(uint)(s % nfdbits);

                @property uint* first()
                        return cast(uint*)buf;

                @property public socket_t maxfd()
                        return _maxfd;


        this (uint max)
                        nbytes = max * socket_t.sizeof;
                        buf = (new byte[nbytes + uint.sizeof]).ptr;
                        count = 0;
                else version (Posix)
                        if (max <= 32)
                            nbytes = 32 * uint.sizeof;
                           nbytes = max * uint.sizeof;

                        buf = (new byte[nbytes]).ptr;
                        nfdbits = nbytes * 8;
                        //clear(); //new initializes to 0
                        static assert(0);

        this (SocketSet o)
                nbytes = o.nbytes;
                auto size = nbytes;
                version (Win32)
                         size += uint.sizeof;

                version (Posix)
                        nfdbits = o.nfdbits;
                        _maxfd = o._maxfd;

                auto b = new byte[size];
                b[] = o.buf[0..size];
                buf = b.ptr;

                else version (Posix)
                        static assert(0);

        SocketSet dup()
                return new SocketSet (this);

        SocketSet reset()
                        count = 0;
                else version (Posix)
                        buf[0 .. nbytes] = 0;
                        _maxfd = cast(socket_t)0;
                        static assert(0);
                return this;

        void add(socket_t s)
                        assert(count < max); //added too many sockets; specify a higher max in the constructor
                        uint c = count;
                        first[c] = s;
                        count = c + 1;
                else version (Posix)
                        if (s > _maxfd)
                                _maxfd = s;
                        bts(cast(size_t*)&first[fdelt(s)], cast(size_t)s % nfdbits);
                        static assert(0);

        void add(Berkeley* s)

        void remove(socket_t s)
                        uint c = count;
                        socket_t* start = first;
                        socket_t* stop = start + c;

                        for(; start != stop; start++)
                                if(*start == s)
                                        goto found;
                        return; //not found

                        for(++start; start != stop; start++)
                                *(start - 1) = *start;

                        count = c - 1;
                else version (Posix)
                        btr(cast(size_t*)&first[fdelt(s)], cast(size_t)s % nfdbits);

                        // If we're removing the biggest file descriptor we've
                        // entered so far we need to recalculate this value
                        // for the socket set.
                        if (s == _maxfd)
                                while (--_maxfd >= 0)
                                        if (isSet(_maxfd))
                        static assert(0);

        void remove(Berkeley* s)

        int isSet(socket_t s)
                        socket_t* start = first;
                        socket_t* stop = start + count;

                        for(; start != stop; start++)
                                if(*start == s)
                                        return true;
                        return false;
                else version (Posix)
                        //return bt(cast(uint*)&first[fdelt(s)], cast(uint)s % nfdbits);
                        int index = cast(uint)s % nfdbits;
                        return (cast(uint*)&first[fdelt(s)])[index / (uint.sizeof*8)] & (1 << (index & ((uint.sizeof*8) - 1)));
                        static assert(0);

        int isSet(Berkeley* s)
                return isSet(s.handle);

        @property const size_t max()
                return nbytes / socket_t.sizeof;

        fd* toFd_set()
                return cast(fd*)buf;


                SocketSet's are updated to include only those sockets which an
                event occured.

                Returns the number of events, 0 on timeout, or -1 on error

                for a connect()ing socket, writeability means connected
                for a listen()ing socket, readability means listening

                Winsock: possibly internally limited to 64 sockets per set


        static int select (SocketSet checkRead, SocketSet checkWrite, SocketSet checkError, timeval* tv)
                fd* fr, fw, fe;

                //make sure none of the SocketSet's are the same object
                if (checkRead)
                   assert(checkRead !is checkWrite);
                   assert(checkRead !is checkError);

                if (checkWrite)
                    assert(checkWrite !is checkError);

                        //Windows has a problem with empty fd_set's that aren't null
                        fr = (checkRead && checkRead.count()) ? checkRead.toFd_set() : null;
                        fw = (checkWrite && checkWrite.count()) ? checkWrite.toFd_set() : null;
                        fe = (checkError && checkError.count()) ? checkError.toFd_set() : null;
                        fr = checkRead ? checkRead.toFd_set() : null;
                        fw = checkWrite ? checkWrite.toFd_set() : null;
                        fe = checkError ? checkError.toFd_set() : null;

                int result;

                        while ((result = .select (socket_t.max - 1, fr, fw, fe, tv)) == -1)
                                if(WSAGetLastError() != WSAEINTR)
                else version (Posix)
                        socket_t maxfd = cast(socket_t)0;

                        if (checkRead)
                                maxfd = checkRead.maxfd;

                        if (checkWrite && checkWrite.maxfd > maxfd)
                                maxfd = checkWrite.maxfd;

                        if (checkError && checkError.maxfd > maxfd)
                                maxfd = checkError.maxfd;

                        while ((result = .select (maxfd + 1, fr, fw, fe, tv)) == -1)
                                if(errno() != EINTR)
                        static assert(0);

                return result;


                select with specified timeout


        static int select (SocketSet checkRead, SocketSet checkWrite, SocketSet checkError, long microseconds)
                timeval tv = {
                             cast(typeof(timeval.seconds)) (microseconds / 1000000),
                             cast(typeof(timeval.microseconds)) (microseconds % 1000000)
                return select (checkRead, checkWrite, checkError, &tv);


                select with maximum timeout


        static int select (SocketSet checkRead, SocketSet checkWrite, SocketSet checkError)
                return select (checkRead, checkWrite, checkError, null);