
        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)
        version:        Initial release: April 2004      
        author:         Kris


module tango.net.http.HttpTokens;

private import  tango.time.Time;

private import  tango.io.device.Array;

private import  tango.io.stream.Buffered;

private import  tango.net.http.HttpStack,

private import  Text = tango.text.Util;

private import  Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;

private import  TimeStamp = tango.text.convert.TimeStamp;


        Struct used to expose freachable HttpToken instances.


struct HttpToken
        const(char)[]  name,


        Maintains a set of HTTP tokens. These tokens include headers, query-
        parameters, and anything else vaguely related. Both input and output
        are supported, though a subclass may choose to expose as read-only.

        All tokens are mapped directly onto a buffer, so there is no memory
        allocation or copying involved. 

        Note that this class does not support deleting tokens, per se. Instead
        it marks tokens as being 'unused' by setting content to null, avoiding 
        unwarranted reshaping of the token stack. The token stack is reused as
        time goes on, so there's only minor runtime overhead.


class HttpTokens
        protected HttpStack     stack;
        private Array           input;
        private Array           output;
        private bool            parsed;
        private bool            inclusive;
        private char            separator;
        private char[1]         sepString;

                Construct a set of tokens based upon the given delimiter, 
                and an indication of whether said delimiter should be
                considered part of the left side (effectively the name).
                The latter is useful with headers, since the seperating
                ':' character should really be considered part of the 
                name for purposes of subsequent token matching.


        this (char separator, bool inclusive = false)
                stack = new HttpStack;

                this.inclusive = inclusive;
                this.separator = separator;
                // convert separator into a string, for later use
                sepString[0] = separator;

                // pre-construct an empty buffer for wrapping char[] parsing
                input = new Array (0);

                // construct an array for containing stack tokens
                output = new Array (4096, 1024);

                Clone a source set of HttpTokens


        this (HttpTokens source)
                stack = source.stack.clone();
                input = null;
                output = source.output;
                parsed = true;
                inclusive = source.inclusive;
                separator = source.separator;
                sepString[0] = source.sepString[0];

                Read all tokens. Everything is mapped rather than being 
                allocated & copied


        abstract void parse (InputBuffer input);

                Parse an input string.


        void parse (char[] content)
                input.assign (content);
                parse (input);       

                Reset this set of tokens.


        HttpTokens reset ()
                parsed = false;

                // reset output buffer
                return this;

                Have tokens been parsed yet?


        bool isParsed ()
                return parsed;

                Indicate whether tokens have been parsed or not.


        void setParsed (bool parsed)
                this.parsed = parsed;

                Return the value of the provided header, or null if the
                header does not exist


        const(char)[] get (const(char)[] name, const(char)[] ret = null)
                Token token = stack.findToken (name);
                if (token)
                   HttpToken element;

                   if (split (token, element))
                       ret = trim (element.value);
                return ret;

                Return the integer value of the provided header, or the 
                provided default-vaule if the header does not exist


        int getInt (const(char)[] name, int ret = -1)
                auto value = get (name);

                if (value.length)
                    ret = cast(int) Integer.parse (value);

                return ret;

                Return the date value of the provided header, or the 
                provided default-value if the header does not exist


        Time getDate (const(char)[] name, Time date = Time.epoch)
                auto value = get (name);

                if (value.length)
                    date = TimeStamp.parse (value);

                return date;


                Iterate over the set of tokens


        int opApply (scope int delegate(ref HttpToken) dg)
                HttpToken element;
                int       result = 0;

                foreach (Token t; stack)
                         if (split (t, element))
                            result = dg (element);
                            if (result)
                return result;


                Output the token list to the provided consumer


        void produce (scope size_t delegate(const(void)[]) consume, const(char)[] eol = null)
                foreach (Token token; stack)
                        auto content = token.toString();
                        if (content.length)
                           consume (content);
                           if (eol.length)
                               consume (eol);


                overridable method to handle the case where a token does
                not have a separator. Apparently, this can happen in HTTP 


        protected bool handleMissingSeparator (const(char)[] s, ref HttpToken element)
                return false;


                split basic token into an HttpToken


        final private bool split (Token t, ref HttpToken element)
                auto s = t.toString();

                if (s.length)
                   auto i = Text.locate (s, separator);

                   // we should always find the separator
                   if (i < s.length)
                      auto j = (inclusive) ? i+1 : i;
                      element.name = s[0 .. j];
                      element.value = (++i < s.length) ? s[i .. $] : null;
                      return true;
                      // allow override to specialize this case
                      return handleMissingSeparator (s, element);
                return false;                           


                Create a filter for iterating over the tokens matching
                a particular name. 

        FilteredTokens createFilter (char[] match)
                return new FilteredTokens (this, match);


                Implements a filter for iterating over tokens matching
                a particular name. We do it like this because there's no 
                means of passing additional information to an opApply() 

        private static class FilteredTokens 
                private const(char)[]          match;
                private HttpTokens      tokens;


                        Construct this filter upon the given tokens, and
                        set the pattern to match against.


                this (HttpTokens tokens, const(char)[] match)
                        this.match = match;
                        this.tokens = tokens;


                        Iterate over all tokens matching the given name


                int opApply (scope int delegate(ref HttpToken) dg)
                        HttpToken       element;
                        int             result = 0;
                        foreach (Token token; tokens.stack)
                                 if (tokens.stack.isMatch (token, match))
                                     if (tokens.split (token, element))
                                        result = dg (element);
                                        if (result)
                        return result;



                Is the argument a whitespace character?


        private bool isSpace (char c)
                return cast(bool) (c is ' ' || c is '\t' || c is '\r' || c is '\n');


                Trim the provided string by stripping whitespace from 
                both ends. Returns a slice of the original content.


        private inout(char)[] trim (inout(char)[] source)
                size_t  front,
                     back = source.length;

                if (back)
                   while (front < back && isSpace(source[front]))

                   while (back > front && isSpace(source[back-1]))
                return source [front .. back];

        ****************** these should be exposed carefully ******************

                Return a char[] representing the output. An empty array
                is returned if output was not configured. This perhaps
                could just return our 'output' buffer content, but that
                would not reflect deletes, or seperators. Better to do 
                it like this instead, for a small cost.


        char[] formatTokens (OutputBuffer dst, const(char)[] delim)
                bool first = true;

                foreach (Token token; stack)
                        auto content = token.toString();
                        if (content.length)
                           if (first)
                               first = false;
                              dst.write (delim);
                           dst.write (content);
                return cast(char[]) dst.slice();

                Add a token with the given name. The content is provided
                via the specified delegate. We stuff this name & content
                into the output buffer, and map a new Token onto the
                appropriate buffer slice.


        protected void add (const(char)[] name, scope void delegate(OutputBuffer) value)
                // save the buffer write-position
                //int prior = output.limit;
                auto prior = output.slice().length;

                // add the name
                output.append (name);

                // don't append separator if it's already part of the name
                if (! inclusive)
                      output.append (sepString);
                // add the value
                value (output);

                // map new token onto buffer slice
                stack.push (cast(char[]) output.slice() [prior .. $]);

                Add a simple name/value pair to the output


        protected void add (const(char)[] name, const(char)[] value)
                void addValue (OutputBuffer buffer)
                        buffer.write (value);

                add (name, &addValue);

                Add a name/integer pair to the output


        protected void addInt (const(char)[] name, size_t value)
                char[16] tmp = void;

                add (name, Integer.format (tmp, cast(long) value));

               Add a name/date(long) pair to the output

        protected void addDate (const(char)[] name, Time value)
                char[40] tmp = void;

                add (name, TimeStamp.format (tmp, value));

               remove a token from our list. Returns false if the named
               token is not found.

        protected bool remove (const(char)[] name)
                return stack.removeToken (name);