
        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2007 Tango. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Feb 2007: Initial release

        author:         Deewiant, Maxter, Gregor, Kris


module tango.sys.Environment;

private import  tango.sys.Common;

private import  tango.io.Path,

private import  tango.core.Exception;

private import  tango.io.model.IFile;

private import  Text = tango.text.Util;

private import  tango.core.Octal;


        Platform decls


version (Windows)
        private import tango.text.convert.Utf;

        pragma (lib, "kernel32.lib");

        extern (Windows)
                private void* GetEnvironmentStringsW();
                private bool FreeEnvironmentStringsW(wchar**);
        extern (Windows)
                private int SetEnvironmentVariableW(const(wchar)*, const(wchar)*);
                private uint GetEnvironmentVariableW(const(wchar)*, wchar*, uint);
                private const int ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND = 203;
    version (darwin)
        extern (C) char*** _NSGetEnviron();
        private __gshared char** environ;
        shared static this ()
            environ = *_NSGetEnviron();
        private extern (C) extern __gshared char** environ;

    import tango.stdc.posix.stdlib;
    import tango.stdc.string;


        Exposes the system Environment settings, along with some handy


struct Environment
        public alias cwd directory;

                Throw an exception


        private static void exception (immutable(char)[] msg)
                throw new PlatformException (msg);

            Returns an absolute version of the provided path, where cwd is used
            as the prefix.

            The provided path is returned as is if already absolute.


        static char[] toAbsolute(char[] path)
            scope fp = new FilePath(path);
            if (fp.isAbsolute)
                return path;

            return fp.cString()[0..$-1];


                Returns the full path location of the provided executable
                file, rifling through the PATH as necessary.

                Returns null if the provided filename was not found


        static FilePath exePath (char[] file)
                auto bin = new FilePath (file);

                // on Windows, this is a .exe
                version (Windows)
                         if (bin.ext.length is 0)
                             bin.suffix = "exe";

                // is this a directory? Potentially make it absolute
                if (bin.isChild && !bin.isAbsolute)
                    return bin.absolute (cwd());

                // is it in cwd?
                version (Windows)
                         if (bin.path(cwd()).exists)
                             return bin;

                // rifle through the path (after converting to standard format)
                foreach (pe; Text.patterns (standard(get("PATH")), tango.io.model.IFile.FileConst.SystemPathString))
                         if (bin.path(pe).exists)
                             version (Windows)
                                      return bin;
                                     stat_t stats;
                                     stat(bin.cString().ptr, &stats);
                                     if (stats.st_mode & octal!(100))
                                         return bin;
                return null;


                Windows implementation


        version (Windows)

                        Returns the provided 'def' value if the variable 
                        does not exist


                static char[] get (const(char)[] variable, char[] def = null)
                        const(wchar)[] var = toString16(variable) ~ "\0";

                        uint size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(var.ptr, cast(wchar*)null, 0);
                        if (size is 0)
                           if (SysError.lastCode is ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND)
                               return def;
                              exception (SysError.lastMsg.idup);

                        auto buffer = new wchar[size];
                        size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(var.ptr, buffer.ptr, size);
                        if (size is 0)
                            exception (SysError.lastMsg.idup);

                        return toString (buffer[0 .. size]);


                        clears the variable if value is null or empty


                static void set (const(char)[] variable, const(char)[] value = null)
                        const(wchar) * var, val;

                        var = (toString16 (variable) ~ "\0").ptr;

                        if (value.length > 0)
                            val = (toString16 (value) ~ "\0").ptr;

                        if (! SetEnvironmentVariableW(var, val))
                              exception (SysError.lastMsg.idup);


                        Get all set environment variables as an associative


                static char[][char[]] get ()
                        char[][char[]] arr;

                        wchar[] key = new wchar[20],
                                value = new wchar[40];

                        wchar** env = cast(wchar**) GetEnvironmentStringsW();
                        scope (exit)
                               FreeEnvironmentStringsW (env);

                        for (wchar* str = cast(wchar*) env; *str; ++str)
                            size_t k = 0, v = 0;

                            while (*str != '=')
                                  key[k++] = *str++;

                                  if (k is key.length)
                                      key.length = 2 * key.length;


                            while (*str)
                                  value [v++] = *str++;

                                  if (v is value.length)
                                      value.length = 2 * value.length;

                            arr [toString(key[0 .. k]).idup] = toString(value[0 .. v]);

                        return arr;


                        Set the current working directory


                static void cwd (const(char)[] path)
                        version (Win32SansUnicode)
                                char[MAX_PATH+1] tmp = void;
                                tmp[0..path.length] = path;
                                tmp[path.length] = 0;

                                if (! SetCurrentDirectoryA (tmp.ptr))
                                      exception ("Failed to set current directory");
                                // convert into output buffer
                                wchar[MAX_PATH+1] tmp = void;
                                assert (path.length < tmp.length);
                                auto i = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, 
                                                              cast(PCHAR)path.ptr, path.length, 
                                                              tmp.ptr, tmp.length);
                                tmp[i] = 0;

                                if (! SetCurrentDirectoryW (tmp.ptr))
                                      exception ("Failed to set current directory");


                        Get the current working directory


                static char[] cwd ()
                        char[] path;

                        version (Win32SansUnicode)
                                int len = GetCurrentDirectoryA (0, null);
                                auto dir = new char [len];
                                GetCurrentDirectoryA (len, dir.ptr);
                                if (len)
                                   if (dir[len-2] is '/')
                                       dir.length = len-1;
                                       dir[len-1] = '/'; 
                                   path = standard (dir);
                                   exception ("Failed to get current directory");
                                wchar[MAX_PATH+2] tmp = void;

                                auto len = GetCurrentDirectoryW (0, null);
                                assert (len < tmp.length);
                                auto dir = new char [len * 3];
                                GetCurrentDirectoryW (len, tmp.ptr); 
                                auto i = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, tmp.ptr, len, 
                                                              cast(PCHAR)dir.ptr, dir.length, null, null);
                                if (len && i)
                                   path = standard (dir[0..i]);
                                   if (path[$-2] is '/')
                                       path.length = path.length-1;
                                       path[$-1] = '/';
                                   exception ("Failed to get current directory");

                        return path;



                Posix implementation


        version (Posix)

                        Returns the provided 'def' value if the variable 
                        does not exist


                static char[] get (const(char)[] variable, char[] def = null)
                        char* ptr = getenv ((variable ~ '\0').ptr);

                        if (ptr is null)
                            return def;

                        return ptr[0 .. strlen(ptr)].dup;


                        clears the variable, if value is null or empty

                static void set (const(char)[] variable, const(char)[] value = null)
                        int result;

                        if (value.length is 0)
                            unsetenv ((variable ~ '\0').ptr);
                           result = setenv ((variable ~ '\0').ptr, (value ~ '\0').ptr, 1);

                        if (result != 0)
                            exception (SysError.lastMsg.idup);


                        Get all set environment variables as an associative


                static char[][char[]] get ()
                        char[][char[]] arr;

                        for (char** p = environ; *p; ++p)
                            size_t k = 0;
                            char* str = *p;

                            while (*str++ != '=')
                            char[] key = (*p)[0..k];

                            k = 0;
                            char* val = str;
                            while (*str++)
                            arr[key.idup] = val[0 .. k];

                        return arr;


                        Set the current working directory


                static void cwd (const(char)[] path)
                        char[512] tmp = void;
                        tmp [path.length] = 0;
                        tmp[0..path.length] = path;

                        if (tango.stdc.posix.unistd.chdir (tmp.ptr))
                            exception ("Failed to set current directory");


                        Get the current working directory


                static char[] cwd ()
                        char[512] tmp = void;

                        char *s = tango.stdc.posix.unistd.getcwd (tmp.ptr, tmp.length);
                        if (s is null)
                            exception ("Failed to get current directory");

                        auto path = s[0 .. strlen(s)+1].dup;
                        if (path[$-2] is '/') // root path has the slash
                            path.length = path.length-1;
                            path[$-1] = '/';
                        return path;



debug (Environment)
        import tango.io.Console;

        void main(const(char)[][] args)
        enum immutable(char)[] VAR = "TESTENVVAR";
        enum immutable(char)[] VAL1 = "VAL1";
        enum immutable(char)[] VAL2 = "VAL2";

        assert(Environment.get(VAR) is null);

        Environment.set(VAR, VAL1);
        assert(Environment.get(VAR) == VAL1);

        Environment.set(VAR, VAL2);
        assert(Environment.get(VAR) == VAL2);

        Environment.set(VAR, null);
        assert(Environment.get(VAR) is null);

        Environment.set(VAR, VAL1);
        Environment.set(VAR, "");

        assert(Environment.get(VAR) is null);

        foreach (key, value; Environment.get)
                 Cout (key) ("=") (value).newline;

        if (args.length > 0)
           auto p = Environment.exePath (args[0]);
           Cout (p).newline;

        if (args.length > 1)
           if (auto p = Environment.exePath (args[1]))
               Cout (p).newline;