
        Copyright: Copyright (C) 2008 Kris Bell.  All rights reserved.

        License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:   Initial release: March 2008      

        Authors:   Kris


module tango.text.xml.DocPrinter;

private import tango.io.model.IConduit;

private import tango.text.xml.Document;

private import tango.core.Exception : XmlException;


        Simple Document printer, with support for serialization caching 
        where the latter avoids having to generate unchanged sub-trees


class DocPrinter(T)
        public alias Document!(T) Doc;          /// the typed document
        public alias Doc.Node Node;             /// generic document node

        private bool quick = true;
        private uint indentation = 2;

        version (Win32)
                 private enum const(T)[] Eol = "\r\n";
              private enum const(T)[] Eol = "\n";

                Sets the number of spaces used when increasing indentation
                levels. Use a value of zero to disable explicit formatting

        final DocPrinter indent (uint indentation)
                this.indentation = indentation;
                return this;


                Enable or disable use of cached document snippets. These
                represent document branches that remain unaltered, and
                can be emitted verbatim instead of traversing the tree
        final DocPrinter cache (bool yes)
                this.quick = yes;
                return this;

                Generate a text representation of the document tree

        final T[] print (Doc doc, T[] content=null)
                if(content !is null)  
                    print (doc.tree, (const(T)[][] s...)
                            size_t i=0; 
                            foreach(t; s) 
                                if(i+t.length >= content.length) 
                                    throw new XmlException("Buffer is to small"); 
                                content[i..t.length] = t; 
                            content.length = i; 
                    print (doc.tree, (const(T)[][] s...){foreach(t; s) content ~= t;});
                return content;
                Generate a text representation of the document tree

        final void print (Doc doc, OutputStream stream)
                print (doc.tree, (const(T)[][] s...){foreach(t; s) stream.write(t);});
                Generate a representation of the given node-subtree 

        final void print (Node root, scope void delegate(const(T)[][]...) emit)
                T[256] tmp;
                T[256] spaces = ' ';

                // ignore whitespace from mixed-model values
                const(T)[] rawValue (Node node)
                        foreach (c; node.rawValue)
                                 if (c > 32)
                                     return node.rawValue;
                        return null;

                void printNode (Node node, uint indent)
                        // check for cached output
                        if (node.end && quick)
                           auto p = node.start;
                           auto l = node.end - p;
                           // nasty hack to retain whitespace while
                           // dodging prior EndElement instances
                           if (*p is '>')
                               ++p, --l;
                           emit (p[0 .. l]);
                        switch (node.id)
                               case XmlNodeType.Document:
                                    foreach (n; node.children)
                                             printNode (n, indent);
                               case XmlNodeType.Element:
                                    if (indentation > 0)
                                        emit (Eol, spaces[0..indent]);
                                    emit ("<", node.toString(tmp));

                                    foreach (attr; node.attributes)
                                             emit (` `, attr.toString(tmp), `="`, attr.rawValue, `"`);  

                                    auto value = rawValue (node);
                                    if (node.child)
                                       emit (">");
                                       if (value.length)
                                           emit (value);
                                       foreach (child; node.children)
                                                printNode (child, indent + indentation);
                                       // inhibit newline if we're closing Data
                                       if (node.lastChild.id != XmlNodeType.Data && indentation > 0)
                                           emit (Eol, spaces[0..indent]);
                                       emit ("</", node.toString(tmp), ">");
                                       if (value.length)
                                           emit (">", value, "</", node.toString(tmp), ">");
                                          emit ("/>");      
                                    // ingore whitespace data in mixed-model
                                    // <foo>
                                    //   <bar>blah</bar>
                                    // a whitespace Data instance follows <foo>
                               case XmlNodeType.Data:
                                    auto value = rawValue (node);
                                    if (value.length)
                                        emit (node.rawValue);
                               case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                                    emit ("<!--", node.rawValue, "-->");
                               case XmlNodeType.PI:
                                    emit ("<?", node.rawValue, "?>");
                               case XmlNodeType.CData:
                                    emit ("<![CDATA[", node.rawValue, "]]>");
                               case XmlNodeType.Doctype:
                                    emit ("<!DOCTYPE ", node.rawValue, ">");

                                    emit ("<!-- unknown node type -->");
                printNode (root, 0);

debug import tango.text.xml.Document;
debug import tango.util.log.Trace;


    const(char)[] document = "<blah><xml>foo</xml></blah>";

    auto doc = new Document!(char);
    doc.parse (document);

    auto p = new DocPrinter!(char);
    char[1024] buf;
    auto newbuf = p.print (doc, buf);
    assert(document == newbuf);
    assert(buf.ptr == newbuf.ptr);
    assert(document == p.print(doc));
