
        Copyright: Copyright (C) 2008 Kris Bell.  All rights reserved.

        License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:   Initial release: March 2008      

        Authors:   Kris


module tango.text.xml.DocTester;

private import tango.core.Exception;

private import tango.text.xml.Document;

private import tango.text.convert.Format;

private import tango.core.Vararg;


        Validate a document

        TODO: add various tests here, or in subclasses, as required


protected class DocTester(T)
        private alias Document!(T) Doc;         /// the typed document
        private alias Doc.Node     Node;        /// generic document node

                Generate a text representation of the document tree

        final void validate (Doc doc)
                validate (doc.elements);  
                Generate a representation of the given node-subtree 

        final void validate (Node node)
                switch (node.id)
                       case XmlNodeType.Document:
                            foreach (n; node.children)
                                     validate (n);
                       case XmlNodeType.Element:
                            element (node);

                            foreach (n; node.attributes)
                                     attribute (n);

                            foreach (n; node.children)
                                     validate (n);
                       case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
                            attribute (node);
                       case XmlNodeType.Data:
                            data (node);
                       case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                            comment (node);
                       case XmlNodeType.PI:
                            pi (node);
                       case XmlNodeType.CData:
                            cdata (node);
                       case XmlNodeType.Doctype:
                            doctype (node);

                validate an element

        void element (Node node)
                uniqueAttrNames (node);

                validate an attribute

        void attribute (Node node)

                validate a data node

        void data (Node node)

                validate a comment node

        void comment (Node node)

                validate a pi node

        void pi (Node node)

                validate a cdata node

        void cdata (Node node)

                validate a doctype node

        void doctype (Node node)

                Ensure attribute names are unique within the element 

        static void uniqueAttrNames (Node node)
                T[128]  name1 = void,
                        name2 = void;

                // non-optimal, but is it critical?
                foreach (attr; node.attributes)
                        auto name = attr.name (name1);
                        auto next = attr.nextSibling;
                        while (next !is null)
                              if (name == next.name(name2))
                                  error ("duplicate attribute name '{}' for element '{}'", 
                                          name, node.name(name2));
                              next = attr.nextSibling;

                halt validation

        static void error (const(char)[] format, ...)
                throw new TextException (Format.convert(_arguments, _argptr, format).idup);



debug (DocTester)
        void main()
                auto v = new DocTester!(char);