
        Copyright: Copyright (C) 2007 Aaron Craelius and Kris Bell  
                   All rights reserved.

        License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:   Initial release: February 2008      

        Authors:   Aaron, Kris


module tango.text.xml.Document;

package import tango.text.xml.PullParser;

        extern (C) void* memset(void* s, int c, size_t n);



        Implements a DOM atop the XML parser, supporting document 
        parsing, tree traversal and ad-hoc tree manipulation.

        The DOM API is non-conformant, yet simple and functional in 
        style - locate a tree node of interest and operate upon or 
        around it. In all cases you will need a document instance to 
        begin, whereupon it may be populated either by parsing an 
        existing document or via API manipulation.

        This particular DOM employs a simple free-list to allocate
        each of the tree nodes, making it quite efficient at parsing
        XML documents. The tradeoff with such a scheme is that copying
        nodes from one document to another requires a little more care
        than otherwise. We felt this was a reasonable tradeoff, given
        the throughput gains vs the relative infrequency of grafting
        operations. For grafting within or across documents, please
        use the move() and copy() methods.

        Another simplification is related to entity transcoding. This
        is not performed internally, and becomes the responsibility
        of the client. That is, the client should perform appropriate
        entity transcoding as necessary. Paying the (high) transcoding 
        cost for all documents doesn't seem appropriate.

        Parse example
        auto doc = new Document!(char);
        doc.parse (content);

        auto print = new DocPrinter!(char);

        API example
        auto doc = new Document!(char);

        // attach an xml header

        // attach an element with some attributes, plus 
        // a child element with an attached data value
        doc.tree.element   (null, "element")
                .attribute (null, "attrib1", "value")
                .attribute (null, "attrib2")
                .element   (null, "child", "value");

        auto print = new DocPrinter!(char);

        Note that the document tree() includes all nodes in the tree,
        and not just elements. Use doc.elements to address the topmost
        element instead. For example, adding an interior sibling to
        the prior illustration
        doc.elements.element (null, "sibling");

        Printing the name of the topmost (root) element:
        Stdout.formatln ("first element is '{}'", doc.elements.name);
        XPath examples:
        auto doc = new Document!(char);

        // attach an element with some attributes, plus 
        // a child element with an attached data value
        doc.tree.element   (null, "element")
                .attribute (null, "attrib1", "value")
                .attribute (null, "attrib2")
                .element   (null, "child", "value");

        // select named-elements
        auto set = doc.query["element"]["child"];

        // select all attributes named "attrib1"
        set = doc.query.descendant.attribute("attrib1");

        // select elements with one parent and a matching text value
        set = doc.query[].filter((doc.Node n) {return n.children.hasData("value");});

        Note that path queries are temporal - they do not retain content
        across mulitple queries. That is, the lifetime of a query result
        is limited unless you explicitly copy it. For example, this will 
        auto elements = doc.query["element"];
        auto children = elements["child"];

        The above will lose elements because the associated document reuses 
        node space for subsequent queries. In order to retain results, do this
        auto elements = doc.query["element"].dup;
        auto children = elements["child"];

        The above .dup is generally very small (a set of pointers only). On
        the other hand, recursive queries are fully supported
        set = doc.query[].filter((doc.Node n) {return n.query[].count > 1;});

        Typical usage tends to follow the following pattern, Where each query 
        result is processed before another is initiated
        foreach (node; doc.query.child("element"))
                // do something with each node

        Note that the parser is templated for char, wchar or dchar.

class Document(T) : PullParser!(T)
        public alias NodeImpl*  Node;

        private Node            root; 
        private NodeImpl[]      list;
        private NodeImpl[][]    lists;
        private ptrdiff_t       index,
        private XmlPath!(T)     xpath;

                Construct a DOM instance. The optional parameter indicates
                the initial number of nodes assigned to the freelist


        this (size_t nodes = 1000)
                assert (nodes > 50);
                super (null);
                xpath = new XmlPath!(T);

                chunks = nodes;
                root = allocate();
                root.id = XmlNodeType.Document;

                Return an xpath handle to query this document. This starts
                at the document root.

                See also Node.query

        final XmlPath!(T).NodeSet query ()
                return xpath.start (root);

                Return the root document node, from which all other nodes
                are descended. 

                Returns null where there are no nodes in the document

        @property final Node tree ()
                return root;

                Return the topmost element node, which is generally the
                root of the element tree.

                Returns null where there are no top-level element nodes

        @property final Node elements ()
                if (root)
                   auto node = root.lastChild;
                   while (node)
                          if (node.id is XmlNodeType.Element)
                              return node;
                             node = node.prev;
                return null;

                Reset the freelist. Subsequent allocation of document nodes 
                will overwrite prior instances.

        final Document reset ()
                root.lastChild = root.firstChild = null;
                while (freelists)
                      auto list = lists[--freelists];
                      memset (list.ptr, 0, NodeImpl.sizeof * list.length);
                freelists = 0;
                index = 1;
                freelists = 0;          // needed to align the codegen!
                return this;

               Prepend an XML header to the document tree

        final Document header (const(T)[] encoding = null)
                if (encoding.length)
                   encoding = `xml version="1.0" encoding="`~encoding~`"`;
                   encoding = `xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`;

                root.prepend (root.create(XmlNodeType.PI, encoding));
                return this;

                Parse the given xml content, which will reuse any existing 
                node within this document. The resultant tree is retrieved
                via the document 'tree' attribute

        final void parse(const(T[]) xml)
                assert (xml);
                super.reset (xml);
                auto cur = root;
                size_t defNamespace;

                while (true) 
                      auto p = text.point;
                      switch (super.next) 
                             case XmlTokenType.EndElement:
                             case XmlTokenType.EndEmptyElement:
                                  assert (cur.host);
                                  cur.end = text.point;
                                  cur = cur.host;                      
                             case XmlTokenType.Data:
version (discrete)
                                  auto node = allocate();
                                  node.rawValue = super.rawValue;
                                  node.id = XmlNodeType.Data;
                                  cur.append (node);
                                  if (cur.rawValue.length is 0)
                                      cur.rawValue = super.rawValue;
                                     // multiple data sections
                                     cur.data (super.rawValue);
                             case XmlTokenType.StartElement:
                                  auto node = allocate();
                                  node.host = cur;
                                  node.prefixed = super.prefix;
                                  node.id = XmlNodeType.Element;
                                  node.localName = super.localName;
                                  node.start = p;
                                  // inline append
                                  if (cur.lastChild) 
                                     cur.lastChild.nextSibling = node;
                                     node.prevSibling = cur.lastChild;
                                     cur.lastChild = node;
                                     cur.firstChild = node;
                                     cur.lastChild = node;
                                  cur = node;
                             case XmlTokenType.Attribute:
                                  auto attr = allocate();
                                  attr.prefixed = super.prefix;
                                  attr.rawValue = super.rawValue;
                                  attr.localName = super.localName;
                                  attr.id = XmlNodeType.Attribute;
                                  cur.attrib (attr);
                             case XmlTokenType.PI:
                                  cur.pi_ (super.rawValue, p[0..text.point-p]);
                             case XmlTokenType.Comment:
                                  cur.comment_ (super.rawValue);
                             case XmlTokenType.CData:
                                  cur.cdata_ (super.rawValue);
                             case XmlTokenType.Doctype:
                                  cur.doctype_ (super.rawValue);
                             case XmlTokenType.Done:

                allocate a node from the freelist


        private final Node allocate ()
                if (index >= list.length)

                auto p = &list[index++];
                p.doc = this;
                p.start = p.end = null;
                p.host =
                p.prevSibling = 
                p.nextSibling = 
                p.firstChild =
                p.lastChild = 
                p.firstAttr =
                p.lastAttr = null;
                p.rawValue = 
                p.localName = 
                p.prefixed = null;
                return p;

                allocate a node from the freelist


        private final void newlist ()
                index = 0;
                if (freelists >= lists.length)
                   lists.length = lists.length + 1;
                   lists[$-1] = new NodeImpl [chunks];
                list = lists[freelists++];

                foreach support for visiting and selecting nodes. 
                A fruct is a low-overhead mechanism for capturing context 
                relating to an opApply, and we use it here to sweep nodes
                when testing for various relationships.

                See Node.attributes and Node.children

        private struct Visitor
                private Node node;
                public alias value      data;
                public alias hasValue   hasData;

                        Is there anything to visit here?

                        Time complexity: O(1)

                bool exist ()
                        return node != null;

                        traverse sibling nodes

                int opApply (scope int delegate(ref Node) dg)
                        int ret;

                        for (auto n=node; n; n = n.nextSibling)
                             if ((ret = dg(n)) != 0) 
                        return ret;

                        Locate a node with a matching name and/or prefix, 
                        and which passes an optional filter. Each of the
                        arguments will be ignored where they are null.

                        Time complexity: O(n)


                Node name (const(T[]) prefix, const(T[]) local, scope bool delegate(Node) dg=null)
                        for (auto n=node; n; n = n.nextSibling)
                            if (local.ptr && local != n.localName)

                            if (prefix.ptr && prefix != n.prefixed)

                            if (dg !is null && dg(n) is false)

                            return n;
                        return null;

                        Scan nodes for a matching name and/or prefix. Each 
                        of the arguments will be ignored where they are null.

                        Time complexity: O(n)

                bool hasName (const(T[]) prefix, const(T[]) local)
                        return name (prefix, local) != null;

                        Locate a node with a matching name and/or prefix, 
                        and which matches a specified value. Each of the
                        arguments will be ignored where they are null.

                        Time complexity: O(n)

version (Filter)
                Node value (const(T[]) prefix, const(T[]) local, const(T[]) value)
                        if (value.ptr)
                            return name (prefix, local, (Node n){return value == n.rawValue;});
                        return name (prefix, local);
                        Sweep nodes looking for a match, and returns either 
                        a node or null. See value(x,y,z) or name(x,y,z) for
                        additional filtering.

                        Time complexity: O(n)


                Node value (const(T[]) match)
                        if (match.ptr)
                            for (auto n=node; n; n = n.nextSibling)
                                 if (match == n.rawValue)
                                     return n;
                        return null;

                        Sweep the nodes looking for a value match. Returns 
                        true if found. See value(x,y,z) or name(x,y,z) for
                        additional filtering.

                        Time complexity: O(n)

                bool hasValue (const(T[]) match)
                        return value(match) != null;
                The node implementation

        private struct NodeImpl
                public void*            user;           /// open for usage
                package Document        doc;            // owning document
                package XmlNodeType     id;             // node type
                package const(T)[]      prefixed;       // namespace
                package const(T)[]      localName;      // name
                package const(T)[]      rawValue;       // data value
                package Node            host,           // parent node
                                        prevSibling,    // prior
                                        nextSibling,    // next
                                        firstChild,     // head
                                        lastChild,      // tail
                                        firstAttr,      // head
                                        lastAttr;       // tail

                package const(T)*       end,            // slice of the  ...
                                        start;          // original xml text 

                        Return the hosting document

                @property Document document () 
                        return doc;
                        Return the node type-id

                @property XmlNodeType type () 
                        return id;
                        Return the parent, which may be null

                @property Node parent () 
                        return host;
                        Return the first child, which may be null

                @property Node child () 
                        return firstChild;
                        Return the last child, which may be null

                        Deprecated: exposes too much implementation detail. 
                                    Please file a ticket if you really need 
                                    this functionality

                deprecated Node childTail () 
                        return lastChild;
                        Return the prior sibling, which may be null

                @property Node prev () 
                        return prevSibling;
                        Return the next sibling, which may be null

                @property Node next () 
                        return nextSibling;
                        Return the namespace prefix of this node (may be null)

                @property const(T[]) prefix ()
                        return prefixed;

                        Set the namespace prefix of this node (may be null)

                @property Node prefix (const(T[]) replace)
                        prefixed = replace;
                        return &this;

                        Return the vanilla node name (sans prefix)

                @property const(T[]) name ()
                        return localName;

                        Set the vanilla node name (sans prefix)

                @property Node name (const(T[]) replace)
                        localName = replace;
                        return &this;

                        Return the data content, which may be null

                @property const(T[]) value ()
                        if (type is XmlNodeType.Element)
                            foreach (child; children)
                                     if (child.id is XmlNodeType.Data || 
                                         child.id is XmlNodeType.CData)
                                         return child.rawValue;
                        return rawValue;
                        Set the raw data content, which may be null

                @property void value (const(T[]) val)
                        if (type is XmlNodeType.Element)
                            foreach (child; children)
                                     if (child.id is XmlNodeType.Data)
                                         return child.value (val);
                        rawValue = val; 
                        Return the full node name, which is a combination 
                        of the prefix & local names. Nodes without a prefix 
                        will return local-name only

                const(T[]) toString (T[] output = null)
                        if (prefixed.length)
                           auto len = prefixed.length + localName.length + 1;
                           // is the prefix already attached to the name?
                           if (prefixed.ptr + prefixed.length + 1 is localName.ptr &&
                               ':' is *(localName.ptr-1))
                               return prefixed.ptr [0 .. len];
                           // nope, copy the discrete segments into output
                           if (output.length < len)
                               output.length = len;
                           output[0..prefixed.length] = prefixed;
                           output[prefixed.length] = ':';
                           output[prefixed.length+1 .. len] = localName;
                           return output[0..len];

                        return localName;
                        Return the index of this node, or how many 
                        prior siblings it has. 

                        Time complexity: O(n) 

                @property size_t position ()
                        auto count = 0;
                        auto prior = prevSibling;
                        while (prior)
                               ++count, prior = prior.prevSibling;                        
                        return count;
                        Detach this node from its parent and siblings

                Node detach ()
                        return remove();

                        Return an xpath handle to query this node

                        See also Document.query

                final XmlPath!(T).NodeSet query ()
                        return doc.xpath.start (&this);

                        Return a foreach iterator for node children

                @property Visitor children () 
                        Visitor v = {firstChild};
                        return v;
                        Return a foreach iterator for node attributes

                @property Visitor attributes () 
                        Visitor v = {firstAttr};
                        return v;
                        Returns whether there are attributes present or not

                        Deprecated: use node.attributes.exist instead

                deprecated bool hasAttributes () 
                        return firstAttr !is null;
                        Returns whether there are children present or nor

                        Deprecated: use node.child or node.children.exist

                deprecated bool hasChildren () 
                        return firstChild !is null;
                        Duplicate the given sub-tree into place as a child 
                        of this node. 
                        Returns a reference to the subtree

                Node copy (Node tree)
                        assert (tree);
                        tree = tree.clone();
                        tree.migrate (document);

                        if (tree.id is XmlNodeType.Attribute)
                            attrib (tree);
                            append (tree);
                        return tree;

                        Relocate the given sub-tree into place as a child 
                        of this node. 
                        Returns a reference to the subtree

                Node move (Node tree)
                        if (tree.doc is doc)
                           if (tree.id is XmlNodeType.Attribute)
                               attrib (tree);
                              append (tree);
                           tree = copy (tree);
                        return tree;

                        Appends a new (child) Element and returns a reference 
                        to it.

                Node element (const(T[]) prefix, const(T[]) local, const(T[]) value = null)
                        return element_ (prefix, local, value).mutate();
                        Attaches an Attribute and returns this, the host 

                Node attribute (const(T[]) prefix, const(T[]) local, const(T[]) value = null)
                        return attribute_ (prefix, local, value).mutate();
                        Attaches a Data node and returns this, the host

                Node data (const(T[]) data)
                        return data_ (data).mutate();
                        Attaches a CData node and returns this, the host

                Node cdata (const(T[]) cdata)
                        return cdata_ (cdata).mutate();
                        Attaches a Comment node and returns this, the host

                Node comment (const(T[]) comment)
                        return comment_ (comment).mutate();
                        Attaches a Doctype node and returns this, the host

                Node doctype (const(T[]) doctype)
                        return doctype_ (doctype).mutate();
                        Attaches a PI node and returns this, the host

                Node pi (const(T[]) pi)
                        return pi_ (pi, null).mutate();

                        Attaches a child Element, and returns a reference 
                        to the child

                private Node element_ (const(T[]) prefix, const(T[]) local, const(T[]) value = null)
                        auto node = create (XmlNodeType.Element, null);
                        append (node.set (prefix, local));
                        if (value.length)
                            node.data_ (value);
                        node.rawValue = value;
                        return node;
                        Attaches an Attribute, and returns the host

                private Node attribute_ (const(T[]) prefix, const(T[]) local, const(T[]) value = null)
                        auto node = create (XmlNodeType.Attribute, value);
                        attrib (node.set (prefix, local));
                        return &this;
                        Attaches a Data node, and returns the host

                private Node data_ (const(T[]) data)
                        append (create (XmlNodeType.Data, data));
                        return &this;
                        Attaches a CData node, and returns the host

                private Node cdata_ (const(T[]) cdata)
                        append (create (XmlNodeType.CData, cdata));
                        return &this;
                        Attaches a Comment node, and returns the host

                private Node comment_ (const(T[]) comment)
                        append (create (XmlNodeType.Comment, comment));
                        return &this;
                        Attaches a PI node, and returns the host

                private Node pi_ (const(T[]) pi, const(T[]) patch)
                        append (create(XmlNodeType.PI, pi).patch(patch));
                        return &this;
                        Attaches a Doctype node, and returns the host

                private Node doctype_ (const(T[]) doctype)
                        append (create (XmlNodeType.Doctype, doctype));
                        return &this;
                        Append an attribute to this node, The given attribute
                        cannot have an existing parent.

                private void attrib (Node node)
                        assert (node.parent is null);
                        node.host = &this;
                        if (lastAttr) 
                           lastAttr.nextSibling = node;
                           node.prevSibling = lastAttr;
                           lastAttr = node;
                           firstAttr = lastAttr = node;
                        Append a node to this one. The given node cannot
                        have an existing parent.

                private void append (Node node)
                        assert (node.parent is null);
                        node.host = &this;
                        if (lastChild) 
                           lastChild.nextSibling = node;
                           node.prevSibling = lastChild;
                           lastChild = node;
                           firstChild = lastChild = node;                  

                        Prepend a node to this one. The given node cannot
                        have an existing parent.

                private void prepend (Node node)
                        assert (node.parent is null);
                        node.host = &this;
                        if (firstChild) 
                           firstChild.prevSibling = node;
                           node.nextSibling = firstChild;
                           firstChild = node;
                           firstChild = lastChild = node;
                        Configure node values
                private Node set (const(T[]) prefix, const(T[]) local)
                        this.localName = local;
                        this.prefixed = prefix;
                        return &this;
                        Creates and returns a child Element node

                private Node create (XmlNodeType type, const(T[]) value)
                        auto node = document.allocate();
                        node.rawValue = value;
                        node.id = type;
                        return node;
                        Detach this node from its parent and siblings

                private Node remove()
                        if (! host) 
                              return &this;
                        if (prevSibling && nextSibling) 
                           prevSibling.nextSibling = nextSibling;
                           nextSibling.prevSibling = prevSibling;
                           prevSibling = null;
                           nextSibling = null;
                           host = null;
                           if (nextSibling)
                              debug assert(host.firstChild == &this);
                              parent.firstChild = nextSibling;
                              nextSibling.prevSibling = null;
                              nextSibling = null;
                              host = null;
                              if (type != XmlNodeType.Attribute)
                                 if (prevSibling)
                                    debug assert(host.lastChild == &this);
                                    host.lastChild = prevSibling;
                                    prevSibling.nextSibling = null;
                                    prevSibling = null;
                                    host = null;
                                    debug assert(host.firstChild == &this);
                                    debug assert(host.lastChild == &this);
                                    host.firstChild = null;
                                    host.lastChild = null;
                                    host = null;
                                 if (prevSibling)
                                    debug assert(host.lastAttr == &this);
                                    host.lastAttr = prevSibling;
                                    prevSibling.nextSibling = null;
                                    prevSibling = null;
                                    host = null;
                                    debug assert(host.firstAttr == &this);
                                    debug assert(host.lastAttr == &this);
                                    host.firstAttr = null;
                                    host.lastAttr = null;
                                    host = null;

                        return &this;

                        Patch the serialization text, causing DocPrinter
                        to ignore the subtree of this node, and instead
                        emit the provided text as raw XML output.

                        Warning: this function does *not* copy the provided 
                        text, and may be removed from future revisions

                private Node patch (const(T[]) text)
                        end = text.ptr + text.length;
                        start = text.ptr;
                        return &this;

                        purge serialization cache for this node and its

                private Node mutate ()
                        auto node = &this;
                        do {
                           node.end = null;
                           } while ((node = node.host) !is null);

                        return &this;

                        Duplicate a single node

                @property private Node dup ()
                        return create(type, rawValue.dup).set(prefixed.dup, localName.dup);

                        Duplicate a subtree

                private Node clone ()
                        auto p = dup;

                        foreach (attr; attributes)
                                 p.attrib (attr.dup);
                        foreach (child; children)
                                 p.append (child.clone());
                        return p;


                        Reset the document host for this subtree

                private void migrate (Document host)
                        this.doc = host;
                        foreach (attr; attributes)
                                 attr.migrate (host);
                        foreach (child; children)
                                 child.migrate (host);


        XPath support 

        Provides support for common XPath axis and filtering functions,
        via a native-D interface instead of typical interpreted notation.

        The general idea here is to generate a NodeSet consisting of those
        tree-nodes which satisfy a filtering function. The direction, or
        axis, of tree traversal is governed by one of several predefined
        operations. All methods facilitiate call-chaining, where each step 
        returns a new NodeSet instance to be operated upon.

        The set of nodes themselves are collected in a freelist, avoiding
        heap-activity and making good use of D array-slicing facilities.

        XPath examples
        auto doc = new Document!(char);

        // attach an element with some attributes, plus 
        // a child element with an attached data value
        doc.tree.element   (null, "element")
                .attribute (null, "attrib1", "value")
                .attribute (null, "attrib2")
                .element   (null, "child", "value");

        // select named-elements
        auto set = doc.query["element"]["child"];

        // select all attributes named "attrib1"
        set = doc.query.descendant.attribute("attrib1");

        // select elements with one parent and a matching text value
        set = doc.query[].filter((doc.Node n) {return n.children.hasData("value");});

        Note that path queries are temporal - they do not retain content
        across mulitple queries. That is, the lifetime of a query result
        is limited unless you explicitly copy it. For example, this will 
        fail to operate as one might expect
        auto elements = doc.query["element"];
        auto children = elements["child"];

        The above will lose elements, because the associated document reuses 
        node space for subsequent queries. In order to retain results, do this
        auto elements = doc.query["element"].dup;
        auto children = elements["child"];

        The above .dup is generally very small (a set of pointers only). On
        the other hand, recursive queries are fully supported
        set = doc.query[].filter((doc.Node n) {return n.query[].count > 1;});
        Typical usage tends to exhibit the following pattern, Where each query 
        result is processed before another is initiated
        foreach (node; doc.query.child("element"))
                // do something with each node

        Supported axis include:
        .child                  immediate children
        .parent                 immediate parent 
        .next                   following siblings
        .prev                   prior siblings
        .ancestor               all parents
        .descendant             all descendants
        .data                   text children
        .cdata                  cdata children
        .attribute              attribute children

        Each of the above accept an optional string, which is used in an
        axis-specific way to filter nodes. For instance, a .child("food") 
        will filter <food> child elements. These variants are shortcuts
        to using a filter to post-process a result. Each of the above also
        have variants which accept a delegate instead.

        In general, you traverse an axis and operate upon the results. The
        operation applied may be another axis traversal, or a filtering 
        step. All steps can be, and generally should be chained together. 
        Filters are implemented via a delegate mechanism
        .filter (bool delegate(Node))

        Where the delegate returns true if the node passes the filter. An
        example might be selecting all nodes with a specific attribute
        auto set = doc.query.descendant.filter (
                    (doc.Node n){return n.attributes.hasName (null, "test");}

        Obviously this is not as clean and tidy as true XPath notation, but 
        that can be wrapped atop this API instead. The benefit here is one 
        of raw throughput - important for some applications. 

        Note that every operation returns a discrete result. Methods first()
        and last() also return a set of one or zero elements. Some language
        specific extensions are provided for too
        * .child() can be substituted with [] notation instead

        * [] notation can be used to index a specific element, like .nth()

        * the .nodes attribute exposes an underlying Node[], which may be
          sliced or traversed in the usual D manner

       Other (query result) utility methods include

       XmlPath itself needs to be a class in order to avoid forward-ref issues.


private class XmlPath(T)
        public alias Document!(T) Doc;          /// the typed document
        public alias Doc.Node     Node;         /// generic document node
        private Node[]          freelist;
        private size_t          freeIndex,
        private size_t            recursion;

                Prime a query

                Returns a NodeSet containing just the given node, which
                can then be used to cascade results into subsequent NodeSet

        final NodeSet start (Node root)
                // we have to support recursion which may occur within
                // a filter callback
                if (recursion is 0)
                   if (freelist.length is 0)
                       freelist.length = 256;
                   freeIndex = 0;

                NodeSet set = {this};
                auto mark = freeIndex;
                return set.assign (mark);

                This is the meat of XPath support. All of the NodeSet
                operators exist here, in order to enable call-chaining.

                Note that some of the axis do double-duty as a filter 
                also. This is just a convenience factor, and doesn't 
                change the underlying mechanisms.

        struct NodeSet
                private XmlPath host;
                public  Node[]  nodes;  /// array of selected nodes
                        Return a duplicate NodeSet

                @property NodeSet dup ()
                        NodeSet copy = {host};
                        copy.nodes = nodes.dup;
                        return copy;

                        Return the number of selected nodes in the set

                @property size_t count ()
                        return nodes.length;

                        Return a set containing just the first node of
                        the current set

                NodeSet first ()
                        return nth (0);

                        Return a set containing just the last node of
                        the current set

                NodeSet last ()
                        auto i = nodes.length;
                        if (i > 0)
                        return nth (i);

                        Return a set containing just the nth node of
                        the current set

                NodeSet opIndex (size_t i)
                        return nth (i);

                        Return a set containing just the nth node of
                        the current set
                NodeSet nth (size_t index)
                        NodeSet set = {host};
                        auto mark = host.mark();
                        if (index < nodes.length)
                            host.allocate (nodes [index]);
                        return set.assign (mark);

                        Return a set containing all child elements of the 
                        nodes within this set
                NodeSet opSlice ()
                        return child();

                        Return a set containing all child elements of the 
                        nodes within this set, which match the given name

                NodeSet opIndex (const(T[]) name)
                        return child (name);

                        Return a set containing all parent elements of the 
                        nodes within this set, which match the optional name

                NodeSet parent (const(T[]) name = null)
                        if (name.ptr)
                            return parent ((Node node){return node.name == name;});
                        return parent (&always);

                        Return a set containing all data nodes of the 
                        nodes within this set, which match the optional

                NodeSet data (const(T[]) value = null)
                        if (value.ptr)
                            return child ((Node node){return node.value == value;}, 
                        return child (&always, XmlNodeType.Data);

                        Return a set containing all cdata nodes of the 
                        nodes within this set, which match the optional

                NodeSet cdata (const(T[]) value = null)
                        if (value.ptr)
                            return child ((Node node){return node.value == value;}, 
                        return child (&always, XmlNodeType.CData);

                        Return a set containing all attributes of the 
                        nodes within this set, which match the optional

                NodeSet attribute (const(T[]) name = null)
                        if (name.ptr)
                            return attribute ((Node node){return node.name == name;});
                        return attribute (&always);

                        Return a set containing all descendant elements of 
                        the nodes within this set, which match the given name

                NodeSet descendant (const(T[]) name = null)
                        if (name.ptr)
                            return descendant ((Node node){return node.name == name;});
                        return descendant (&always);

                        Return a set containing all child elements of the 
                        nodes within this set, which match the optional name

                NodeSet child (const(T[]) name = null)
                        if (name.ptr)
                            return child ((Node node){return node.name == name;});
                        return  child (&always);

                        Return a set containing all ancestor elements of 
                        the nodes within this set, which match the optional

                NodeSet ancestor (const(T[]) name = null)
                        if (name.ptr)
                            return ancestor ((Node node){return node.name == name;});
                        return ancestor (&always);

                        Return a set containing all prior sibling elements of 
                        the nodes within this set, which match the optional

                NodeSet prev (const(T[]) name = null)
                        if (name.ptr)
                            return prev ((Node node){return node.name == name;});
                        return prev (&always);

                        Return a set containing all subsequent sibling 
                        elements of the nodes within this set, which 
                        match the optional name

                NodeSet next (const(T[]) name = null)
                        if (name.ptr)
                            return next ((Node node){return node.name == name;});
                        return next (&always);

                        Return a set containing all nodes within this set
                        which pass the filtering test

                NodeSet filter (scope bool delegate(Node) filter)
                        NodeSet set = {host};
                        auto mark = host.mark();

                        foreach (node; nodes)
                                 test (filter, node);
                        return set.assign (mark);

                        Return a set containing all child nodes of 
                        the nodes within this set which pass the 
                        filtering test

                NodeSet child (scope bool delegate(Node) filter, 
                               XmlNodeType type = XmlNodeType.Element)
                        NodeSet set = {host};
                        auto mark = host.mark();

                        foreach (parent; nodes)
                                 foreach (child; parent.children)
                                          if (child.id is type)
                                              test (filter, child);
                        return set.assign (mark);

                        Return a set containing all attribute nodes of 
                        the nodes within this set which pass the given
                        filtering test

                NodeSet attribute (scope bool delegate(Node) filter)
                        NodeSet set = {host};
                        auto mark = host.mark();

                        foreach (node; nodes)
                                 foreach (attr; node.attributes)
                                          test (filter, attr);
                        return set.assign (mark);

                        Return a set containing all descendant nodes of 
                        the nodes within this set, which pass the given
                        filtering test

                NodeSet descendant (scope bool delegate(Node) filter, 
                                    XmlNodeType type = XmlNodeType.Element)
                        void traverse (Node parent)
                                 foreach (child; parent.children)
                                         if (child.id is type)
                                             test (filter, child);
                                         if (child.firstChild)
                                             traverse (child);

                        NodeSet set = {host};
                        auto mark = host.mark();

                        foreach (node; nodes)
                                 traverse (node);
                        return set.assign (mark);

                        Return a set containing all parent nodes of 
                        the nodes within this set which pass the given
                        filtering test

                NodeSet parent (scope bool delegate(Node) filter)
                        NodeSet set = {host};
                        auto mark = host.mark();

                        foreach (node; nodes)
                                auto p = node.parent;
                                if (p && p.id != XmlNodeType.Document && !set.has(p))
                                   test (filter, p);
                                   // continually update our set of nodes, so
                                   // that set.has() can see a prior entry.
                                   // Ideally we'd avoid invoking test() on
                                   // prior nodes, but I don't feel the added
                                   // complexity is warranted
                                   set.nodes = host.slice (mark);
                        return set.assign (mark);

                        Return a set containing all ancestor nodes of 
                        the nodes within this set, which pass the given
                        filtering test

                NodeSet ancestor (scope bool delegate(Node) filter)
                        NodeSet set = {host};
                        auto mark = host.mark();

                        void traverse (Node child)
                                auto p = child.host;
                                if (p && p.id != XmlNodeType.Document && !set.has(p))
                                   test (filter, p);
                                   // continually update our set of nodes, so
                                   // that set.has() can see a prior entry.
                                   // Ideally we'd avoid invoking test() on
                                   // prior nodes, but I don't feel the added
                                   // complexity is warranted
                                   set.nodes = host.slice (mark);
                                   traverse (p);

                        foreach (node; nodes)
                                 traverse (node);
                        return set.assign (mark);

                        Return a set containing all following siblings 
                        of the ones within this set, which pass the given
                        filtering test

                NodeSet next (scope bool delegate(Node) filter, 
                              XmlNodeType type = XmlNodeType.Element)
                        NodeSet set = {host};
                        auto mark = host.mark();

                        foreach (node; nodes)
                                auto p = node.nextSibling;
                                while (p)
                                      if (p.id is type)
                                          test (filter, p);
                                      p = p.nextSibling;
                        return set.assign (mark);

                        Return a set containing all prior sibling nodes 
                        of the ones within this set, which pass the given
                        filtering test

                NodeSet prev (scope bool delegate(Node) filter, 
                              XmlNodeType type = XmlNodeType.Element)
                        NodeSet set = {host};
                        auto mark = host.mark();

                        foreach (node; nodes)
                                auto p = node.prevSibling;
                                while (p)
                                      if (p.id is type)
                                          test (filter, p);
                                      p = p.prevSibling;
                        return set.assign (mark);

                        Traverse the nodes of this set

                int opApply (scope int delegate(ref Node) dg)
                        int ret;

                        foreach (node; nodes)
                                 if ((ret = dg (node)) != 0) 
                        return ret;

                        Common predicate
                private bool always (Node node)
                        return true;

                        Assign a slice of the freelist to this NodeSet

                private NodeSet assign (size_t mark)
                        nodes = host.slice (mark);
                        return this;

                        Execute a filter on the given node. We have to
                        deal with potential query recusion, so we set
                        all kinda crap to recover from that

                private void test (scope bool delegate(Node) filter, Node node)
                        auto pop = host.push();
                        auto add = filter (node);
                        host.pop (pop);
                        if (add)
                            host.allocate (node);

                        We typically need to filter ancestors in order
                        to avoid duplicates, so this is used for those

                private bool has (Node p)
                        foreach (node; nodes)
                                 if (node is p)
                                     return true;
                        return false;


                Return the current freelist index
        private size_t mark ()
                return freeIndex;


                Recurse and save the current state
        private size_t push ()
                return freeIndex;


                Restore prior state
        private void pop (size_t prior)
                freeIndex = prior;

                Return a slice of the freelist

        private Node[] slice (size_t mark)
                assert (mark <= freeIndex);
                return freelist [mark .. freeIndex];

                Allocate an entry in the freelist, expanding as necessary

        private size_t allocate (Node node)
                if (freeIndex >= freelist.length)
                    freelist.length = freelist.length + freelist.length / 2;

                freelist[freeIndex] = node;
                return ++freeIndex;

version (Old)

        Specification for an XML serializer


interface IXmlPrinter(T)
        public alias Document!(T) Doc;          /// the typed document
        public alias Doc.Node Node;             /// generic document node
        public alias print opCall;              /// alias for print method

                Generate a text representation of the document tree

        T[] print (Doc doc);
                Generate a representation of the given node-subtree 

        void print (Node root, scope void delegate(T[][]...) emit);



debug (Document)
        import tango.io.Stdout;
        import tango.text.xml.DocPrinter;

        void main()
                auto doc = new Document!(char);

                // attach an xml header

                // attach an element with some attributes, plus 
                // a child element with an attached data value
                doc.tree.element   (null, "root")
                        .attribute (null, "attrib1", "value")
                        .attribute (null, "attrib2", "other")
                        .element   (null, "child")
                        .cdata     ("some text");

                // attach a sibling to the interior elements
                doc.elements.element (null, "sibling");
                bool foo (doc.Node node)
                        node = node.attributes.name(null, "attrib1");
                        return node && "value" == node.value;

                foreach (node; doc.query.descendant("root").filter(&foo).child)
                         Stdout.formatln(">> {}", node.name);

                foreach (node; doc.elements.attributes)
                         Stdout.formatln("<< {}", node.name);
                foreach (node; doc.elements.children)
                         Stdout.formatln("<< {}", node.name);
                foreach (node; doc.query.descendant.cdata)
                         Stdout.formatln ("{}: {}", node.parent.name, node.value);

                // emit the result
                auto printer = new DocPrinter!(char);
                printer.print (doc, stdout);