
        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2008 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Apr 2008: Initial release

        authors:        Kris

        Since:          0.99.7

        Based upon Doug Lea's Java collection package


module tango.util.container.LinkedList;

private import  tango.util.container.Slink;

public  import  tango.util.container.Container;

private import tango.util.container.model.IContainer;


        List of singly-linked values

	Iterator iterator ()
        int opApply (scope int delegate(ref V value) dg)

        V head ()
        V tail ()
        V head (V value)
        V tail (V value)
        V removeHead ()
        V removeTail ()

        bool contains (V value)
        size_t first (V value, size_t startingIndex = 0)
        size_t last (V value, size_t startingIndex = 0)

        LinkedList add (V value)
        LinkedList prepend (V value)
        size_t prepend (IContainer!(V) e)
        LinkedList append (V value)
        size_t append (IContainer!(V) e)
        LinkedList addAt (size_t index, V value)
        size_t addAt (size_t index, IContainer!(V) e)

        V get (size_t index)
        bool take (ref V v)
        size_t remove (V value, bool all)
        bool removeAt (size_t index)
        size_t removeRange (size_t fromIndex, size_t toIndex)
        size_t replace (V oldElement, V newElement, bool all)
        bool replaceAt (size_t index, V value)

        LinkedList clear ()
        LinkedList reset ()

        LinkedList subset (size_t from, size_t length = size_t.max)
        LinkedList dup ()

        size_t size ()
        bool isEmpty ()
        V[] toArray (V[] dst)
        LinkedList sort (Compare!(V) cmp)
        LinkedList check ()


class LinkedList (V, alias Reap = Container.reap, 
                     alias Heap = Container.DefaultCollect) 
                     : IContainer!(V)
        // use this type for Allocator configuration
        private alias Slink!(V) Type;
        private alias Type*     Ref;
        private alias V*        VRef;

        private alias Heap!(Type) Alloc;

        // number of elements contained
        private size_t          count;

        // configured heap manager
        private Alloc           heap;
        // mutation tag updates on each change
        private size_t          mutation;

        // head of the list. Null if empty
        private Ref             list;


                Create a new empty list


        this ()
                this (null, 0);


                Special version of constructor needed by dup


        protected this (Ref l, size_t c)
                list = l;
                count = c;


                Clean up when deleted


        ~this ()


                Return a generic iterator for contained elements

        final Iterator iterator ()
                Iterator i = void;
                i.mutation = mutation;
                i.node = list ? *(i.hook = &list) : null;
                i.prior = null;
                i.owner = this;
                return i;


                Configure the assigned allocator with the size of each
                allocation block (number of nodes allocated at one time)
                and the number of nodes to pre-populate the cache with.
                Time complexity: O(n)


        final LinkedList cache (size_t chunk, size_t count=0)
                heap.config (chunk, count);
                return this;



        final int opApply (scope int delegate(ref V value) dg)
                return iterator.opApply (dg);


                Return the number of elements contained

        @property final const size_t size ()
                return count;


                Build an independent copy of the list.
                The elements themselves are not cloned


        @property final LinkedList dup ()
                return new LinkedList!(V, Reap, Heap) (list ? list.copy(&heap.allocate) : null, count);


                Time complexity: O(n)


        final bool contains (V value)
                if (count is 0)
                    return false;

                return list.find(value) !is null;


                 Time complexity: O(1)


        final V head ()
                return firstCell.value;


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        final V tail ()
                return lastCell.value;


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        final V get (size_t index)
                return cellAt(index).value;


                 Time complexity: O(n)
                 Returns size_t.max if no element found.


        final size_t first (V value, size_t startingIndex = 0)
                if (list is null || startingIndex >= count)
                    return size_t.max;

                if (startingIndex < 0)
                    startingIndex = 0;

                auto p = list.nth (startingIndex);
                if (p)
                   auto i = p.index (value);
                   if (i >= 0)
                       return i + startingIndex;
                return size_t.max;


                 Time complexity: O(n)
                 Returns size_t.max if no element found.


        final size_t last (V value, size_t startingIndex = 0)
                if (list is null)
                    return size_t.max;

                auto i = 0;
                if (startingIndex >= count)
                    startingIndex = count - 1;

                auto index = size_t.max;
                auto p = list;
                while (i <= startingIndex && p)
                      if (p.value == value)
                          index = i;
                      p = p.next;
                return index;


                 Time complexity: O(length)


        final LinkedList subset (size_t from, size_t length = size_t.max)
                Ref newlist = null;

                if (length > 0)
                   auto p = cellAt (from);
                   auto current = newlist = heap.allocate.set (p.value, null);
                   for (auto i = 1; i < length; ++i)
                        if ((p = p.next) is null)
                             length = i;
                           current.attach (heap.allocate.set (p.value, null));
                           current = current.next;

                return new LinkedList (newlist, length);


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        final LinkedList clear ()
                return clear (false);


                Reset the HashMap contents and optionally configure a new
                heap manager. We cannot guarantee to clean up reconfigured 
                allocators, so be sure to invoke reset() before discarding
                this class

                Time complexity: O(n)

        final LinkedList reset ()
                return clear (true);

                Takes the first value on the list

                Time complexity: O(1)


        final bool take (ref V v)
                if (count)
                   v = head;
                   return true;
                return false;


                Uses a merge-sort-based algorithm.

                Time complexity: O(n log n)


        final LinkedList sort (Compare!(V) cmp)
                if (list)
                   list = Ref.sort (list, cmp);
                return this;


                Time complexity: O(1)


        final LinkedList add (V value)
                return prepend (value);


                Time complexity: O(1)


        final LinkedList prepend (V value)
                list = heap.allocate.set (value, list);
                return this;


                Time complexity: O(n)


        final size_t remove (V value, bool all = false)
                auto c = count;
                if (c)
                   auto p = list;
                   auto trail = p;

                   while (p)
                         auto n = p.next;
                         if (p.value == value)
                            decrement (p);
                            if (p is list)
                               list = n;
                               trail = n;
                               trail.next = n;

                            if (!all || count is 0)
                               p = n;
                            trail = p;
                            p = n;
                return c - count;


                Time complexity: O(n)


        final size_t replace (V oldElement, V newElement, bool all = false)
                size_t c;
                if (count && oldElement != newElement)
                   auto p = list.find (oldElement);
                   while (p)
                         p.value = newElement;
                         if (!all)
                         p = p.find (oldElement);
                return c;


                 Time complexity: O(1)


        final V head (V value)
                auto cell = firstCell;
                auto v = cell.value;
                cell.value = value;
                return v;


                 Time complexity: O(1)


        final V removeHead ()
                auto p = firstCell;
                auto v = p.value;
                list = p.next;
                decrement (p);
                return v;


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        final LinkedList append (V value)
                if (list is null)
                    prepend (value);
                   list.tail.next = heap.allocate.set (value, null);
                return this;


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        final V tail (V value)
                auto p = lastCell;
                auto v = p.value;
                p.value = value;
                return v;


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        final V removeTail ()
                if (firstCell.next is null)
                    return removeHead;

                auto trail = list;
                auto p = trail.next;

                while (p.next)
                      trail = p;
                      p = p.next;
                trail.next = null;
                auto v = p.value;
                decrement (p);
                return v;


                Time complexity: O(n)


        final LinkedList addAt (size_t index, V value)
                if (index is 0)
                    prepend (value);
                   cellAt(index - 1).attach (heap.allocate.set(value, null));
                return this;


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        final LinkedList removeAt (size_t index)
                if (index is 0)
                   auto p = cellAt (index - 1);
                   auto t = p.next;
                   decrement (t);
                return this;


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        final LinkedList replaceAt (size_t index, V value)
                cellAt(index).value = value;
                return this;


                 Time complexity: O(number of elements in e)


        final size_t prepend (IContainer!(V) e)
                auto c = count;
                splice_ (e, null, list);
                return count - c;


                 Time complexity: O(n + number of elements in e)


        final size_t append (IContainer!(V) e)
                auto c = count;
                if (list is null)
                    splice_ (e, null, null);
                   splice_ (e, list.tail, null);
                return count - c;


                Time complexity: O(n + number of elements in e)


        final size_t addAt (size_t index, IContainer!(V) e)
                auto c = count;
                if (index is 0)
                    splice_ (e, null, list);
                   auto p = cellAt (index - 1);
                   splice_ (e, p, p.next);
                return count - c;


                Time complexity: O(n)


        final size_t removeRange (size_t fromIndex, size_t toIndex)
                auto c = count;
                if (fromIndex <= toIndex)
                   if (fromIndex is 0)
                      auto p = firstCell;
                      for (size_t i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; ++i)
                           p = p.next;
                      list = p;
                      auto f = cellAt (fromIndex - 1);
                      auto p = f;
                      for (size_t i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; ++i)
                           p = p.next;
                      f.next = p.next;

                  count -= (toIndex - fromIndex + 1);
                return c - count;


                Copy and return the contained set of values in an array, 
                using the optional dst as a recipient (which is resized 
                as necessary).

                Returns a slice of dst representing the container values.
                Time complexity: O(n)

        final V[] toArray (V[] dst = null)
                if (dst.length < count)
                    dst.length = count;

                size_t i = 0;
                foreach (v; this)
                         dst[i++] = v;
                return dst [0 .. count];                        


                Is this container empty?
                Time complexity: O(1)

        final const bool isEmpty ()
                return count is 0;



        final LinkedList check ()
                assert(((count is 0) is (list is null)));
                assert((list is null || list.count is size));

                size_t c = 0;
                for (Ref p = list; p; p = p.next)
                    assert(instances(p.value) > 0);
                assert(c is count);
                return this;


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        private size_t instances (V value)
                if (count is 0)
                    return 0;

                return list.count (value);



        private Ref firstCell ()
                checkIndex (0);
                return list;



        private Ref lastCell ()
                checkIndex (0);
                return list.tail;



        private Ref cellAt (size_t index)
                checkIndex (index);
                return list.nth (index);



        private void checkIndex (size_t index)
                if (index >= count)
                    throw new Exception ("out of range");


                Splice elements of e between hd and tl. If hd 
                is null return new hd

                Returns the count of new elements added


        private void splice_ (IContainer!(V) e, Ref hd, Ref tl)
                Ref newlist = null;
                Ref current = null;

                foreach (v; e)

                        auto p = heap.allocate.set (v, null);
                        if (newlist is null)
                            newlist = p;
                           current.next = p;
                        current = p;

                if (current)
                   current.next = tl;

                   if (hd is null)
                       list = newlist;
                      hd.next = newlist;


                 Time complexity: O(n)


        private LinkedList clear (bool all)

                // collect each node if we can't collect all at once
                if (heap.collect(all) is false && count)
                   auto p = list;
                   while (p)
                         auto n = p.next;
                         decrement (p);
                         p = n;
                list = null;
                count = 0;
                return this;


                new element was added

        private void increment ()

                element was removed

        private void decrement (Ref p)
                Reap (p.value);
                heap.collect (p);

                set was changed

        private void mutate ()


                List iterator


        private struct Iterator
                Ref             node;
                Ref*            hook,
                LinkedList      owner;
                size_t          mutation;


                        Did the container change underneath us?


                bool valid ()
                        return owner.mutation is mutation;


                        Accesses the next value, and returns false when
                        there are no further values to traverse


                bool next (ref V v)
                        auto n = next;
                        return (n) ? v = *n, true : false;

                        Return a pointer to the next value, or null when
                        there are no further values to traverse


                V* next ()
                        V* r;
                        if (node)
                           prior = hook;
                           r = &node.value;
                           node = *(hook = &node.next);
                        return r;


                        Insert a new value before the node about to be
                        iterated (or after the node that was just iterated).


                void insert(V value)
                        // insert a node previous to the node that we are
                        // about to iterate.
                        *hook = owner.heap.allocate.set(value, *hook);
                        node = *hook;

                        // update the count of the owner, and ignore this
                        // change in the mutation.


                        Insert a new value before the value that was just

                        Returns true if the prior node existed and the
                        insertion worked.  False otherwise.


                bool insertPrior(V value)
                        // insert a node previous to the node that we just
                        // iterated.
                        *prior = owner.heap.allocate.set(value, *prior);
                        prior = &(*prior).next;

                        // update the count of the owner, and ignore this
                        // change in the mutation.
                        return true;
                    return false;


                        Foreach support


                int opApply (scope int delegate(ref V value) dg)
                        int result;

                        auto n = node;
                        while (n)
                              prior = hook;
                              hook = &n.next;
                              if ((result = dg(n.value)) != 0)
                              n = *hook;
                        node = n;
                        return result;


                        Remove value at the current iterator location


                bool remove ()
                        if (prior)
                           auto p = *prior;
                           *prior = p.next;
                           owner.decrement (p);
                           hook = prior;
                           prior = null;

                           // ignore this change
                           return true;
                        return false;



debug (LinkedList)
        import tango.io.Stdout;
        import tango.core.Thread;
        import tango.time.StopWatch;

        void main()
                // usage examples ...
                auto set = new LinkedList!(char[]);
                set.add ("foo");
                set.add ("bar");
                set.add ("wumpus");

                // implicit generic iteration
                foreach (value; set)
                         Stdout (value).newline;

                // explicit generic iteration   
                foreach (value; set.iterator)
                         Stdout.formatln ("{}", value);

                // generic iteration with optional remove and insert
                auto s = set.iterator;
                foreach (value; s)
                         if (value == "foo")
                         if (value == "bar")
                         if (value == "wumpus")


                // incremental iteration, with optional remove
                char[] v;
                auto iterator = set.iterator;
                while (iterator.next(v))
                      {} //iterator.remove;
                // incremental iteration, with optional failfast
                auto it = set.iterator;
                while (it.valid && it.next(v))

                // remove specific element
                set.remove ("wumpus");

                // remove first element ...
                while (set.take(v))
                       Stdout.formatln ("taking {}, {} left", v, set.size);
                // setup for benchmark, with a set of integers. We
                // use a chunk allocator, and presize the bucket[]
                auto test = new LinkedList!(int, Container.reap, Container.Chunk);
                test.cache (2000, 1_000_000);
                const count = 1_000_000;
                StopWatch w;

                // benchmark adding
                for (int i=count; i--;)
                Stdout.formatln ("{} adds: {}/s", test.size, test.size/w.stop);

                // benchmark adding without allocation overhead
                for (int i=count; i--;)
                Stdout.formatln ("{} adds (after clear): {}/s", test.size, test.size/w.stop);

                // benchmark duplication
                auto dup = test.dup;
                Stdout.formatln ("{} element dup: {}/s", dup.size, dup.size/w.stop);

                // benchmark iteration
                auto xx = test.iterator;
                int ii;
                while (xx.next()) {}
                Stdout.formatln ("{} element iteration: {}/s", test.size, test.size/w.stop);

                // benchmark iteration
                foreach (v; test) {}
                Stdout.formatln ("{} foreach iteration: {}/s", test.size, test.size/w.stop);

                // benchmark iteration
                foreach (ref iii; test) {} 
                Stdout.formatln ("{} pointer iteration: {}/s", test.size, test.size/w.stop);
