
        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2008 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)
        version:        Initial release: April 2008      
        author:         Kris

        Since:          0.99.7


module tango.util.container.more.Vector;

private import tango.core.Exception : RangeError;
private import tango.stdc.string : memmove;


        A vector of the given value-type V, with maximum depth Size. Note
        that this does no memory allocation of its own when Size != 0, and
        does heap allocation when Size == 0. Thus you can have a fixed-size
        low-overhead instance, or a heap oriented instance.


struct Vector (V, int Size = 0) 
        alias add       push;
        alias slice     opSlice;

        Vector* opOpAssign(immutable(char)[] s : "~")(V value)
            return push(value);

        static if (Size == 0)
                  private size_t depth;
                  private V[]  vector;
                  private size_t     depth;
                  private V[Size]  vector;


                Clear the vector


        Vector* clear ()
                depth = 0;
                return &this;

                Return depth of the vector


        @property const size_t size ()
                return depth;

                Return remaining unused slots


        const size_t unused ()
                return vector.length - depth;

                Returns a (shallow) clone of this vector


        Vector clone ()
                Vector v;
                static if (Size == 0)
                           v.vector.length = vector.length;
                v.vector[0..depth] = vector[0..depth];
                v.depth = depth;
                return v;


                Add a value to the vector.

                Throws an exception when the vector is full


        V* add (V value)
                static if (Size == 0)
                          if (depth >= vector.length)
                              vector.length = vector.length + 64;
                          vector[depth++] = value;
                          if (depth < vector.length)
                              vector[depth++] = value;
                             error (__LINE__);
                return &vector[depth-1];


                Add a value to the vector.

                Throws an exception when the vector is full


        V* add ()
                static if (Size == 0)
                          if (depth >= vector.length)
                              vector.length = vector.length + 64;
                          if (depth >= vector.length)
                              error (__LINE__);

                auto p = &vector[depth++];
                *p = V.init;
                return p;


                Add a series of values to the vector.

                Throws an exception when the vector is full


        Vector* append (V[] value...)
                foreach (v; value)
                         add (v);
                return &this;


                Remove and return the most recent addition to the vector.

                Throws an exception when the vector is empty


        V remove ()
                if (depth)
                    return vector[--depth];

                return error (__LINE__);


                Index vector entries, where a zero index represents the
                oldest vector entry.

                Throws an exception when the given index is out of range


        V remove (size_t i)
                if (i < depth)
                   if (i is depth-1)
                       return remove;
                   auto v = vector [i];
                   memmove (vector.ptr+i, vector.ptr+i+1, V.sizeof * (depth-i));
                   return v;

                return error (__LINE__);


                Index vector entries, as though it were an array

                Throws an exception when the given index is out of range


        V opIndex (size_t i)
                if (i < depth)
                    return vector [i];

                return error (__LINE__);


                Assign vector entries as though it were an array.

                Throws an exception when the given index is out of range


        V opIndexAssign (V value, size_t i)
                if (i < depth)
                   vector[i] = value;
                   return value;

                return error (__LINE__);


                Return the vector as an array of values, where the first
                array entry represents the oldest value. 
                Doing a foreach() on the returned array will traverse in
                the opposite direction of foreach() upon a vector

        V[] slice ()
                return vector [0 .. depth];


                Throw an exception


        private V error (size_t line)
                throw new RangeError (__FILE__, line);


                Iterate from the most recent to the oldest vector entries


        int opApply (scope int delegate(ref V value) dg)
                        int result;

                        for (int i=depth; i-- && result is 0;)
                             result = dg (vector [i]);
                        return result;


                Iterate from the most recent to the oldest vector entries


        int opApply (scope int delegate(ref V value, ref bool kill) dg)
                        int result;

                        for (int i=depth; i-- && result is 0;)
                            auto kill = false;
                            result = dg (vector[i], kill);
                            if (kill)
                                remove (i);
                        return result;



debug (Vector)
        import tango.io.Stdout;

        void main()
                Vector!(int, 0) v;
                v.add (1);
                Vector!(int, 10) s;

                Stdout.formatln ("add four");
                s.add (1);
                s.add (2);
                s.add (3);
                s.add (4);
                foreach (v; s)
                         Stdout.formatln ("{}", v);

                s = s.clone;
                Stdout.formatln ("pop one: {}", s.remove);
                foreach (v; s)
                         Stdout.formatln ("{}", v);

                Stdout.formatln ("remove[1]: {}", s.remove(1));
                foreach (v; s)
                         Stdout.formatln ("{}", v);

                Stdout.formatln ("remove two");
                foreach (v; s)
                         Stdout.formatln ("> {}", v);

                s.add (1);
                s.add (2);
                s.add (3);
                s.add (4);
                foreach (v, ref k; s)
                         k = true;
                Stdout.formatln ("size {}", s.size);