
        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)
        version:        Initial release: May 2004
        author:         Kris


module tango.util.log.AppendSocket;

private import  tango.util.log.Log;

private import  tango.io.Console;

private import  tango.io.stream.Buffered;
private import  tango.net.device.Socket,


        Appender for sending formatted output to a Socket.


public class AppendSocket : Appender
        private const(char)[] eol;
        private Mask            mask_;
        private Bout            buffer;
        private Socket          conduit;
        private InternetAddress address;
        private bool            connected;

                Create with the given Layout and address. Specify an end-
                of-line string if you want that appended to each message 


        this (InternetAddress address, Appender.Layout how = null, const(char)[] eol=null)
                layout (how);

                this.eol     = eol;
                this.address = address;
                this.conduit = new Socket;
                this.buffer  = new Bout (conduit);

                // Get a unique fingerprint for this class
                mask_ = register (address.toString());

                Return the fingerprint for this class


        @property override const Mask mask ()
                return mask_;

                Return the name of this class


        @property override  const const(char)[] name ()
                return this.classinfo.name;
                Append an event to the output. If the operations fails
                we have to revert to an alternative logging strategy, 
                which will probably require a backup Appender specified
                during construction. For now we simply echo to Cerr if
                the socket has become unavailable.               

        override void append (LogEvent event)
                auto layout = layout();

                if (buffer)
                   try {
                       if (! connected)
                          conduit.connect (address);
                          connected = true;

                       layout.format (event, &buffer.write);
                       if (eol.length)
                           buffer.write (eol);
                       } catch (Exception e)
                               connected = false;
                               Cerr ("SocketAppender.append :: "~e.toString()).newline;

                Cerr (event.toString()).newline;

                Close the socket associated with this Appender

        override void close ()
                if (conduit)
                conduit = null;