
        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)
        version:        Nov 2005: split from Configurator.d
        verison:        Feb 2007: removed default console configuration
        author:         Kris


module tango.util.log.ConfigProps;

private import  tango.util.log.Log;

private import  tango.io.stream.Map,


        A utility class for initializing the basic behaviour of the 
        default logging hierarchy.

        ConfigProps parses a much simplified version of the property file. 
        Tango.log only supports the settings of Logger levels at this time,
        and setup of Appenders and Layouts are currently done "in the code"


struct ConfigProps
                Add a default StdioAppender, with a SimpleTimerLayout, to 
                the root node. The activity levels of all nodes are set
                via a property file with name=value pairs specified in the
                following format:

                    name: the actual logger name, in dot notation
                          format. The name "root" is reserved to
                          match the root logger node.

                   value: one of TRACE, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
                          or NONE (or the lowercase equivalents).

                For example, the declaration

                tango.unittest = INFO
                myApp.SocketActivity = TRACE
                sets the level of the loggers called tango.unittest and


        static void opCall (char[] path)
                auto input = new MapInput!(char)(new File(path));
                scope (exit)

                // read and parse properties from file
                foreach (name, value; input)
                        auto log = (name == "root") ? Log.root
                                                    : Log.lookup (name);
                        if (log)
                            log.level (Log.convert (value));