

BSD style: see license.txt


Initial release: March 2004


class FileMap : Array
this(const(char[]) path, File.Style style = ReadWriteOpen)
Construct a FileMap upon the given path.
You should use resize() to setup the available working space.
ubyte[] resize(long size) [final]
Resize the file and return the remapped content. Usage of map() is not required following this call.
void close() [override]
Release external resources.
class MappedFile
this(const(char[]) path, File.Style style = ReadWriteOpen)
Construct a FileMap upon the given path.
You should use resize() to setup the available working space.
long length() [@property, final]
const(char)[] path() [@property, final]
ubyte[] resize(long size) [final]
Resize the file and return the remapped content. Usage of map() is not required following this call.
ubyte[] map() [@property, final]
Return a slice representing file content as a memory-mapped array. Use this to remap content each time the file size is changed.
void close() [final]
Release this mapped buffer without flushing.
MappedFile flush() [final]
Flush dirty content out to the drive.