Initial release: Oct 2007
Simple serialization for text-based name/value pairs.
- class MapInput(T) : Lines!(T) ¶
Provides load facilities for a properties stream. That is, a file
or other medium containing lines of text with a name=value layout.
- this(InputStream stream) ¶
Propagate ctor to superclass.
- int opApply(scope int delegate(ref const(T)[] name, ref const(T)[] value) dg) [final] ¶
Load properties from the provided stream, via a foreach.
We use an iterator to sweep text lines, and extract lValue
and rValue pairs from each one, The expected file format is
as follows:
x = y
abc = 123
x.y.z = this is a single property
# this is a comment line
Note that the provided name and value are actually slices
and should be copied if you intend to retain them (using
name.dup and value.dup where appropriate.)
- MapInput load(ref const(T)[][T[]] properties) [final] ¶
Load the input stream into an AA.
- class MapOutput(T) : OutputFilter ¶
Provides write facilities on a properties stream. That is, a file
or other medium which will contain lines of text with a name=value
- this(OutputStream stream, const(T)[] newline = NL) ¶
Propagate ctor to superclass.
- MapOutput newline() [final] ¶
Append a newline to the provided stream.
- MapOutput comment(const(T)[] text) [final] ¶
Append a comment to the provided stream.
- MapOutput append(const(T)[] name, const(T)[] value) [final] ¶
Append name & value to the provided stream.
- MapOutput append(const(T)[][T[]] properties) [final] ¶
Append AA properties to the provided stream.