

BSD style: see license.txt


August 2008: Initial version


Lester L. Martin II
class FtpFolderEntry : VfsFolderEntry
Defines a folder over FTP that has yet to be opened, may not exist, and may be created.
VfsFolder open() [final]
Open a folder
VfsFolder create() [final]
Create a new folder
bool exists() [@property, final]
Test to see if a folder exists
class FtpFolder : VfsFolder
Represents a FTP Folder in full, allowing one to address specific folders of an FTP File system.
const(char)[] name() [@property, final]
Return a short name
string toString() [override, final]
Return a long name
VfsFile file(const(char)[] path) [@property, final]
Return a contained file representation
VfsFolderEntry folder(const(char)[] path) [@property, final]
Return a contained folder representation
VfsFolders self() [@property, final]
Returns a folder set containing only this one. Statistics are inclusive of entries within this folder only
VfsFolders tree() [@property, final]
Returns a subtree of folders. Statistics are inclusive of files within this folder and all others within the tree
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref VfsFolder) dg) [final]
Iterate over the set of immediate child folders. This is useful for reflecting the hierarchy
VfsFolder clear() [final]
Clear all content from this folder and subordinates
bool writable() [@property, final]
Is folder writable?
VfsFolder close(bool commit = true)
Close and/or synchronize changes made to this folder. Each driver should take advantage of this as appropriate, perhaps combining multiple files together, or possibly copying to a remote location
void verify(VfsFolder folder, bool mounting)
A folder is being added or removed from the hierarchy. Use this to test for validity (or whatever) and throw exceptions as necessary
class FtpFolders : VfsFolders
A set of folders within an FTP file system as was selected by the Adapter or as was selected at initialization.
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref VfsFolder) dg) [final]
Iterate over the set of contained VfsFolder instances
size_t files() [@property, final]
Return the number of files
size_t folders() [@property, final]
Return the number of folders
size_t entries() [@property, final]
Return the total number of entries (files + folders)
ulong bytes() [@property, final]
Return the total size of contained files
VfsFolders subset(const(char)[] pattern) [final]
Return a subset of folders matching the given pattern
VfsFiles catalog(const(char)[] pattern) [@property, final]
Return a set of files matching the given pattern
VfsFiles catalog(VfsFilter filter = null) [@property, final]
Return a set of files matching the given filter
class FtpFile : VfsFile
Represents a file over a FTP file system.
const(char)[] name() [@property, final]
Return a short name
string toString() [override, final]
Return a long name
bool exists() [@property, final]
Does this file exist?
ulong size() [@property, final]
Return the file size
VfsFile copy(VfsFile source) [final]
Create and copy the given source
VfsFile move(VfsFile source) [final]
Create and copy the given source, and remove the source
VfsFile create() [final]
Create a new file instance
VfsFile create(InputStream stream) [final]
Create a new file instance and populate with stream
VfsFile remove() [final]
Remove this file
InputStream input() [@property, final]
Return the input stream. Don't forget to close it
OutputStream output() [@property, final]
Return the output stream. Don't forget to close it
VfsFile dup() [@property, final]
Duplicate this entry
Time.Time mtime() [@property, final]
Time modified
Time.Time ctime() [@property, final]
Time created
Time.Time modified() [@property, final]
Modified time of the file
class FtpFiles : VfsFiles
Represents a selection of Files.
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref VfsFile) dg) [final]
Iterate over the set of contained VfsFile instances
size_t files() [@property, final]
Return the total number of entries
ulong bytes() [@property, final]
Return the total size of all files