

BSD style: see license.txt


Initial release: July 2008


Fawzi Mohamed
class NormalSource(RandG, T)
class that returns gaussian (normal) distributed numbers (f=exp(-0.5*x*x)/sqrt(2*pi))
real probDensityF(real x) [static]
probability distribution (non normalized, should be divided by sqrt(2*PI))
real invProbDensityF(real x) [static]
inverse probability distribution
real cumProbDensityFCompl(real x) [static]
complement of the cumulative density distribution (integral x..infinity probDensityF)
T tailGenerator(RandG r, T dMin, int iNegative) [static]
tail for normal distribution
SourceT source
internal source of normal numbers
this(RandG r)
initializes the probability distribution
NormalSource opCall(U, S...)(ref U a, S args)
chainable call style initialization of variables (thorugh a call to randomize)
T getRandom() [final]
returns a normal distribued number
T getRandom(T sigma) [final]
returns a normal distribued number with the given sigma (standard deviation)
T getRandom(T sigma, T mu) [final]
returns a normal distribued number with the given sigma (standard deviation) and mu (average)
U randomize(U)(ref U a)
initializes a variable with normal distribued number and returns it
U randomize(U, V)(ref U a, V sigma)
initializes a variable with normal distribued number with the given sigma and returns it
U randomize(U, V, S)(ref U el, V sigma, S mu)
initializes a variable with normal distribued numbers with the given sigma and mu and returns it
U randomizeOp(U, S)(scope S delegate(T) op, ref U a)
initializes the variable with the result of mapping op on the random numbers (of type T)
struct NormalDistribution
normal distribution with different default sigma and mu f=exp(-x*x/(2*sigma^2))/(sqrt(2 pi)*sigma)
NormalDistribution create(NormalSource source, T sigma, T mu) [static]
NormalDistribution opCall(U, S...)(ref U a, S args)
chainable call style initialization of variables (thorugh a call to randomize)
T getRandom()
returns a single number
U randomize(U)(ref U a)
initialize a
U randomize(U, V)(ref U a, V s)
initialize a (let s and m have different types??)
U randomize(U, V, S)(ref U a, V s, S m)
initialize a (let s and m have different types??)
NormalDistribution normalD(T sigma = cast(T)1, T mu = cast(T)0)
returns a normal distribution with a non-default sigma/mu