Initial release: April 2004
- class Cookie ¶
Defines the Cookie class, and the means for reading & writing them.
Cookie implementation conforms with RFC 2109, but supports parsing
of server-side cookies only. Client-side cookies are supported in
terms of output, but response parsing is not yet implemented ...
See over
for the RFC document.
- this() ¶
Construct an empty client-side cookie. You add these
to an output request using HttpClient.addCookie(), or
the equivalent.
- this(const(char)[] name, const(char)[] value) ¶
Construct a cookie with the provided attributes. You add
these to an output request using HttpClient.addCookie(),
or the equivalent.
- Cookie setName(const(char)[] name) ¶
Set the name of this cookie
- Cookie setValue(const(char)[] value) ¶
Set the value of this cookie
- Cookie setVersion(uint vrsn) ¶
Set the version of this cookie
- Cookie setPath(const(char)[] path) ¶
Set the path of this cookie
- Cookie setDomain(const(char)[] domain) ¶
Set the domain of this cookie
- Cookie setComment(const(char)[] comment) ¶
Set the comment associated with this cookie
- Cookie setMaxAge(long maxAge) ¶
Set the maximum duration of this cookie
- Cookie setSecure(bool secure) ¶
Indicate whether this cookie should be considered secure or not
- void produce(scope size_t delegate(const(void)[]) consume) ¶
Output the cookie as a text stream, via the provided consumer
- Cookie clear() ¶
- class CookieStack ¶
Implements a stack of cookies. Each cookie is pushed onto the
stack by a parser, which takes its input from HttpHeaders. The
stack can be populated for both client and server side cookies.
- this(int size) ¶
Construct a cookie stack with the specified initial extent.
The stack will grow as necessary over time.
- void reset() [final] ¶
Pop the stack all the way to zero
- Cookie push() [final] ¶
Return a fresh cookie from the stack
- int opApply(scope int delegate(ref Cookie) dg) ¶
Iterate over all cookies in stack
- class HttpCookiesView ¶
This is the support point for server-side cookies. It wraps a
CookieStack together with a set of HttpHeaders, along with the
appropriate cookie parser. One would do something very similar
for client side cookie parsing also.
- this(HttpHeadersView headers) ¶
Construct cookie wrapper with the provided headers.
- void produce(scope size_t delegate(const(void)[]) consume, const(char)[] eol = Eol) ¶
Output the token list to the provided consumer
- void reset() ¶
Reset these cookies for another parse
- CookieStack parse() ¶
Parse all cookies from our HttpHeaders, pushing each onto
the CookieStack as we go.
- class HttpCookies ¶
Handles a set of output cookies by writing them into the list of
output headers.
- this(HttpHeaders headers, const(HttpHeaderName) name = SetCookie) ¶
Construct an output cookie wrapper upon the provided
output headers. Each cookie added is converted to an
addition to those headers.
- void add(Cookie cookie) ¶
Add a cookie to our output headers.
- class CookieParser : Iterator!(char) ¶
Server-side cookie parser. See RFC 2109 for details.
- static this() [shared] ¶
populate a map of token separators
- this(CookieStack stack) ¶
- size_t scan(const(void)[] data) [protected, override] ¶
Callback for We scan for name-value
pairs, populating Cookie instances along the way.
- bool parse(const(char)[] header) ¶
Locate the next token from the provided buffer, and map a
buffer reference into token. Returns true if a token was
located, false otherwise.
Note that the buffer content is not duplicated. Instead, a
slice of the buffer is referenced by the token. You can use
Token.clone() or Token.toString().dup() to copy content per
your application needs.
Note also that there may still be one token left in a buffer
that was not terminated correctly (as in eof conditions). In
such cases, tokens are mapped onto remaining content and the
buffer will have no more readable content.
- char[] toLower(ref char[] src) [static, final] ¶
in-place conversion to lowercase