k : the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes)
len : the length of the key, counting by bytes
level : can be any 4-byte value
Returns a 32-bit value. Every bit of the key affects every bit of
the return value. Every 1-bit and 2-bit delta achieves avalanche.
About 4.3*len + 80 X86 instructions, with excellent pipelining
The best hash table sizes are powers of 2. There is no need to do
mod a prime (mod is sooo slow!). If you need less than 32 bits,
use a bitmask. For example, if you need only 10 bits, do
h = (h & hashmask(10));
In which case, the hash table should have hashsize(10) elements.
If you are hashing n strings (ub1 **)k, do it like this:
for (i=0, h=0; i<n; ++i) h = hash( k[i], len[i], h);
By Bob Jenkins, 1996. bob_jenkins@burtleburtle.net. You may use
this code any way you wish, private, educational, or commercial.
It's free.
See http://burlteburtle.net/bob/hash/evahash.html
Use for hash table lookup, or anything where one collision in 2^32
is acceptable. Do NOT use for cryptographic purposes.