

BSD style: see license.txt


Initial release: October 2006


Keinfarbton & Kris
inout(char)* toStringz(inout(char)[] s, char[] tmp = null)
Convert array of chars to a C-style 0 terminated string. Providing a tmp will use that instead of the heap, where appropriate. Warning, don't read from the memory pointed to in the tmp variable after calling this function.
inout(char)*[] toStringz(char[] tmp, inout(char)*[] dst, inout(char)[][] strings...)
Convert a series of char[] to C-style 0 terminated strings, using tmp as a workspace and dst as a place to put the resulting char*'s. This is handy for efficiently converting multiple strings at once.
Returns a populated slice of dst Warning, don't read from the memory pointed to in the tmp variable after calling this function.


inout(char)[] fromStringz(inout(char)* s)
Convert a C-style 0 terminated string to an array of char
inout(wchar)* toString16z(inout(wchar)[] s)
Convert array of wchars s[] to a C-style 0 terminated string.
inout(wchar)[] fromString16z(inout(wchar)* s)
Convert a C-style 0 terminated string to an array of wchar
inout(dchar)* toString32z(inout(dchar)[] s)
Convert array of dchars s[] to a C-style 0 terminated string.
inout(dchar)[] fromString32z(inout(dchar)* s)
Convert a C-style 0 terminated string to an array of dchar
size_t strlenz(T)(const(T)* s)
portable strlen