Initial release: April 2007
- struct CodePage ¶
Convert text to and from Windows 'code pages'. This is non-portable,
and will be unlikely to operate even across all Windows platforms.
- bool isAscii(const(char)[] src) [static] ¶
Test a text array to see if it contains non-ascii elements.
Returns true if ascii, false otherwise
- char[] into(const(char)[] src, char[] dst, uint page = 0) [static] ¶
Convert utf8 text to a codepage representation
page 0 - the ansi code page
1 - the oem code page
2 - the mac code page
3 - ansi code page for the calling thread
65000 - UTF-7 translation
65001 - UTF-8 translation
or a region-specific codepage
a slice of the provided output buffer
representing converted text
Note that the input must be utf8 encoded. Note also
that the dst output should be sufficiently large to
accomodate the output; a size of 2*src.length would
be enough to host almost any conversion
- char[] from(const(char)[] src, char[] dst, uint page = 0) [static] ¶
Convert codepage text to a utf8 representation
page 0 - the ansi code page
1 - the oem code page
2 - the mac code page
3 - ansi code page for the calling thread
65000 - UTF-7 translation
65001 - UTF-8 translation
or a region-specific codepage
a slice of the provided output buffer
representing converted text
Note that the input will be utf8 encoded. Note also
that the dst output should be sufficiently large to
accomodate the output; a size of 2*src.length would
be enough to host almost any conversion