Apr 2008: Initial release
Based upon Doug Lea's Java collection package
- struct Clink(V) ¶
Clinks are links that are always arranged in circular lists.
- Ref set(V v) ¶
Set to point to ourselves
- Ref set(V v, Ref p, Ref n) ¶
Set to point to n as next cell and p as the prior cell
n, the new next cell
p, the new prior cell
- bool singleton() [@property, const] ¶
Return true if current cell is the only one on the list
- void addNext(V v, scope Ref delegate() alloc) ¶
Make a cell holding v and link it immediately after current cell
- Ref addPrev(V v, scope Ref delegate() alloc) ¶
make a node holding v, link it before the current cell, and return it
- void linkPrev(Ref p) ¶
link p before current cell
- int size() [@property, const] ¶
return the number of cells in the list
- Ref find(V element) ¶
return the first cell holding element found in a circular traversal starting
at current cell, or null if no such
- int count(V element) [const] ¶
return the number of cells holding element found in a circular
- Ref nth(size_t n) ¶
return the nth cell traversed from here. It may wrap around.
- void unlinkNext() ¶
Unlink the next cell.
This has no effect on the list if isSingleton()
- void unlinkPrev() ¶
Unlink the previous cell.
This has no effect on the list if isSingleton()
- void unlink() ¶
Unlink self from list it is in.
Causes it to be a singleton
- Ref copyList(scope Ref delegate() alloc) [const] ¶
Make a copy of the list and return new head.