

BSD style: see license.txt


Initial release: April 2008




struct Stack(V, int Size = 0)
A stack of the given value-type V, with maximum depth Size. Note that this does no memory allocation of its own when Size != 0, and does heap allocation when Size == 0. Thus you can have a fixed-size low-overhead instance, or a heap oriented instance.
Stack* clear()
Clear the stack
size_t size() [@property]
Return depth of the stack
size_t unused()
Return remaining unused slots
Stack clone()
Returns a (shallow) clone of this stack, on the stack
V dup() [@property]
Push and return a (shallow) copy of the topmost element
Stack* push(V value)
Push a value onto the stack.
Throws an exception when the stack is full
Stack* append(V[] value...)
Push a series of values onto the stack.
Throws an exception when the stack is full
V pop()
Remove and return the most recent addition to the stack.
Throws an exception when the stack is empty
V top() [@property]
Return the most recent addition to the stack.
Throws an exception when the stack is empty
V swap()
Swaps the top two entries, and return the top
Throws an exception when the stack has insufficient entries
V nth(size_t i)
Index stack entries, where a zero index represents the newest stack entry (the top).
Throws an exception when the given index is out of range
Stack* rotateLeft(size_t d)
Rotate the given number of stack entries
Throws an exception when the number is out of range
Stack* rotateRight(size_t d)
Rotate the given number of stack entries
Throws an exception when the number is out of range
V[] slice()
Return the stack as an array of values, where the first array entry represents the oldest value. Doing a foreach() on the returned array will traverse in the opposite direction of foreach() upon a stack
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref V value) dg)
Iterate from the most recent to the oldest stack entries