

BSD style: see license.txt


Initial release: May 2004


Kris & Marenz
class AppendSyslog : Filer [public]
Append log messages to a file set
this(char[] path, uint count, long max_size, char[] compress_cmd = null, char[] compress_suffix = null, size_t compress_begin = 2, Appender.Layout how = null)
Create an AppendSyslog upon a file-set with the specified path and optional layout. The minimal file count is two and the maximum is 1000 (explicitly 999). The minimal compress_begin index is 2.


pathpath to the first logfile
countmaximum number of logfiles
max_sizemaximum size of a logfile in bytes
compress_cmdcommand to use to compress logfiles
compress_suffixsuffix for compressed logfiles
compress_beginindex after which logfiles should be compressed
howwhich layout to use
Mask mask() [@property, override, final, const]
Return the fingerprint for this class
const(char)[] name() [@property, override, final, const]
Return the name of this class
void append(LogEvent event) [override, final]
Append an event to the output