

BSD style: see license.txt


Initial release: May 2004


interface ILogger
bool enabled(Level level = Fatal) [@property]
Is this logger enabed for the specified Level?
void trace(const(char[]) fmt, ...)
Append a trace message
void info(const(char[]) fmt, ...)
Append an info message
void warn(const(char[]) fmt, ...)
Append a warning message
void error(const(char[]) fmt, ...)
Append an error message
void fatal(const(char[]) fmt, ...)
Append a fatal message
const(char)[] name() [@property]
Return the name of this ILogger (sans the appended dot).
Level level() [@property]
Return the Level this logger is set to
ILogger level(Level l) [@property]
Set the current level for this logger (and only this logger).
bool additive() [@property]
Is this logger additive? That is, should we walk ancestors looking for more appenders?
ILogger additive(bool enabled) [@property]
Set the additive status of this logger. See isAdditive().
ILogger append(Level level, lazy const(char[]) exp)
Send a message to this logger via its appender list.