For our purposes, Unicode files are an encoding of textual material.
The goal of this module is to interface that external-encoding with
a programmer-defined internal-encoding. This internal encoding is
declared via the template argument T, whilst the external encoding
is either specified or derived.
Three internal encodings are supported: char, wchar, and dchar. The
methods herein operate upon arrays of this type. For example, read()
returns an array of the type, whilst write() and append() expect an
array of said type.
Supported external encodings are as follows:
- Encoding.Unknown
- Encoding.UTF_8
- Encoding.UTF_8N
- Encoding.UTF_16
- Encoding.UTF_16BE
- Encoding.UTF_16LE
- Encoding.UTF_32
- Encoding.UTF_32BE
- Encoding.UTF_32LE
These can be divided into implicit and explicit encodings. Here is
the implicit subset:
- Encoding.Unknown
- Encoding.UTF_8
- Encoding.UTF_16
- Encoding.UTF_32
Implicit encodings may be used to 'discover'
an unknown encoding, by examining the first few bytes of the file
content for a signature. This signature is optional for all files,
but is often written such that the content is self-describing. When
the encoding is unknown, using one of the non-explicit encodings will
cause the read() method to look for a signature and adjust itself
accordingly. It is possible that a ZWNBSP character might be confused
with the signature; today's files are supposed to use the WORD-JOINER
character instead.
Explicit encodings are as follows:
- Encoding.UTF_8N
- Encoding.UTF_16BE
- Encoding.UTF_16LE
- Encoding.UTF_32BE
- Encoding.UTF_32LE
This group of encodings are for use when the file encoding is
known. These *must* be used when writing or appending, since written
content must be in a known format. It should be noted that, during a
read operation, the presence of a signature is in conflict with these
explicit varieties.
Method read() returns the current content of the file, whilst write()
sets the file content, and file length, to the provided array. Method
append() adds content to the tail of the file. When appending, it is
your responsibility to ensure the existing and current encodings are
correctly matched.
Methods to inspect the file system, check the status of a file or
directory, and other facilities are made available via the FilePath
See these links for more info: